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Aug 5th 2020
A Year of #InternetRestrictions
#JammuandKashmir had 213 days of the complete internet blackout after which only 2G internet was restored in the valley. This year long communication block has caused immense damage to the citizens of the erstwhile UT.
#LetTheNetWork #KeepItOn Image
Students have lost many hours of their education, people have lost their livelihoods, the media has been severely crippled, the economy has suffered immensely & businesses have collapsed in the absence of a stable #internet connection.
As #DigitalIndia is becoming a reality, it is important to understand that maximum efforts have to be made to make the internet a safe space for everyone. #FreedomOfSpeech & #FreedomOfExpression expression shouldn't be diluted over the internet.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 4th 2020
#BabriMasjid dispute would have been resolved much more amicably if Indian "seculars" did not falsify history to whitewash Islamic iconoclasm. This promoted Muslim victimhood rather than a spirit of remorse.

#5AugustBlackDay for liars and aggressors.…
The reason Islamists like #AIMPLB/Owaisi are upset at the #RamTemple is that it is a setback for Islamic expansionism. That even after 500 years dharma rises.

That is what the wailing is about. And Indian "seculars"? They're simply #JihadCoolies.

There is overwhelming evidence for Ram Temple, both archeological and textual. Here Tulsidas' poem documents its destruction, complete with dates. The destruction happened while Tulsidas was alive. One can barely imagine the pain it would have caused him.…
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