There were some HEAVY lessons therein for the #YIMBY movement, gonna try relay 1/x

We need to talk about the texture & lived experience of density, not just it's form 4/x

There's sanctioned (I'd say sanitized) density in So Waterfront whereas places like N. Williams & Division feel almost illicit, like density snuck in 7/x
How can we retool local narratives (YIMBYism) around accommodating growth? What does an inclusive growth framework that includes density (but doesn't revolve around it) look like esp vis a vis accommodating the working class and poor people? 8/x
1. topography
2. relationships
3. volume
4. experience
What do you think? 12/x
[Tl;dr If we're not going to build public housing, we need to make for-profit density easier & cheaper & faster to keep up with housing demand 13/13]