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Dec 17th 2022
THREAD: 19 Tips for a DIY mask fit test to reduce your risk of #COVID19.

H/t @amandalhu & @__philipn__

What did I miss? Assorted fit-testing pictures
Fit-testing Tip #1: Keep it Simple.

Get a nebulizer (usually $30-40) & some 3M FT-32 Bitrex solution ($24). The FT-32 fit-test solution (right) goes in the nebulizer. J
Fit-testing Tip #2: Taste the Failure.

Use the nebulizer to spray the bitrex solution (barely visible). Breathe through your mouth. If you taste it, there’s a mask leak.

"It’s not rocket science," as @CorsIAQ likes to say.
Read 21 tweets
Nov 14th 2022
Cloth masks could be customized to look amazing. BUT they offered weak protection (poor filtration, many gaps).

What if you could safely customize an N95 or #BetterMask with a small logo, decal, or other decoration?


1/ 3M N95 with monotone cancer ribbon (or interpret as another
H/T 🎩 to @amandalhu for recommending rub-on “dry transfers.”

Follow her & see her amazing thread of several examples. Very fun, especially for kids. Many pre-designed options.

But can dry transfers be customized?

YES. I ordered a 6” x 6” sheet with >50 monotone #cancer ribbons from @stickermule. Cost about $20. Price goes waaaaay down the more you order. Comes with free hot sauce for some reason.

If you find other deals, please post.
3/ Sheet of dry transfers with >50 cancer ribbons.Randomly comes with hot sauce. Probably don't want to eat ri
Read 9 tweets
Jan 8th 2022
Looking for a #BetterMask but:
✖️N95s are harder to find than TP in 2020
✖️you can’t afford N95s and your government isn’t making them accessible
✖️your workplace mandates medical masks and doesn’t allow N95s
✖️your school gives students medical masks

This 🧵‘s for you

Ensure your medical mask is ASTM graded and is at least a grade 2 mask, preferably grade 3 (will ensure better filtration performance of the mask material)

Important to note, ASTM 3 does not imply or guarantee respirator-quality filtration performance.

For kids and those with smaller faces, try the #KnotTuckTape

Turn that rectangle into something more face-shaped. I think taping the corners is important otherwise the tucked in edges often unfold fairly quickly.

Read 8 tweets
Jan 7th 2022
This chart is helpful for thinking about the relative differences in protection between different mask types.

The exact times posted? I wouldn't rely on those, especially since that was made pre-omicron.

The clear winner here is everyone with N95 or similar #BetterMask.
Going into a public indoor space without a mask right now... VERY NOT RECOMMENDED!
This thread also is helpful for illustrating how well the different masks filter out particles. And it's pretty entertaining.

Read 4 tweets
Dec 17th 2021
Another good study simulating effects of masks, HEPA cleaners, ventilation in a small meeting room. By NIOSH team incl. Lindsley, et al.…

🔸 Masks reduced aerosol by 50% +
🔸 Additive further exposure reduction w/ any combo of HEPA, ventilation
Summary 🧵
2/ For reference, this is essentially the same NIOSH team that did some other really nice work on masks and air cleaners:
3/ The experimental team here used one aerosol source (0.3 - 3 microns) and three recipients, in various combinations. They used a relatively small room (54 m3) with 2 ACH on low fan speed in order to simulate a realistic meeting-type room.
Read 12 tweets
Dec 10th 2021
Wondering about the different types of #Masks out there? What exactly is a #BetterMask, anyway? Check out this 🧵 for more details w/ our helpful visual guides here!
First up, NIOSH #N95 Masks
-Highest level of protection for disposable #Masks
-@NIOSH_NPPTL approved
-Head Straps Graphic Credit, created & d...
@NIOSH_NPPTL @NIOSH #KF94 / #KN95 #Masks:
-KN95s Manuf. to Chinese GB2626-2019 standard
-KF94s Manuf. to Korean KMOEL 2017-64 standard
-@CDCgov warns: "About 60% of KN95 respirators in the US are counterfeit (fake) & DO NOT meet @NIOSH requirements."
-We verify all KN95s & KF94s we sell are genuine Graphic Credit, created & d...
If you are looking for official US government resources (incl. advice for improving fit, more on Int’l standards, other #masks like #N99, #N100, etc.), see the @CDCgov “Types of Masks @ Respirators” landing page here:… Image
Read 6 tweets
Dec 5th 2021
Nice mask study ~consistent w/ prev. results.…

"... face masks sign. reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection compared to social distancing. We find a very low risk of inf. when everyone wears a face mask, even if it doesn’t fit perfectly on the face." 1/🧵
2/ The authors perform "upper bound" analyses to get around complexities in modeling risk.

"We conclude that wearing appropriate masks in the community provides excellent protection for others and oneself, and makes social distancing less important."…
3/ I especially like this overview schematic comparing FFP2 (~N95) to surgical mask usage based on combos between two people.

Consistent with the old refrain "any mask is better than no mask, but masks with better fit & filtration protect much more."
Read 14 tweets
Feb 2nd 2021
1/ Contrary to some media headlines, our proposal for #BetterMasks has not been to “just give everyone N95s”

If that was, I would be using #N95Masks

I think of masks the same way I think of any risk mitigation. Better is better. Unregulated cloth masks not the bar to settle on
2/ we even specifically asked CNN to change the headline (they initially chose N95 masks) bc the idea behind this movement was always to provide folks w/ a multitude of options- N95s are one of those. But so are high grade surgical masks w/ mask fitters…
3/ The arguments saying “just get more people to wear any mask”- guess what?

We should do both

& getting “anti-maskers” to wear a mask is actually IMO a harder problem than getting someone who already believes in masks a #BetterMask (which helps them around those who don’t)
Read 11 tweets
Jan 15th 2021
1/ #BetterMasks - why and how

First, why do we even need high-filtration masks right now?

Increasingly, we are going to be (or already are) in crowded, poorly ventilated spaces- groceries, public transit, work, school etc

2/ If can agree that we need these...what qualities should these masks have?

We talk about that in our @HarvardBiz piece on #BetterMasks


3/ Given huge delays in getting any of this done...what options are available right now, off the shelf?

One of these - elastomeric (eN95s) which are used in different industries and were used by some hospitals can get job done

Read 16 tweets

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