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Mar 19th 2021
Further thoughts on the #DreamAndPromise 🧵:

It's important to highlight that the criminalization bars and exclusions in the bill were placed there by Democrats, not Republicans.

Again, this was Democratic leadership that added further criminalization.
One take away for me is that we still have much work to do with our communities to make the connections between criminalization and the deportation pipeline.
It's not that this bill is "imperfect". It's that it ADDS criminalization to already existing immigration laws. It looks to the criminal legal system to determine who is "worthy" of protection and safety.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 19th 2021
Today’s passage of #DreamAndPromise by the House is the result of decades of deep organizing by immigrant communities & reflects the urgent need to provide protection from deportation.

But the addition of harsh criminalization provisions in this version is very concerning.
The policing & mass incarceration systems in this country are fundamentally rigged against Black & Latinx ppl, and the #DreamAndPromise Act is no exception.

#HR6 is designed to strip access to Biden's promise of immigration reform from people who have experienced police contact.
Criminalization born of a racist system cant be the measure we use to determine who belongs & who goes.

Instead of extending access to undocumented communities of color #HR6 has punitive provisions that could make anyone who’s committed a misdemeanor ineligible for legal status.
Read 9 tweets
Mar 18th 2021
I've watched some version of the #DREAMAct pass many times in the last 15 yrs, w/Lucy's hand always ready to pull away the football as Charlie Brown makes yet another run at it. But I keep watching.

Your ball @SenateDems

#DreamAndPromiseAct #HR6
#DREAMandPromise presents the first new major pathway to residency and citizenship in 25 yrs. It is a chance to reconsider everything we think we know about immigration to the US--especially the current criminal bars to admission--and I hope the Senate takes it up in that spirit
We urgently need to give #DACA and #TPS recipients a chance to stay in the only country most of them have ever really had any life in. But that doesn't mean we have to cut & paste current bars to admission, most of which tie to bad late-1900s drug & mass incarceration policy
Read 5 tweets
Mar 18th 2021
The #DreamAndPromise Act will provide long overdue protections to DACA, TPS, and DED recipients. Disappointingly, the legislation also contains harmful criminalization bars that will exclude many immigrant youth. We need bold and inclusive legislation that leaves no one behind.
Thanks @RepMondaire for highlighting the importance of second chances & the need to eliminate the criminalization bars that will exclude thousands from the #DreamAndPromise Act.…
Thank you @RepPressley @RepSchakowsky @RepChuyGarcia for highlighting the need for bold & inclusive legislation that leaves no one behind and why the criminalization bars have no place in the #DreamAndPromise Act.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 18th 2021
Thread on #DreamAndPromise Act and #Criminalization🧵:

Despite efforts to improve the bill and eliminate the harmful criminalization bars that will exclude thousands of Black and brown youth, the bill remains the same.
48 Representatives supported an amendment to eliminate some of the criminalization bars. But it wasn’t enough. #NoMoreExclusions
As you see public support of #DreamAndPromise Act, we also have to recognize how the bill falls short and why relying on the criminal legal system to determine who “deserves” immigration relief is unacceptable. #NoMoreExclusions
Read 5 tweets
Mar 18th 2021

Dreamers, #TPS holders, and farmworkers have never stopped fighting for their futures — and that’s why TODAY, the House will vote on #HR6 and the #FarmWorkforceModernizationAct. Across the country, there is strong bipartisan support for a path to citizenship. #WeAreHome
New national polling from @CenterForwardUS released TODAY finds voters are eager for congressional action and there is broad bipartisan support for protection from deportation and a path to citizenship for Dreamers, #TPS holders and undocumented farmworkers w/ over 80% support.
.@coalition_dream, a group of +100 of the nation’s top businesses & trade assns, endorsed #HR6 and said continued inaction "will cause significant negative economic and social impact on businesses and hundreds of thousands of deserving young people across the country.” #WeAreHome
Read 9 tweets
Jan 6th 2020
Welcome to MoCTrack for January 5, 2020.

This is our 2019 year in review for all of the tidbits you need about last year’s legislative action. Congress is heading back to DC this week, so now is the time to see how they did last year!
#MoCTrack 1/27…
The great folks at @538Politics provide our Trump Tracker numbers, showing how often each MoCs vote with #IMPOTUS.

We took all those 2019 numbers and show you each lawmaker’s high and low point, as well as their 2019 average.

#MoCTrack 2/27
@538politics First up a rundown of 2019 in legislation, by the numbers.
#MoCTrack 3/27
Read 28 tweets

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