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Sep 19th 2020
Azadi is not an option
A #Thread
What does a misguided #Kashmiri mean by “Azaadi”? Is it the right to #equality, right to #freedom, right against exploitation, right to freedom of religion, cultural & educational rights, right to property & right to constitutional remedies
If that is the meaning of “Azaadi” then it is already entrusted to them through the #constitution then who are these people and why are they asking for Azadi?
The people of #kashim for long have been disassociated with the #progress in mainland due to provisions of #Article_370 which restricted the investment and #development in the state.
Read 27 tweets
Aug 3rd 2020
The paradise is lost no more, thanks to the abrogation of article 370.

New Kashmir has vision, mission and passion.

Youth have a better chance for bright future now as the serfs who used Kashmir as thier estate have become redundant in post 370 Kashmir.

Gradually but certainly guns are being replaced by Pens, computers and tabs among the Kashmiri youth.

The valley is witnessing a peace that was long sought by the people.

An environment free from terrorists and stone pelters is what everyone who cared for Kashmir had always wanted.

Now this "wanted" is turning into "is".

Read 4 tweets

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