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Mar 7th 2020
Hi #PA01!
Did you know that @RepBrianFitz moved into fancy new office space? @PA_Indivisible & @IndivisibleBUX decided to give him a welcome present.

The theme? We took a look at the folks our #GOP MoC has been spending time with.

HINT: he's NOT #bipartisan
Here's the full display at @RepBrianFitz's swanky new digs in #PA01.

But let's take a closer look at some of the #GOP folks who #LyinBrian spends his time with.
Oh look!
It's @RepBrianFitz of #PA01 with #Pennsylvania's least favorite Senator @SenToomey.

Fitz and #Patsy must get along because they are both #Trump enablers who turned a blind eye to impeachable offenses.
Read 9 tweets
Jan 5th 2020
@RepBrianFitz constantly speaks of his standards for Congress truth & transparency

He unequivocally backs Trump's #Iran action

Could it be because @RepBrianFitz Campaign Donors and or his own portfolio of Defense Stocks rose exponentially?


Last year Defense Contractors spent $84 MILLION lobbying Congress Members like @RepBrianFitz

Defense Contractors benefit from endless wars

Look how their stocks began to rise as soon as Soleimani was killed

This also 100% benefits @RepBrianFitz

@RepBrianFitz supports Trump #Iran with no questions asked

@RepBrianFitz works for his DONORS not his constituents

Defense Contractor and @RepBrianFitz Campaign Donor Raytheon ⬇


Read 10 tweets
Oct 31st 2018
Welcome to our weekly Wednesday party for #PA01 @RepBrianFitz Tonight we're celebrating #FrighteningFitzpatrick
#PA01 @RepBrianFitz constantly berates candidates to release their Tax Returns yet he voted all these times AGAINST releasing Trump's Tax Returns. Oh and also he hasn't released his own Tax Returns!
Frightening Republican @RepBrianFitz #PA01 voted all these times AGAINST addressing the Conflicts of Interest in the Trump Administration - With Trump, his hotels and his children in Trump Administration.
Read 16 tweets

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