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Feb 18th 2023
Milton Friedman spawned the Neoliberals & Leo Strauss spawned the Neoconservatives, they coalesced with other groups such as the Zionists revisionists to lead us to where in the West we are today, using United States, NATO & the EU as their hegemon conduits manufacturing enemies.
Russia & Christian Orthodox Church are their current manufactured enemy.
Islamists as manufactured enemy didn't stick, so they shifted to next best one.
Ironically, Prophecy of Christian Orthodox Church having the upper hand until Judgement Day is what they'll unravel instead.
& It continues with Nord Streams 1 & 2 US-Norway sabotage -
The EU brought to its knees by the Straussians...
another excellent article by @voltairenetEn - /thread…
- @meNabster @MELEK7452 What to remember:  - The Straussians are a fanatical sect re
Read 77 tweets
Oct 10th 2022
@inabster @voltairenetEn @MELEK7452 @AZgeopolitics @DeuNachrichten @AJEnglish @mrevgenylebedev @ImranKhanPTI @rterdogan_ar @OECD @guardian @EvaKBartlett A US grouping, constituted around the thought of the philosopher Leo Strauss, controls from now on both the Secretariat of Defense and the Secretariat of State. After having organized many wars since those of Yugoslavia, they imagined the one in Ukraine.
#Straussians #Zionists
@inabster @voltairenetEn @MELEK7452 @AZgeopolitics @DeuNachrichten @AJEnglish @mrevgenylebedev @ImranKhanPTI @rterdogan_ar @OECD @guardian @EvaKBartlett This grouping, this cult, is now manipulating the European Union and is preparing to deprive it of energy sources.
If European leaders do not open their eyes, their alliance with Washington will lead to the collapse of the Union’s economy.
#SabbateanFrankism #NWO #Supremacy
@inabster @voltairenetEn @MELEK7452 @AZgeopolitics @DeuNachrichten @AJEnglish @mrevgenylebedev @ImranKhanPTI @rterdogan_ar @OECD @guardian @EvaKBartlett Beginning in 1949, German Jewish philosopher Leo Strauss taught at University of Chicago. He soon formed a small group of Jewish disciples from among his students.
#LeoStrauss #NobleLie #PNAC #NED #NationalEndowmentforDemocracy
Read 71 tweets
Dec 23rd 2021
The story of Batman, Bruce’s Parents were murdered ..

You all know DJT is Batman, who is DJT’s bloodline/Family Tree? ..

Who within that Family trees lives were taken early?
Robin came from where & parents were in the Circus, the circus = The World stage, right? ..
Once you start seeing why everything was created the way it has been, you will start to put everything else together the way it was always meant to be seen …

All of these movies are based on real life people looking through the glass & time travel using symbolism to tell A
Story WITHIN the story .. Some call them “Easter Eggs”.
There are many different layers of “Easter eggs” within EVERYTHING throughout our time & many generations before us ..

Superman for example, Worked for ‘Daily Planet’ - “You Are The News” ..

Symbolism will be THEIR
Read 8 tweets
Feb 5th 2021

India Farmers Protests Goes Vogue.

Celebrities, influencers – & British Vogue - suddenly interested in #FarmersProtests that began in Nov. Despite MASSIVE resistance, the protests have been largely ignored by Western influencers/NGOs, etc. So why now? Let's explore.
Twitter (tool of empire) promoted the #celebrity endorsement of Rihanna/Greta accounts – while it simultaneously banned/censored on the ground Indian farmers/activists. While highlighting Western #influencers, Twitter had deleted approx. 250 protest/alt media accounts in #India.
Rihanna/Thunberg accounts share CNN article which references Access Now, "an advocacy group which tracks internet freedom." In reality, Access began as an arm of Avaaz (Purpose), to destabilize #Iran. Another instrument of #empire.

More on Access Now:…
Read 27 tweets
Aug 14th 2020
"We are in day 12 of #Bolivia’s #uprising and #GeneralStrike called by the unions, and the crisis has reached a boiling point. All of the country is paralysed."
by @AlanRMacLeod… #protests #BoliviaResiste #boliviaenrevolución #FridayThoughts #FridayFeeling
“The #military has guns and a license to kill; we have nothing,” cried a mother whose son had just been shot in Senkata. “Please, tell the international community to come here and stop this.”
by @medeabenjamin… #Bolivia #Protests #Anez #JeanineAñez #Peace
Read 7 tweets
May 30th 2020
LIVE: Day 4 of the demonstrations in #Minneapolis in response to the police murder of #GeorgeFloyd #Minneapolisprotests #UPrising #icantbreathe

There are so many demonstrations going on in the USA, it is hard to keep up with them all #GeorgeFloyd #riots #icantbreathe #BlackLivesmatter

Atlanta is now being burnt down

I will gather a list of Livestreams for Atlanta and report back…
Demonstrations in ATLANTA, Georgia #GeorgeFloydprotest #GeorgeFloyd #icantbreathe

Read 49 tweets
Nov 25th 2019
1/2 On Friday, November 22, 2019, at 3:00 p.m. CET, the National Council of #Resistance of Iran (#NCRI)’s representatives held an online press #conference about the recent #protests in #Iran titled, “Iran #Uprising: Latest Developments and Reports.”… #MEK
The #representative of the #NCRI in the #UK Ms. Dowlat Nowruzi and member of the NCRI foreign affairs committee Mr. Shahin Qobadi presented a picture of the current situation inside Iran.… #freeiran #MEK #Iran @USAdarFarsi
Read 3 tweets
Nov 15th 2019
today, 1937: seyid rıza is taken to court in elazığ, where he would be sentenced to death. he was the leader of the #resistance against the state's genocidal campaign against the alevi kurds of #dersim, 1937 & 1938. he was hanged, and never forgotten. a #hero in kurdish history.
both kurds and turks refer to seyid rıza as leader of an #uprising: kurds because it confirms their narrative of kurdish uprisings, turks because they consider it an excuse for the brutal state action. but it's more accurate to call him a #resistance leader. why?
seyid rıza was well informed about the state's brutal ways of bringing #kurdish regions under central control since halfway 19th century, during ottoman times, and he knew what had happened to #armenians in #anatolia. inaccessible #dersim had not been brought under control - yet.
Read 12 tweets
Jan 23rd 2019
Failed Coup in #Venezuela, #US involved?
Jan 22, 2019
U.S. VP #MikePence released a video message in support of the Venezuelan protesters & underline US backing for unelected right-wing opposition leader #JuanGuaido.
Violence in #Venezuela intensifies as #US backs non-elected leader
Jan 22, 2019
Venezuela's Security Forces have detained 27 members of the National Guard caught stealing arms, accusing them of trying to stage a violent #uprising against the #Maduro's govt.

#RegimeChange #BigOil
DEVELOPING STORY👇Turmoil in #Venezuela:
"Unrest is direct result of #US meddling" ~ Radio host Comissiong
Jan 23, 2019
Two people reportedly killed in on-going #protests in Venezuela against President #Maduro.

#RegimeChange #BigOil #USMeddling #Democracy
Read 48 tweets
Aug 21st 2018
At dinner, I learned more about corruption + racism built into society by our masters. A book we discussed (Zinn) was used as part of this "Left" resource's bibliography. I had to share. [A thread]

@BlackSocialists - thoughts on this resource?
It very simply lays out the case that we are all being controlled. It covers hidden history of the United States including their (and, due to the systems created by our masters, our) racism. 

#racism #systemicracism #history
If you haven't been in school for a while (or are in a terrible school), some of the words might trip you up. and are two good resources to help you.
Read 39 tweets
Feb 8th 2018
#38 #TheFloridaProject 3,5/5 30 menit berlalu gue hanya melihat penggambaran kenakalan anak-anak, namun kebelakang makin intens menyentuh sisi lain kehidupan single parent, Ekonomi dan krama keluarga Amerika. Tapi best supporting role untuk Willem Dafoe kok agak berlebihan yah?
#39 #JusticeLeague 3/5 jadi ini cuman buat ngelawan Steppenwolf, Batman dkk bakar dupa dan melakukan ritual klenik untuk membangkitkan Superman dari kuburan? ..... hhhmmmm. Beklah.
#40 #TheSquare 3/5 Perwakilan Swedia untuk Oscar 2018 ini agak membosankan, 2 masalah utama disajikan, pekerjaan di museum seni dan hp yang hilang berbuntut masalah panjang, yg menarik tampilan Terry Notary sbg Apes di gala dinner dan anak kecil yg dituduh mencuri hp. Sisanya meh
Read 130 tweets

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