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Nov 8th 2022
Thread 🧵

संभाजी भिडे आणि सत्य

योजना यादव यांनी ही पोस्ट लिहिली आहे. त्यांनी घडलेला कथितय. त्या मेहता पब्लिशिंग हाऊस मध्ये संपादकीय प्रमुख आहेत.

ही हद्द झाली. अशक्य हद्द. सुधा मूर्तींच्या कार्यक्रमाचं नियोजन सुरू होतं. तेव्हापासून दिवसाला भिडेंकडून दोन तीन फोन येत होते. #म
सुधाताईंनी आधीच कुणाला भेटणार नसल्याचं सांगितलं होतं. पण हे महाशय हट्टाला पेटले होते. आम्ही ऑफिसवर फोन येत होते तेव्हाच नाही म्हणून सांगितलं होतं. पण त्यांनी त्यांचं हॉटेल शोधलं. सुधा मूर्ती यायच्या आधीच हे तिथं पोहोचले. परत गेले.
#म #मराठी
सुधा मूर्ती दुपारी हॉटेलवर आल्या आणि रूमवर विश्रांतीला गेल्या. संध्याकाळी 5 ला कार्यक्रम होता. हे तीन वाजल्यापासून लॉबीमध्ये ठाण मांडून बसले. शेवटी सुधाताईना मी मागच्या दरवाज्याने बाहेर काढलं. #म #मराठी
Read 13 tweets
Aug 14th 2022
SWOT Analysis of @narendramodi , India@75 🇮🇳🇮🇳


1 Highly popular, huge public faith & support
2 Excellent orator
3 Good ability to identify issues that connect with masses
4 Total control over @BJP4India , Modi is BJP/ BJP is Modi
5 No dynastic baggage


1 Failure to deliver his promises
2 Highly egoistic & vindictive to the extent of narcissism
3 Acts first & thinks later -Notebandi, Lockdown
4 Failure to control & encouragement to hate, bigotry & violence
5 Afraid to confront China to the extent of denial

1 Change India’s growth,focus only on Vikas
2 Capitalise international credibility,marginalise China
3 Use popularity &majority,get rid of evils like caste,communalism,illiteracy
4 Use majority,privatise loss making PSU’s /banks
5 Make India truly federal
Read 4 tweets
Feb 10th 2022
Who is @smitaprakash

She is the wife of the ANI founder owner’s son. She started her career with ANI as an intern in 1986, got married to the son in 1988.

#SmitaPrakash #ModiInterview
2) #smitaprakash is the daughter of Inna Ramamohan Rao, former director of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. After this marriage, it is reported that #ANI started getting Govt patronage. With Reuters buying a stake, they became a monopoly.
3) During the first NDA govt, #ANI as a private media enterprise made it very big with Govt patronage and projects. ANI was into video/news syndication and production and not into investigative reporting, for us to expect ethics from #SmitaPrakash
Read 10 tweets
Jun 11th 2020
Filmde ben yoksul bir gençtim.
Gönül Yazar zengin bir kızı oynuyordu.
Kırmızı, spor, üstü açık bir arabası vardı.
Film çekimleri dışında beni yanına oturtur, gezerdik.
Sinema oyunculuğuna yeni başlamıştım.
Aldığım üç beş kuruşla, borçlarımı kapattığımdan, aslında filmde olduğum gibi hayatta da yoksuldum.
Genç, güzel, şöhretli bir kadın yanımda kırmızı spor araba altımda bir hayali yaşıyordum.
Tahta kulübenin önünde Gönül Yazar’la bir sahnemiz vardı.
Münir ve Tanju da dert ortaklarımızdı.
Sahne, Gönül Yazar’ın ısrarlı sorunlarıyla başlıyordu. Ben az konuşan, asla kendini açık etmeyen bir kişiliktim. Ama bir yerde Gönül yazar öylesine can evimden vuruyordu ki, ister istemez yaralı yüreğimi sonuna kadar açtım.
Read 8 tweets
Mar 10th 2020
Marvelous map & gravures by Augustin François Lemaître in "Description de l'Armenie, la Perse et la Mesopotamie" by Charles Texier, 1842.
Rest of images referring #Ani, #Armenia in the thread. Image
Read 4 tweets
Mar 6th 2019
#Rafale case hearing begins in the #SupremeCourt. Bunch of review petitions and application by the Govt to correct the December judgment to be taken up by the court today.
#Rafale: Petitioner-advocate ML Sharma says all review petitions should be junked since nobody has brought on record the #CAG report on #RafaleDeal, saying the acquisition is economical and proved to be less costly.
#SupremeCourt declines to accept on record a letter given by the Hindu Editor N Ram to Prashant Bhushan regarding #Rafale.
"Please confine your case to the documents already submitted. We are not going to look into any new document at this stage," #CJI tells Bhushan.
Read 24 tweets

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