Frederike Geerdink Profile picture
Journalist/writer/speaker focused on power structures and those who want to tear them down. Works in Kurdistan and NL. Knows the PKK from the inside.
Mar 25, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Violence in #Belgium, with #Turks attacking #Kurds with weapons after hunting them down. I don't doubt @ScharoMaroof's account of events: he's reliable, and I know this dynamic between Turkish and Kurdish communities in Europe: Kurds don't provoke, let alone start violence. Horrendous: reportedly some Kurds are (heavily) injured after violence by Turks in Belgium.
Nov 14, 2022 9 tweets 7 min read
for your information: #pkk attacks military targets in the rural southeast of #turkey. and kurdistan freedom hawks (tak)? tak hits military/police targets in cities. yesterday's bombing was aimed at innocent civilians, which fully rules out pkk and tak. and ypg and ypj in #syria? that's, if possible, even bigger nonsense. they defend the autonomously administered regions in #syria, they don't do cross-border ops, only extremely occasionally retaliation at turkish military targets outside civilian areas in border provinces.
Nov 13, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
quite horrific footage coming from #istiklal street in #istanbul, reportedly 5 people killed and several wounded in an explosion. geçmiş olsun! #turkey rtük (media watchdog) imposes ban on news about the #explosion in #istiklal street, #istanbul.
Nov 12, 2022 6 tweets 6 min read
strange piece about #kurdistan in #iraq. the 2017 referendum was a political calculation of the #barzani clan to distract from domestic problems and rally people around the flag, the clans in charge are extremely nepotist and corrupt, and not progressive.… the #kurdistan region in #iraq is *not* a model of democracy, and also not of religious freedom: christians, yezidis or others who don't align with the ruling #clans and mainly the #barzani clan (posing as political party #kdp) have nothing to say.
Aug 31, 2022 9 tweets 6 min read
reuters story about how #erdogan tamed #turkey's newsrooms. it boggles the mind why #kurdish #media are not even mentioned, despite them playing a big role in getting important stories out. #journalism… it's an institutionalized story from @reuters. example: if you check which papers don't get state advertising anymore as a financial punishment, you won't stumble upon #kurdish #media because they never got it in the first place - and would refuse it. #journalism
Aug 27, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
'trouble makers without future perspective', dutch so-called quality newspaper puts on its front page today, about young people from mainly north-african countries asking for asylum in the netherlands. it's pure hate speech, and anti-journalism. @volkskrant, you are disgusting. dutch asylum authorities call these people 'veiligelanders', meaning 'coming from a safe country', like tunesia or morocco, countries considered safe and giving small chance to get accepted as asylum seeker. nobody even considers looking at them differently, not even journalists.
Aug 26, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
de zin: 'werken of een woning vinden zonder verblijfsvergunning onmogelijk is in nederland' doet me denken aan een verhaal dat ik vorig jaar maakte over oudere ongedocumenteerden. #nederland is volledig dichtgetimmerd, biedt geen kans op een bestaan als je geen documenten hebt. een deel van de mensen die ik sprak, kwam 30, 40 jaar geleden naar nederland, vaak uit noord-afrika. ze stapten gewoon op de boot naar spanje met paspoort en toeristenvisum. ze waren jong, wilden reizen, werken, wat van de wereld zien, dan terug naar huis. vrij normaal, toch?
Aug 24, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
a 3-months old baby died in the application center for asylum seekers in the netherlands. a 3-months old baby died in the application center for asylum seekers in the netherlands. a 3-months old baby died in the application center for asylum seekers in the netherlands. the dutch government has consciously, knowlingly and willingly made a total mess of the care and shelter of asylum seekers. hundreds of people have been sleeping outside the application center for weeks now, in open air because tents not allowed. a 3-months old baby died today.
Dec 30, 2021 19 tweets 7 min read
rutte's subsequent governments have lead to scandals of truly epic proportions but dutch people keep voting for him. if you are priviliged, the scandals don't touch you so much, you see, but the dutch even contest the very existence of privilege. there was a huge child benefits scandal affecting tens of thousands of people, often single moms with a migration background, totally ruining people's lives, and many children were placed in foster homes because of the tax authorities' cruelty. the government stepped down because
Nov 21, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
en jawel, @Nieuwsuur heeft de macht weer aan tafel en laat die onbekommerd spreken, schaart zich ook aan de kant van de politie en stelt gewoon géén kritische vraag terwijl er met scherp op burgers is geschoten. je zou dit willen close luisteren, het begint al met eeuwige stellig van de politie dat het geweld tegen de politie toeneemt - dat is al lang gedebunkt. @nieuwsuur zegt niks. weet je tegen wie het geweld toeneemt? van de staat, tegen burgers.
Nov 2, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
één filmpje, right. er zijn ontelbare filmpjes van disproportioneel #politiegeweld. wat doet de macht daar aan tafel? nodig @CntrleAltDlt uit ofzo, als je het met feiten onderbouwde verhaal wilt. weet je nog dat de politie maar steeds zei dat geweld tegen agenten toenam, en ze daardoor de taser als geweldsmiddel kregen, en de verlengde wapenstok? het bleek alleen niet waar, dat toenemende geweld. vele media namen propaganda politie over.…
Jan 16, 2021 12 tweets 8 min read
wat een clusterfuck, @NOS. partijen beconcurreren elkaar op islamhaat en dús noemen jullie 'islam' als iets om je zorgen om te maken, 'om zo ons publiek de kans te geven zich erin te herkennen'? zo is de cirkel mooi rond he? waar zit jullie verstand?!… zegt @MarcelGelauff: "het was wel beter geweest als we dat anders hadden geformuleerd, bijvoorbeeld door ‘islamitische invloeden’ in de vragenlijst op te nemen." ja? was dat beter geweest? welke islamitische invloeden dan? de objectief in de verkiezingsprogramma's genoemde, ofzo?
Nov 15, 2019 12 tweets 10 min read
today, 1937: seyid rıza is taken to court in elazığ, where he would be sentenced to death. he was the leader of the #resistance against the state's genocidal campaign against the alevi kurds of #dersim, 1937 & 1938. he was hanged, and never forgotten. a #hero in kurdish history. both kurds and turks refer to seyid rıza as leader of an #uprising: kurds because it confirms their narrative of kurdish uprisings, turks because they consider it an excuse for the brutal state action. but it's more accurate to call him a #resistance leader. why?
Feb 5, 2019 21 tweets 13 min read
anybody interested in a #rant on the #earnings of #freelance #journalism? if so, let me first brew some coffee and you can fasten your seat belt. only @brunchik? see, you folks don't even give a shit.
Jun 14, 2018 21 tweets 14 min read
from reports from several accounts i hear that 4 people are wounded and possibly 3 dead in a shooting in suruç (urfa province). alleged perpetrators: #akp candidate mp and his assistents campaigning. victims: owners of small business who didn't want akp in their shop. #turkey latest: 2 dead (the father and son who owned the shop and refused campaigning #akp candidate mp inside) and 8 wounded. @OzgurrGundem reports the campaigning akp man was ibrahim halil yıldız. pics via same account.