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Apr 18th 2023
1) Info-verzamel-tweet: #Lentekriebels #Rutgers
De week vd Lentekriebels is voorbij. Maar de #WHO bemoeizucht nog niet. Scholen zijn verplicht om #seksuelevorming te geven al vanaf #kinderopvang, via hun richtlijnen.
⬇️ 10.000en kinderen die spraken over wat zij fijn vinden. ImageImageImageImage
2) Info-verzamel-tweet:
#Lentekriebels #Rutgers
De seksuele ontwikkeling van 0-18 jaar volgens folder #Rutgerstichting.
Folder jaartal 2019. ImageImageImageImage
3) Info-verzamel-tweet:
#Lentekriebels #Rutgers
Dit zijn de leerdoelen vh Lentekriebels-programma voor het normale basisonderwijs, groep 1 t/m groep 8.
Er zijn verschillende cursussen en lespakketten voor het onderwijspersoneel, ze leren de #WHO-richtlijnen toepassen. ImageImageImageImage
Read 16 tweets
Nov 23rd 2022
Long-standing unwanted & unpleasant genital sensations in a woman of neurological origin

1. 41-year old woman presented with 3-year history of persistent abnormal sensations involving vagina, #clitoris and labia, without #sexual interest or #desire.
#MedTwitter #neurotwitter
2. She found it hard to describe the sensations but used terms like vibrating, tingling, painful, throbbing, pulsating and numbness in vagina & surrounding regions. There was a sense of imminent #orgasm. Sexual activity & orgasm, however, did not relieve her symptoms.
3. Symptoms got worse on sitting and on lying down, but were lesser on standing or walking. Tight clothing or underwear aggravated her symptoms. She also had #pain in both legs, and felt the urge to constantly move her legs to reduce pain & discomfort (in legs & feet).
Read 9 tweets
Feb 13th 2021
Continuando nossa série #CorposDiversos, que contempla a diversidade da anatomia humana, vamos falar hoje do capuz do clitóris ou prepúcio clitoriano.

E também sobre a diferença da clitoropexia e mutilação genital feminina.

Um post para todas as pessoas com vulva/vagina. Image
O capuz do clitóris, ou prepúcio clitoriano, é uma prega de pele que envolve e protege a glande do clitóris. É basicamente o equivalente do prepúcio em pessoas com pênis.
E, assim como os lábios da vulva, os capuzes do clitóris vêm em todas as formas, tamanhos e cores. E isso é lindo.

Muitas pessoas temem que seu capuz não pareça "normal", mas realmente não existe “normal”. Existe natural.
Read 14 tweets
May 30th 2019
[Day4: Strengths & Limits of #SciComm forms, media, & spaces]
It's theory vs practice day!

There are loads of resources out there for #BestPractices. Today, let's discuss the strengths & limitations YOU've found in trying #STEM #storytelling, #comedy, #SciArt, #digital, & more!
I'll start w/ my favorite resources: @edbeltane & @OliverEscobar's "Public Dialogue & Delibration" & #WendyFaulkner's "Dialogue in #PublicEngagement" handbooks.

How do participant #communication styles impede/help your purpose, eg. #dialogue vs #debate?…
These have been crucial in my understanding of #experiencedesign when creating events or experiences for diverse #scicomm audiences & participants.

There's a purpose for panels and debates. But also a reason why they fail in "changing minds" or creating power-balanced convos.
Read 18 tweets

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