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Jun 6th 2023
🚨After #digital payments and digital lending, the @RBI is looking closely at platforms that facilitate direct, or peer-to-peer (#P2P), lending between individuals.
While P2P startups, as regulated non-banking finance entities, need to share business updates with the regulator on a constant basis, the RBI has now asked them about partnership models with consumer-facing applications, the flow of funds, risk sharing among partners and so on.
#BharatPe, #Jupiter and #Cred are among the major consumer-focussed applications which work closely with NBFC P2P platforms. P2P startups such as Liquiloans and LenDenClub have built partnerships with these and multiple other consumer-focused platforms. Image
Read 5 tweets
Mar 1st 2023
Most indian products struggle to build trust with their users. Trust solves your initial traction, repeat purchase behaviour & even basket size.

Here's the framework that everyone from #CRED to #Tinder to #Hubspot & #Zomato use & you can too 🧵
I wrote a deeper article on this in my newsletter But, if you like to consume the summary this is the thread 👇🏻
Framework #1

Solving for trust before the user discovers the product
Read 13 tweets
Jul 27th 2021
Are #Startup valuation any way justified?

Closing price of #Zomato on #BSE today was Rs. 132.60 at this price, Market cap of Zomato (Total valuation of Company) is at Rs. 1,04,027 Crores. Which means #Zomato is already in top 50 Companies of India market cap wise (1/n) Source: BSE India
#GodrejConsumer which was listed on 18-06-2001 and having a track record of giving constant profit for atleast 10 years (…) is valued just below #Zomato. despite comparatively much stronger performance and track record of Profit and Dividend (2/n) Source: BSE IndiaSource:
On the other hand #Zomato has accumulated loss of 56,00,30,00,000 INR (Source: Zomato RHP - in INR Million) as on 31/3/21 and still it is valued at such a higher price. Zomato is valued higher than #TataMotors #Britannia #BergerPaints to name few (3/n)… Source: Zomato RHP
Read 12 tweets
Apr 9th 2021
✨The Show business of CRED✨

They are not in the #Fintech business or the #Lifestyle business but the #Show business.

👇 Expand this thread to learn more about the $2.2 billion valuation of #CRED!
Had an interesting discussion with my fellow cohort members @StoaHQ about @CRED_club and its massive $215 million in a Series D, which values the business at a whopping $2.2 billion.
To understand what these ✨"marquee" VCs✨ might have seen in CRED, let's do a good old SWOT analysis of CRED.
Read 20 tweets
Jun 16th 2020
Let's understand credit card and charges around it. Especially in India.
Many people's are afraid of credit cards due to interest,late payment fee, typically more spending habits.
Lets us try to explain on how to use credit card and njoy the rewards.
Facts: Developing countries have more interest charges than developed contries.

In india the interest rate per month ranges from 1.8%-3.2% based on bank or the card you choose/eligible.

The interest rate calculated annually is called APR.


Lets make it clear on when you will pay interest.

When you missed to pay the statement total amount interest rate will be calculated from that day.

If you withdraw money in ATM using #creditcard interest will be calculated from the day amount is withdrawn.


Read 10 tweets
Mar 3rd 2020
1/n long thread on Inside India's retail credit boom. The good, bad & ugly. My deep dive in @EconomicTimes @Magazin_ET Some imp takeaway. @kunalb11 @Gaurav1105 @desaisantosh @CRISILLimited @CIBIL_Official @RajeshMagow @creditvidya @mrinagarwal @trramach…
A credit-averse nation is falling in love with it. Led by millennials, a generational shift in attitude has intersected with a big digital disruption in lending biz, causing capacity expansion & a drop in costs, allowing firms to bring more people into ambit of formal credit 2/n
Four discernible shifts. Lending is moving online—a person in need of a loan today is far likelier to fill up a form on a website than walk into a bank branch. Secondly, a raft of fintech firms have sprung up, offering convenience in accessing & democratising credit 3/n
Read 24 tweets
Dec 12th 2019
🔥 #DevoirDeVigilance 🔥

Ce matin, @Total a rendez-vous au tribunal de grande instance de Nanterre pour répondre de son action en Ouganda

@amisdelaterre @Survie & associations plaignantes ougandaises viennent défendre les droits humains et l'environnement

👇👇 [Thread] 👇👇
Arrivée des plaignants au tribunal pour la conférence de presse avant l'audition
"Nous utilisons aujourd'hui des mécanismes judiciaires pour faire appliquer la loi et contraindre @Total à respecter les droits humains en Ouganda, où l'entreprise accapare les terres de milliers de foyers", précise @JulietRenaud
Read 98 tweets

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