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Oct 16th 2020
seeing as we can't talk about other things on here today 😬 & given that I've spent the past week poring over the #TeTārukeāTāwhiri: #Auckland's #Climate Plan text again, I thought you might be interested in a few key parts of the Plan that are often overlooked.
first off, why Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri?
a gift from the mana whenua of Tāmaki, this cultural narrative is deeply emebedded in this place, but critically "...calls for a change in our response, from a human-centred approach to an ecological-centred approach..." 2/x
Mana Whenua, through the Kaitiki Forum, have played a key role in developing our #ClimateAction response, drawing together wisdom & knowledge of Tāmaki w/ the understanding that living systems & #whakapapa relationships are key to #wellbeing, #sustainability & #resilience. 3/x
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