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Aug 20th 2022
ஓம் தாமோதராய வித்மஹே
ருக்மணி வல்லபாய தீமஹீ
தந்நோ ஸ்ரீகிருஷ்ண ப்ரசோதயாத்.
#கோகுலாஷ்டமி #ஸ்பெஷல்
#HappyJanmashtami #HappyKrishnaJanmastami2022
ஸ்ரீமத் பாகவதம் படித்தவர்களுக்கு
கண்ணனின் மீது அதீத பிரேமை இருக்கும். இதில் சொல்லப்பட்டிருக்கும் அவர் லீலைகள் நம்மை பக்தி கடலில் ஆழ்த்தும்
ஒரு முறை பழம் வியாபாரம் செய்யும் வயது முதிர்ந்த பெண் ஒருத்தி, நந்தகோபரின் இல்லத்திற்கு முன்பாக நின்று கொண்டு, பழம் வேண்டுமா? பழம் வாங்குறீங்களா என்று கூவிக் கொண்டு இருந்தாள். அந்த சத்தத்தைக் கேட்ட கண்ணன் வீட்டில் இருந்து தன் சின்னஞ் சிறிய கைக்குள் அடங்கும் அளவிலான தானியத்தை
எடுத்துக் கொண்டு பழக்காரியை நோக்கி தளிர் ஓட்டம் ஓடினார். தன் தாயார் யசோதா, தெருவில் வியாபாரம் செய்ய வருபவர்களிடம் இதேபோல் தானியங்களை கொடுத்து விட்டு, தனக்கு தேவையான பொருட்களை வாங்குவதை பல முறை கண்ணன் பார்த்திருக்கிறார். அதனால் தான் தானும் கொஞ்சம் தானியத்தை எடுத்துக் கொண்டு அந்த
Read 7 tweets
Aug 19th 2022

अहिंसा परमॊ धर्मः is half/semi truth.

अहिंसा means non-violence in relative sense.

There are times when violence can also be considered अहिंसा if that violence is used to stop greater violence/EVIL.

-To kill a man who is taking away the lives of innocent is अहिंसा Image

If someone enters the house and molests a lady, a householder CANNOT keep quiet.

Similarly, in a war, a soldier cannot put down his weapons.

In either case, practicing अहिंसा would be adharma, NOT dharma.

Similarly, a king must protect his subjects even if it requires violence to punish criminals or going to war with neighboring kingdoms if they attack.

A king should always raise his rod of chastisement to keep peace and order in his country.
Read 16 tweets
Aug 19th 2022
“Excellent information about Bhagwan Shri Krishna*

1) Krishna was born *5252 years ago*
2) Date of *Birth* : *18th July,3228 B.C*
3) Month : *Shravan*
4) Day : *Ashtami*
5) Nakshatra : *Rohini*
6) Day : *Wednesday*
7) Time : *00:00 A.M.*
8) Shri Krishna *lived 125 years, 08 months & 07 days.*
9) Date of *Death* : *18th February 3102BC.*
10) When Krishna was *89 years old*; the Mega War *(Kurukshetra War)* took place.
11) He died *36 years after the Kurukshetra War.*
12) Kurukshetra War was *started
on Mrigashira Shukla Ekadashi, BC 3139. i.e "8th December 3139BC" and ended on "25th December, 3139BC".*
13) There was a *Solar Eclipse between "3p.m to 5p.m on 21st December, 3139BC"; cause of Jayadrath's death.*
14) Bhishma died on *2nd February
Read 15 tweets
Aug 18th 2022
Happy Janmashtami to all Hindus... Keep your doors open.. to let Little Krishna in...
At a college right next to my house long ago the college used to play Hindu Bhajans every morning at 7 before start of business.. this was one of them> "Shri Radhe Govinda". So I heard a bhajan anyway.. now a school opp me does the same every morning at 8
Hindus.. esp South Indian Hindus.. have traditionally marked a path for Krishna to land safely and navigate to their home... they have done this for eons... The Westerners simply copied this idea and now call it "Instrument Landing System"... #happyjanmashtami
Read 4 tweets
Aug 11th 2020
Janmashtami celebrations In famous Udupi Sreekrishna temple.
ಶ್ರೀ ಕೃಷ್ಣಜನ್ಮಾಷ್ಟಮಿ ಶುಭಾಶಯಗಳು🙏
Happy #krishnajanmashtami to all

#ಗೋಕುಲಾಷ್ಟಮಿ #ತುಳುನಾಡು
#Janmashtami #udupi #SriKrishna

Glimpses of Udupi Sri Krishna Leelotsava:

ವಿಟ್ಲಪಿಂಡಿ #VitlaPindi ustava celebrated in #Udupi considered to be Lord Krishna's home, a day after #Janmashtami

ಹುಲಿವೇಷ ಕುಣಿತ Hulivesha (Tiger Dance) is a folk dance unique to the #TuluNadu is d main attraction
#Kannada #folkdance ImageImageImageImage
Shree #krishnajanmashtami Highlights - 2019 #Udupi
ಉಡುಪಿ ಶ್ರೀ ಕೃಷ್ಣಜನ್ಮಾಷ್ಠಮಿ ಲೀಲೋತ್ಸವ

#HappyJanmashtami #Karnataka #temples #Janmashtami
Read 3 tweets
May 22nd 2020
l Thrissur Pooram l

The Festival of festivals having tradition of more than 200 yrs, takes place at #Kerala s cultural capital Thrissur, Vadakkumnathan temple. About 70 elephants are involved in its ceremonies and a percussion ensemble with abt 250 musicians.
#Thrissurpooram ImageImage
1000 yrs of Vadakkumnathan Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva, is a classical example of the #architecture style of Kerala has one monumental tower on each of the four sides in addition to a kuttambalam.
Mural paintings depicting scenes from Mahabharata can b seen in the #temple ImageImage
Glorious Vedic Architecture in God's Own Country

Peralassery Sri Subramanya Temple Pond, Kannur

Largest Temple pond of it's kind in Kerala built using finely cut Laterite stone.
#temple #architecture ImageImage
Read 8 tweets
Mar 20th 2016
The #CholaEmpire at its greatest extent, during the reign of Rajendra Chola I in 1030 CE.
The #CholaDynasty was one of the longest-ruling dynasties in the history of southern India.
300s BCE–1279 CE.…
During the period 1010–1200, the #CholaEmpire stretched from the Andaman/Sri Lanka/Maldives to territories of Malaysia,Thailand & Indonesia
Read 13 tweets
Jun 21st 2015
Hinduism expansion in Asia, from its heartland in Indian Subcontinent, to the rest of Asia, started circa 1st century
Greater India was the historical extent of the culture of Hinduism & Buddhism beyond the Indian subcontinent.
Ruins of Ayutthaya Temple in Wat Cha Wattanaram, Ayutthaya Historical Park, Thailand which was named after Ayodhya.
Read 71 tweets

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