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Mar 20th 2023
There is a new strain of #SARSCoV2 which is on the prowl in India. It is called #XBB1.16 and is highly transmissible. It has also been called #Arcutus. These are very early days for us to know the severity of the disease that can be caused by this variant.
There are very important mutations in this variant which affect the immunity of the infected people. #INSACOG, #GISAID and #WHO confirmed the presence of new variant in India.
Last December, there was a slight increase in the number of cases when the Government has cautioned the state governments. I have asked the government not to worry except to monitor for new strains. Only if a new strain comes along, the disease dynamics will changes. XBB 1.5 was……
Read 6 tweets
Jan 3rd 2023
#VariantDashboard #India - #30DayTrends

>> Low Sequence Count (n=79) <<

Top circulating lineages:

XBB.1 (14.5%)
BQ.1.1 (9.6%)
XBB.1.5 (9.6%)
XBB (8.4%)
XBB.2 (7.2%)
BQ.1 (6.0%)
BY.1 (6.0%)
BA.5.2 (3.6%)


Updated: 01/02/2023
Granular details - #VariantProportions #India 1/2/23

XBB* is still the dominant circulating group of lineages in India

XBB.1.5* has entered the conversation in #Maharashtra, #Gujarat and #Telangana
Variant landscape in Indian States with reported XBB.1.5* sequences #30DayTrends (#Maharashtra, #Gujarat and #Telangana)
Read 4 tweets

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