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Jan 21st 2023
Welcome to another weekend, but in #Ukraine just another day of uncertainty. Hoping for the best but forgiven for fearing the worst.

It's Day 332 of #Russia's illegal war on its' peaceful neighbour. Here's the daily thread with all the important news and analysis.
First thanks to Simon S, who last night tipped me for my work (see profile for link).
Cheers, drinking coffee, enjoying a cake now!

So Friday was errr... eventful? Yes, that's the word! Catch up by scrolling through here:

#Russia has now lost over 120,000 soldiers from its' regular army. Another huge daily number of sacrificial lambs on the altar of Tsar Putin: 860, one of the highest ever.

Also decent equipment numbers hit by #Ukraine according to their estimates.

Read 39 tweets
Dec 15th 2022
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 295 - Iniciamos #hilo sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania.

🟥 Los 🇺🇸 #EEUU se están planteando enviar kits #JDAM 💥 a Ucrania, lo que multiplicaría la eficacia de su aviación, dada la precisión de estos 🎯.

🟥 ¡Comparte!…
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 295 - Este es, para quien no lo haya podido leer todavía, nuestro informe diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania correspondiente a la jornada 240ª de guerra, miércoles 14 de diciembre de 2022.…
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 295 - Desde ciertas fuentes se está publicando que el incendio en la refinería de #Angarsk, en la región rusa de #Irkuts, es fruto de un ataque. Sin negar que pueda ser sabotaje, hay instalaciones mucho más a mano para esto.
Read 25 tweets
Dec 15th 2022
Hello again. It's Day 295 of the #RussiaUkraineWar
It's Thursday 15 December and this is the daily thread with the news, views and analysis as #Ukraine fights for its very existence.

Quite a lot happened yesterday, if you need to catch up, scroll here:

A lot of damage to #Kherson yesterday, and more deaths and misery.

Already in the early hours more MLRS rocket attacks reported. Not yet known of casualties or destruction.

#StopRussia #RussiaIsATerroristState
Another big explosion in occupied #Kadiivka (RU: #Stakhanov) in #Luhansk oblast.

Early indications are that it's another pinpoint strike by #Ukraine, likely on one of #Russia's bases.

Residents in nearby #Alchevsk also report loud explosions - probably the same incident.
Read 32 tweets
Nov 7th 2022
Good morning from the UK, I'm back again with another daily thread!

Monday 7 November is Day 257 of #Russia's illegal war in #Ukraine. Big news from #Donetsk today..

It was a busy Sunday, here's the link for yesterday's news feed if you missed anything:

So let's start in occupied #Donetsk where a huge fire has raged for most of the night.

It's believed 5 x 155mm artillery shells hit the centre and the main building of the railway station is burning down.

#Russia also has no water to fight the flames!

All according to plan!
What the F...?

@LancomeUK @YSL @armani @Redken5thAve agree to resume supplying products to #Russia

This is reported by the Terrorist State's news agency. Did someone tell them Russia stopped starving, freezing, raping, looting and killing civilians?😡…
Read 31 tweets
Apr 25th 2022
Unlike the other incidents this has no military connection. It might be "just a fire". I will maybe delete this post.
9. In march, five recruitment centers in Moscow were set on fire. Voronezh, Sverdlovsk and Ivanovo regions
17. April 28, Minsk, Belarus, Construction site?
Read 200 tweets

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