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Wer immer noch glaubt, dass man im NATO-Westen frei seine Meinung äussern kann, sei wieder mal an Assange und Snowden erinnert!
Wie geht ihr mit diesen Widersprüchen um, ihr Journalisten bei der @NZZ?… Image
Als Journalist beim westlichen Mainstream muss man doch unter Persönlichkeitsspaltung leiden, anders kann ich mir das medizinisch nicht erklären.
Read 9 tweets
US politicians using their soldiers and taxpayer money as cannon fodder throwing bodies at all the unnecessary wars based on lies & deceit to keep #MilitaryIndustrialComplex a well oiled running machine.

A thread 🧵 on wars for your awareness👇

America loses most wars on the ground. America lost…

- The War in Afghanistan
- The Vietnam war
- The Bay of Pigs invasion
- The Korean war
- Russian civil war
- Second Samoan war
- Paiwan war (Formosa expedition)
- Powder River Indian war
- War of 1812

Read 9 tweets

"La lettera di Julian Assange a Carlo III in occasione della sua incoronazione"

«....Come prigioniero politico tenuto per il piacere di Vostra Maestà come rappresentante di uno stato sovrano straniero umiliato, ho l'onore di vivere tra le mura di questa
istituzione di prima classe. Davvero, il tuo regno non conosce limiti.

Durante la vostra visita potrete gustare le specialità culinarie preparate per i vostri fedeli sudditi nei limiti di un generoso budget di due sterline al giorno. Ti godrai una testa di tonno mista e pezzi
versatili che si dice siano fatti di pollo. E niente paura, perché a differenza di istituzioni meno importanti come Alcatraz o San Quentin, i pasti non vengono serviti nella sala da pranzo comune. A Belmarsh, i detenuti mangiano nelle loro celle, il che garantisce loro la massima
Read 9 tweets
Expansion of NATO is the biggest reason for threatening Russia and Putin to wage war against Ukraine before falling into the western hands.

Obama NATO let coup in 2014 dethroned the pro Russian leader eventually leading to war.

A thread for awareness👇
Read 13 tweets
"La storia ci insegna che non avere memoria è un peccato mortale"


"...Nella passata edizione fu invitata la giornalista e scrittrice Stefania Maurizi, che presentò il suo libro Il potere segreto (2021), articolatissima trama su di una vicenda che -comunque-
farà storia e precedente. Tuttavia, quest’anno sarebbe stato persino più importante riprendere l’argomento. Il fondatore di WikiLeaks è in attesa di conoscere se e quando verrà accettato l’appello inoltrato ai giudici dal collegio difensivo (di cui è parte la moglie e avvocata
Stella Moris) contro l’estradizione negli Stati Uniti. E là lo attende una condanna a 175 anni di carcere per la presunta violazione di una legge del 1917 sullo spionaggio (Espionage Act). Nel frattempo, però, le condizioni psico-fisiche di Assange sono peggiorate ed è
Read 6 tweets
Population as a whole don’t like wars. They don’t want to go into wars. They have to be fooled to reluctantly go into wars based on lies and misinformation.

#MilitaryIndustrialComplex combined with corrupt #media push nations into wars. A 🧵👇

Just looking at this ridiculous amount of money #MilitaryIndustrialComplex is wasting on Ukraine makes my blood boil with hate for our politicians and bureaucrats pushing for these regime changes and wars
Read 40 tweets
Russia is a war monger. I can’t believe that Russia is destroying Ukraine like this, bombing cities & killing millions.

Putin is a mad man, who lies to everyone in the world about everything. He must be stopped.

Read 74 tweets
TODAY IS THE DAY! Hundreds of organizations are coming together for #PeaceInUkraine and against endless US wars!

If you’re in DC come join the CODEPINK contingent! Just look for our team by the big pink wheelbarrows. Watch this space for live updates throughout the day…
Runners, walkers and drivers agreed with us this morning.

If you do, join us in the streets TODAY to call for an end to all wars, $$$ for people & planet, #PeaceInUkraine #ChinaIsNotOurEnemy #Iraq20YearsOn, & more!
"No more war machine! No more imperialist wars! And certainly no to the proxy-war going on in Europe!" @EugenePuryear
#PeaceInUkraine #FundPeopleNOTWar Image
Read 24 tweets
Cult recruitment is at an all time high. Trust, if you do not pay your monthly dues, you will be exiled. L4A is the grift within the grift. But if you need to buy friends, you can buy them here.
They will use your faith against you, E said, and that is exactly what E and his ‘unofficial secretary’ do. They feed off your religion and charity to offer you a way to ‘donate’ to buy salvation.
They will make a false prophet for you; an angel, a Messiah. This ‘authority’ will control your knowledge and perceptions for you.

With the power of Google the angel will answer all your questions, is never wrong, and cannot be questioned. Accountability does not exist for it.
Read 9 tweets…
From E:
The Director of the CIA just went on national television and said that the United States needs to provide "Full material and intelligence support"for Ukraine in the coming months.

In other words, Unsurprisingly.

The CIA wants WWIII with the US...…

"They absolutely will try and start a full blown war. There are already plans drawn, on the table, and both Burns and his brain-dead stooge Biden have personally walked Zelenskyy the puppet through the expected paces."…

It isn't an "if".
It is a "when", and the answer is late spring, before the summer hits, and it will be appalling if early indicators are to be believed.
Read 11 tweets
Des dels consells locals del @ConsellRep s'ha animat a participar activament a la 2a diada del proper dissabte.
Posem-nos dempeus pel dret a la informació i ajudem a defensar la llibertat de premsa dels periodistes! Inici fil
Read 16 tweets
BREAKING: Belmarsh Prison refuses permission for Julian Assange to participate in European Parliaments Sakharov Prize Award today

Julian Assange's wife to attend on husbands' behalf - Today 9.30am CET/ 8.30am GMT

Live Stream:… #FreeAssangeNOW @Europarl_EN
Belmarsh prison authorities have refused permission for Julian Assange to participate via video link in meetings and press conferences taking place this week during the plenary of the European Parliament #SakharovPrize #FreeAssangeNOW
More than 40 MEPs nominated Julian Assange for this year's Prize; "Julian's nomination is testament to the support he has from human rights groups around the world as well as the recognition of his life’s work for peace and justice" @stella_assange #FreeAssangeNOW #SakharovPrize
Read 5 tweets
Elon Musk pregunta en su Twitter si debe haber perdón para Julian Assange y 80,5 por ciento responde que SÍ #FreeAssange #IndutoParaAssange #ElonMusk bien ahí … hilo Image
Julián Assange está prisionero en Inglaterra y busca ser extraditado a Estados Unidos contraviniendo el derecho la libertad de expresión perversamente, entre otros. #FreeAssange
Que Julian no sea estadounidense no quiere decir que no se le deba respetar el derecho humano a Libertad de Expresión siendo un derecho Universal. #FreeAssange
Read 8 tweets
USA is the worlds superpower not only because of its technology and wealth, but also due to its forced democracy military campaigns all over the world.

US gets to decide who gets democracy and who doesn’t depending on their available resources like oil, gold, minerals etc. a 🧵 Image
Read 35 tweets…

Non esiste libertà se non c'è libera informazione.

""Fin da quando ho letto, qualche anno, fa le notizie su di lui, sulla sua detenzione e su tutta la sua vicenda, mi continuavo a chiedere: come mai i giornali non mettono questa notizia
in prima pagina, ogni giorno, come un martellamento, è una cosa talmente scandalosa. Noi viviamo, in questo momento, in un paese dove non si distingue più l’informazione dalla propaganda, noi non sappiamo più...
...Ritengo una cosa assolutamente preziosa che ci sia
un’organizzazione come WikiLeaks che si impegna con enorme sforzi, con enormi rischi, a informarci su quello che davvero accade nel mondo, su quali possono essere le ragioni vere, nascoste di certi fenomeni, di certe guerre, di certe destituzioni. Noi tutti ci illudiamo di essere
Read 6 tweets
"Forse siamo di fronte ad una svolta decisiva. Gli editori e la redazione di New York Times, Guardian, Le Monde, Der Spiegel, El Pais hanno scritto un appello assai importante sul caso del fondatore di WikiLeaks «…è tempo che il governo degli
Stati Uniti ponga fine alla causa contro Julian Assange per aver pubblicato segreti di stato…»...
...Com’è noto, le notizie riguardavano i misfatti delle guerre in Iraq e in Afghanistan, nonché una serie di 251.000 messaggi riservati del dipartimento di stato. Il cosiddetto
Cablegate svelava brutture e arcani indicibili, ivi comprese gesta italiane non commendevoli...
...I giornali in questione, pur blasonati e interni alle élite internazionali, abbassarono la testa già nel 2011, quando le onde cominciarono ad incresparsi. E Assange fu lasciato
Read 7 tweets
كمصري أناشد الحكومة المصرية وكل حكومات العالم الحر الضغط على حكومة المملكة المتحدة للافراج الفوري عن جوليان أسانج وعدم تسليمه للولايات المتحدة، صحة السيد أسانج في تدهور واستمرار اعتقاله مناف لكل القيم الانسانية والأعراف الدولية,
كذلك أناشد كل المهتمين بحرية الصحافة وحقوق الانسان التوقيع على التماس أفروجوا عن أسانج هنا,
سنوحي المصري
#COP27 #cop27egypt
I urge all of you to stress the release of #JulianAssange and to show your support for freedom of press. Don't extradite Mr. Assange to The US.
Read 5 tweets
₿eautiful place to talk about #Bitcoin

📍Lugano🇨🇭… Image
I'll be live-tweeting all things #Bitcoin from the @LuganoPlanB mainstage with my better half/MC @thecryptoc0up1e tomorrow.

Until then, enjoy some more scenes from beautiful Lugano 🇨🇭 ImageImageImageImage
“It’s about education here in Lugano… why it matters, why it was created, why it is empowering people around the world.” — @paoloardoino on @LuganoPlanB initiative & the importance of #Bitcoin

Panel moderated by @natbrunell
Read 35 tweets
Overseas interests have conspired to attack the middle & working class, these malign actors, use race as a cover to destabilise Australia from within.

Pretend aboriginal leaders out the front play acting in the media for their international handlers don't represent Australians.
1. Lidia Thorpe
2. Merki Onus
Taxpayer business class trips to the UN provided these ASTIC members a global stage to undermine us, calling Aussies racist:
3. Robbie Thorpe
4. Geoff Clarke &
5. Michael Mansell - a fake aboriginal person
& they're all founding members of WAR
TBC. Image
Who funds WAR?
Using race as a cover The Sunrise Project is committed to destroying our way of life.
An international organisation with Australian charity status, with over $50M in donations in 2021.
They're behind the Juukan Hoax & they tried to stop the ADANI coal mine.
BTC. Image
Read 6 tweets
.@TuckerCarlson Here’s how Brits “civilised” Indians by imposing the barbaric “distance test”.

Robert Lytton (aka Rodent) & “Queen” Victoria were sc^mbags.

👇 thread was written to rebut academics who whitewashed Crimes of Britain as “Climate Change”.

Plundering all ur wealth & food, selling the food to u at an exorbitant price, imposing a barbaric “distance test” to determine your eligibility to eat (u eat if you’re fit for slave labour). 8 Million Madrasis were genocided in the Madras Holocaust. #IndianTwitter #IrishTwitter
Nothing says “civilising” “savages” like plundering & genociding 8 Million people while you throw a lavish 14 day banquet for your self proclamation as the Empress of the colonised nation & then rewriting history to call it a “famine” caused by “Climate Change”.

Read 9 tweets
A 3 tweet reminder that the US government's 3 central accusations against Julian Assange are false. 🧵👇

1. Even the Pentagon has admitted nobody was harmed by WikiLeaks' publications. However, much harm was revealed...

#FreeAssangeNOW Image
2. Nothing was hacked. And nothing needed to be hacked: whistleblower Manning had access to all the documents as a US army intelligence analyst.

Manning acted on her conscience and provided docs to WikiLeaks & Assange after the NYT and WaPo didn't respond.

#FreeAssangeNOW Image
3. Asking for, receiving and publishing leaks is not espionage. It is journalism.

The dangerous precedent being set in Julian Assange's case is that journalists could be tried as spies for revealing government wrongdoing and state crimes.

#FreeAssangeNOW Image
Read 3 tweets
Hillary Clinton emails leaked in or around Spring 2013 by [unknown] & subsequently published by WikiLeaks reveal that NATO killed Q'ddafi not only to steal Libyan oil, but also to prevent African states economic independence.
~One third of the emails came from Sidney Blumenthal, Clinton's [opposition research/black PR guy,] close confidant & lawyer who defended her husband in the Monica Lewinsky case.

One of these emails, dated 2 April 2011, reads in part:
Q'ddafi's government held 143 tonnes [metric] of gold & as much in silver resources by which he intended to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan gold dinar, designed to provide francophone African countries an alternative to the franc.
Read 29 tweets

Le e-mail di Hillary Clinton pubblicate da #WikiLeaks hanno rivelato che la #NATO ha ucciso Gheddafi non solo per rubare il petrolio libico, ma anche per impedire l'indipendenza economica dei Paesi africani.

Almeno un terzo di queste e-mail proveniva dal suo stretto confidente Sidney Blumenthal, l'avvocato che difese il marito nel caso Monica Lewinsky.

In una di queste e-mail, datata 2 aprile 2011, si leggeva in parte come segue:
Il governo di Gheddafi detiene 143T d'oro e altrettante d'argento, risorse con le quali intendeva creare una moneta panafricana basata sul dinaro libico d'oro. Questo piano è stato concepito per fornire ai Paesi africani francofoni un'alternativa al franco francese (CFA).
Read 17 tweets

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