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Jul 1st 2019
FAQs ABOUT DUTERTE (Thread): Why is Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte so popular? #HRC41
Many reasons. He depicts self as an ordinary Filipino politician, one who is approachable, who understands how a common person supposedly thinks or acts. Folksy, uses offensive language.
(2) But Duterte's popularity grows out of a widespread disenchantment and disappointment among Filipinos toward their political leaders who are perceived as generally corrupt and a political culture that is seen as driven mainly by patronage politics that is dynastic and elitist.
(3) Philippine political culture has not changed since Marcos, who -- through corruption -- damaged it in ways that ensured the perpetuation of patronage and crony politics. Marcos destroyed our democratic institutions and govts after him never quite succeeded in fixing them.
Read 12 tweets
Jun 26th 2019
#HRC41 👉 the interactive dialogue w/ Special Rapporteurs on freedom of expression, opinion and peaceful assembly and association is about to start. This week @MemorialMoscow is in Geneva to discuss restrictions to these fundamental freedoms in #Russia @rlafoundation @dw_freedom
Speaking about #privatesurveillance Special Rapporteur @davidakaye alerts the #HRC about the violations causes by private surveillance to the work of #HRD and journalist. Image
Earlier this week, representatives from @hrc_memorial met with the Rapporteur and discussed how restrictions to opinion and expression in law and practice - both online and offline - hinder the work of human rights defenders and organisations working in #Russia @rlafoundation Image
Read 3 tweets
Jun 20th 2019
1 to 20. Assange a true HERO. The Siege & Injustice with Julian Assange
By @khrafnsson
Émile Zola changed public perception in the Dreyfus Affair w J´Accuse..!This ExcellentWriting is the equivalent for Assange.Zola may have helped the release of Dreyfus from DevilsIsland. I hope this 1will help secure Assange doesn’t go there…
Read 91 tweets

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