#WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #FreeAssange #Assange #ProtectJulian #AssangeHERO #Injustice #HumanRights #freeSpeak #Liberty #Killers #WarCrimes #Liars #Democracy #TrueJournalists #Hipocrisy
"WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange appeared before a magistrates’court in London Friday,saying his life was“effectively at stake”if the UK honors an extradition request from the #USA,where he faces 17 counts of violating the Espionage Act."
"A friend of Assange’s, Ola Bini, is still in prison in Ecuador, after being arrested April 11, the same day Assange was forcibly taken by UK authorities from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, & has been jailed ever since without charges."
Open letter fr 50+academics & activists calls for release of #Assange & Chelsea Manning"Assange & WikiLeaks revealed HumanRightsAbuses &-corp,gov't & intell AgencyCorruption..scholars concerned w #whistleblower protection & a free press" ind.pn/2WBHdfI
Prosecutors threw the book at Julian #Assange. Here, @JameelJaffer & I weigh in on how that could backfire.
The US war on journalism & its sources is already having a chilling effect:
"Many journalistic sources, including those of TIME,have shifted to encrypted means of communication or don’t engage at all as a result of the Assange indictment."

Ai Weiwei: “Why Hong Kong can be a new Tiananmen and why Assange is a political prisoner” - Repubblica.it repubblica.it/esteri/2019/06…
"The United States must pledge before the world that it will not pursue journalists for shining a light on the secret crimes of the powerful."—Julian Assange in 2012 defend.wikileaks.org (pic: Melbourne today) #FreeAssange #BringAssangeHome

"Julian Assange is a political prisoner. Clearly."--Must read interview from courageous artist @aiww: … #FreeAssange #Artists4Assange
Chelsea Manning is slated to face daily fines for contempt of court due to a Saturday deadline for the jailed WikiLeaks source to start cooperating with federal investigators.

Le sort de Julian Assange, tout comme celui de Chelsea Manning ou d’Edward Snowden, nous concerne tou.te.s. Ce que la puissance américaine veut lui faire payer, c’est d’avoir brandi l'arme pacifique du droit de savoir. mediapart.fr/journal/france…
Julian Assange: 'This generation is the last free generation'
Last talk by Assange before US-Ecuador conspiracy to silence him and engineer withdrawal of asylum, imprisonment and US extradition
⏳#Unity4J Solidarity via @GregSharkey68⌛️
June 11, 2019
Imperialism on Trial #FreeAssange
"Journalists like to promote the image of themselves as fearless individualists..."
- Chris Hedges @ChrisLynnHedges,
Pulitzer Prize-winning Journalist
📹@Underground_RT: Ex-Icelandic Interior Minister: US Tried to FRAME Julian #Assange in Iceland! "Can we trust the🇬🇧justice system? In a way the🇬🇧justice system is on trial in this case" #ProtectJulian #ProtectJournalism #NoExtradition
Assange will never see fair trial amid ‘industrial-grade demonization campaign’ – Max Blumenthal — RT World News rt.com/news/461919-as…
Even more incredible and disgusting. Freeland's refusal to stand up for a free press and her continuing support and complicity in the torture of Julian #Assange

Australian government and the media have gone to much greater lengths for convicted and accused criminals than they have for Assange, writes Alison Broinowski:
#WikiLeaks #JulianAssange
Over 6 months of #YellowVest protests in #France, mostly ignored by global media. Protesters express solidarity with Julian #ASSANGE. francais.rt.com/international/… …
Kristinn Hrafnsson of WikiLeaks speaks to Chris Hedges about Julian Assange's indictment and potential extradition rt.com/shows/on-conta…
To think that #Putin releases framed journalist #Golunov & sacks top officials after concerted protests by Russian media, while Western media still fail to even grasp the framing of #Assange & their own impending demise.
Assange said that his life was “effectively at stake” if the 🇬🇧honors a #USA request for his extradition."
✅Israel planned to keep Gaza on“brink of collapse”
✅Israel used control over Palestinian money to control Gaza
✅Israel colluded with PA & Fatah
✅Israel planned violence against Palestinian nonviolence
✅Israel’s nuclear monopoly,helping Israel by opposing Assad
✅Susan Rice worked to protect Israel at the UN
✅Eizenstat worked to influence Hillary on Israel
✅Israeli was concerned about Russia & Turkey
✅Hillary’s campaign team advised that she only talk about Israel at private fundraisers
✅Israeli general admits that US & Israeli security interests “often clash”
✅Israeli Chief of Staff reveals Israel is preparing for a war against civilians
✅Israel misled public about Hamas; Israel opposes a lasting ceasefire
✅Israel/US decide to hide delivery of US bunker busting bombs to Israel (for targeting Iran)
✅Efforts“at the highest levels”of the US Govt to remove restrictions for Israelis concerning dual citizenship
✅U.S. war crimes in Iraq
✅U.S. war crimes in Afghanistan
✅The Democratic Party/Clinton machine rigged the Democratic primaries to prevent the nomination of Bernie Sanders
✅CIA hacked & spied on American citizens & friendly nations
✅Inaccurate claims about “Russiagate”
✅U.S. plans for regime change in Syria
✅U.S. plans for regime change in Venezuela
✅British military’s secret document calling investigative journalists “a major threat”
🗣️📢‼️Assange’s Wikileaks revealed all this to us, and more‼️
The International Federation of Journalists (@IFJGlobal) has passed a motion calling on the UK and Australian governments "to resist the application to extradite Assange to the United States"
ifj.org/fileadmin/user… …

UK must not be complicit in the extradition and prosecution of #Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange #PressFreedom #whistleblowers article19.org/resources/upda…
30th Congress of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) : "The recent indictments filed by the US Government against Julian Assange pose a threat to journalists and journalism around the world."

Interviewed by France24 News about the crisis in journalism - and how the defence of Assange is so important.
Prominent Australian journalist @MaryKostakidis calls for campaign to free Assange: “We must not wait till it is too late to recognise the broader significance of the persecution of #Assange & fail to defend his human rights.”
Great interview here with key insights on #JulianAssange case, but also on his politics, his relationship with #Ecuador, and his commitment to #WikiLeaks’ mission of transparency & speaking truth to power. LISTEN & SHARE...
🇲🇽journalists call out hypocrisy of 🇬🇧Ambassador to 🇲🇽 @Corinrobertson who claims press freedom is important to🇬🇧while at the same time imprisoning Julian Assange & potentially extraditing him to 🇺🇸for doing what journalists do every day.
In🇬🇧courts #Assange is insulted a‘narcissist‘;jailed for SeekingAsylum;facing🇺🇸extradition for journalism;prosecuted by CPS known to have instigated his persecution;under a judge w known conflict of interest;under a Govt having prejudged him bit.ly/2Xjvlna
Perdónanos, Julián, por no hacer lo suficiente – Rutakritica rutakritica.org/perdonanos-jul…
- @khrafnsson speaks to @ChrisLynnHedges about Assange's prison conditions, indictment,extradition
- Chelsea Manning given deadline to testify or face daily fines
- Journalist organizations @IFJGlobal & @DJVde speak out for Assange
"The publication of classified documents is not a crime in the United States, but if Assange is extradited and convicted it will become one."—@ChrisLynnHedges: truthdig.com/articles/the-c… … #FreePress #FreeAssange #JournalismIsNotaCrime

Under article 3 of the #UN Convention Against Torture #Assange simply cannot be extradited to the #US. No ifs, no buts
Judge Emma Arbuthnot stepped aside in 2018 over her husbands links yet refuses to step aside now in the case against #Assange even though her family has links to defence contractors,MI6 & Snowden critics!2018: theguardian.com/technology/201…
Julian Assange Indictment “Criminalizes the News Gathering Process,” Says Pentagon Papers Lawyer
Essential reading - the Assange case, the Espionage Act, how this case breaks new legal ground and why it matters.
Una treintena de eurodiputados pide a la Comisión Europea protección para Julian Assange como 'whistleblower' eldiario.es/internacional/…
Important piece here by @shottlandka on our increasingly blinkered media & political complex in the West- which has systematically airbrushed #Assange out of focus in favor of any other cause de celebre. Incredible...
#WikiLeaks #Russia #Golunov
⏳#Unity4J @Underground_RT w/ @afshinrattans ⌛️
EP.761 on #JulianAssange
Interviews with Dr Gabor Maté @DrGaborMate, Julian’s father John Shipton & Iceland’s former Minister of the Interior, Ögmundur Jónasson
“[#Assange] didn’t have an opportunity to defend himself. And that’s the first major issue here. He doesn’t even have a computer. He doesn’t have access to documents. He’s kept, a lot of the time, isolated” - journalist John Pilger