How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App bad news is that Leopard 1 is old, and the prime example is the main armament: the legendary 105 mm Royal Ordnance L7. Once the finest tank gun of the west and fitted to a host of different tanks, it is by now (as are rifled 105 mm guns in general) outdated. @Cornubot @AWollstad Discussions have been made with Stoltenberg, Swedish FM Billström, and Turkish FM. No issues with Hungary, they assure us they won't be last to ratify us., while the decision talks about "rockets" and not "missiles", the MoD has earlier talked about #GMLRS/#ERGMLRS as rockets, so wouldn't be sure they are unguided based on that., L/52 guns, base bleed-projectiles, and so forth has meant ranges in general have been growing in recent years for artillery. However, Finland has already picked the low-hanging fruit, including getting the @Nammo 155 mm IM HE-ER (40 km range).… course, for situations where Finland's contribution is limited in size and scope, the idea argued by @charlyjsp of having a dedicated high-readiness battalion-sized unit of volunteer reservists on standby is a nice fit, and that answers all situations #NATO has faced so far. make sense of this statement. news is that that is still two Su-24 strike aircraft escorted by two Su-27 fighters knowingly violating the airspace of a sovereign state with the aim of pressuring them to change their foreign policy. aircraft, weaponry suitable for Finnish scenario, all gate checks passed, budget within framework (including annual costs below set limit of 254 MEUR). short, they are inspired by James Mason's ideas that through terror a race war can be kicked off, and then the white state can rise from the ashes. The most (in)famous group to adhere to the theory is likely #AtomwaffenDivision.