Did you know that @RepBrianFitz moved into fancy new office space? @PA_Indivisible & @IndivisibleBUX decided to give him a welcome present.
The theme? We took a look at the folks our #GOP MoC has been spending time with.
HINT: he's NOT #bipartisan
But let's take a closer look at some of the #GOP folks who #LyinBrian spends his time with.

It's @RepBrianFitz of #PA01 with #Pennsylvania's least favorite Senator @SenToomey.
Fitz and #Patsy must get along because they are both #Trump enablers who turned a blind eye to impeachable offenses.

#lyinBrian #BoughtAndSoldBrian

Here's Bush-era strategist Karl Rove, in town to get all that campaign cash for #BoughtAndSoldBrian

All that outside cash, just flowing into #PA01 to keep Fitz in office.

❓does this look #bipartisan to you?
❓would these folks be fundraising for Fitz if they couldn't count on him to vote #GOP?
❓isn't Fitz lying to us when he calls himself "our Independent voice"?