Hours of dark French autoroute has given way to daylight and Paris. And I never found a comfy sleeping position. #TransEuropeExpress3

Odd to go from hours of rural fields and little woods to l'urban sprawl. #TransEuropeExpress3

This is truly a magical place. #TransEuropeExpress3


The rural-urban contrast with the Paris conurbation is huge.

Maybe for easy access to water in case roving English try burning someone to death again? #TransEuropeExpress3

No. Sleep. Til. Bordeaux.

Also the ticket collector on this train had a stereotypical moustache which is excellent.


Anyway Hello Northern Southern Europe! #TransEuropeExpress3


There was a rock band.
Then another showed up on the back of a truck. #TransEuropeExpress3
Ted: "No I'm quite all right. Don't even know any."
Doyle: "Oh Garonne. Garonne Garonne Garonne etc"

Even the trees give up in places. #TransEuropeExpress3

And I'm on a train not a bus.

I am utterly exhausted.
Technically I've not slept since a wedding BBQ in Berkshire.
But we can stop here. This is Basque Country.

In fact I did just that on a family holiday to Biarritz in 1999 and walked across this bridge into Spain and back to say I'd been. #TransEuropeExpress3

OK so I was heavily sleep-deprived but you can see that too, right? #TransEuropeExpress3

I'd started the day in Calais and I was now right at the other end of France. No wonder it had felt such a long day..

(This is where I still am btw but I need to get a move on and leave my hostel bed.)


The sunset did things to my hair. #TransEuropeExpress3

It's not London.

Check out the bridge with the glowing Crystal Domes. #TransEuropeExpress3

Also we're very clearly in Southern Europe now. #TransEuropeExpress3

Anyway then between the exhaustion and sangria I started craving churros, beginning the Churros Saga. #TransEuropeExpress3

Here's a tree zombie attacking a tower.


You'd occasionally see Catalonian flags as well as the native Basque ones. Solidarity from Spain I guess? #TransEuropeExpress3

Yes, I ran out of time to find Jesus.
Still worth it though.

Donostia/San Sebastian, you get my Zeus of approval. #TransEuropeExpress3


I saw a churros restaurant. I had time. I ordered 2 churros with chocolate. Except the man heard 2 'churros with chocolate' and prepared enough for a small group. Which took time. I only just made my train. Churros, huh? #TransEuropeExpress3

Reuse recycle etc... #TransEuropeExpress3

They fixed that, thankfully. #TransEuropeExpress3

So earlier we reached León, the part where the train switched from plains to mountains, and an important historic city known in the UK for...a band and a restaurant chain. #TransEuropeExpress3

At first it seemed like scrubby hills...then... #TransEuropeExpress3

We followed that river until the other side became Portugal and I even got Portuguese network coverage briefly.
Been on this train almost 9 hours now! Can I sleep now. #TransEuropeExpress3

Vigo is warm - even given its ill-fitting time zone; it's as warm here at 11:30pm as 1pm is on an average day in the UK.
It's also very well lit. So...shiny!

It mostly just reminds me of Tron.


Such little time here. Most international rail journey itineraries give you this long at changes. How?! #TransEuropeExpress3

I had no idea just how beautiful this area is when I arrived in the dark 9 hours ago. #TransEuropeExpress3


These trips take so much planning and organisation but it's the best feeling when they work out!
Also I get that hour back that I lost entering Calais. It's more use here than there. #TransEuropeExpress3

(I'm turning turning turning turning turning around.
But all that I can see is just another lemon tree)

I missed my Lisbon train, just. The Porto Metro had confusing signage at Trindade station and I was so focused on getting my train I didn't notice I'd gone the wrong way for a few stops. #TransEuropeExpress3
In this case I'd given myself just enough time but compounded my error and was *just* too late. #TransEuropeExpress3
That said if I could afford to miss any connection it'd be this one as it's only cost me an hour timewise and €30 for a new ticket. I was more careful in France and Spain cos I'd have been relatively screwed if I missed those. #TransEuropeExpress3
I guess there are worse places to wait than Porto. Now back to business. #TransEuropeExpress3

Turns out the high speed trains in Portugal may have wi-fi but they don't have power sockets and after supporting me through much of the past day, my power pack gave out and I had no battery on the last leg to Lisbon. Oops.
So let's finish this now.

Also that thing in the pond isn't a dead fish, it's just a statue that looks like one, so. #TransEuropeExpress3

Food is pica pau which is ham, olives, carrot, cauliflower, beef, sausage, all mixed in with fries. It's like a chip pizza and I want it available in London right now.
Beer has gooseberries in it because.

Turns out it was the week of Ribbon Burning. I had no idea this was a thing in Portugal. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queima_da…

I didn't get to savour it as I had to rush off to my hostel to get in before check-in closed, but I'd made it, and furthermore I was right next to the Eurovision arena.
#TransEuropeExpress3 complete, and I'm still exhausted the following morning.