Corporations DONT Pay GST only Consumers pay GST
Introduce a #SugarTax on ALL Processed Food/Drink 20% per teaspoon(5g)of price,source of revenue &Healthier Population,long term Lower Health Budget
Raise Corporations Tax,Any #ProfitShifting
& After Pharmacies
Is how #Australia ends up with spiralling health ins. premiums its about Profit
Aged Care is in the same boat, $6 meals, Profit before Care of the elderly by qualified well paid carers
Child Care the same,Profit before Qualified well
We have #Privatization of Centerlink on the horizon, #Indue #CashlessWelfareCard is ALL about Profit for #Indue ,#MissionCreep will see the #CashlessCard rolled out to EVERYONE on #Welfare & #Pensioners
Banks Benefit
#WealthTricklesUp #CorruptionTricklesDown