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Jan 11th 2023
A thread…

This video has been making the rounds on Twitter.

This is @MichaelFordTO - Minister of Multiculturalism and nephew of @fordnation…highlighting the 900 people of Indian heritage that currently live in Ontario.


900. Nine. Zero. Zero.
In Ontario.

A quick google search indicates over 750,000 people of Indian heritage in the province. It took about 30 secs to find that info.

One would think the Minister of Multiculturalism would have access to the same info I have.


All jokes aside…this is emblematic of the @fordnation govt in so many ways.

We see a minister who is woefully unqualified put in a position simply because of who he’s related to…ineptitude rewarded by nepotism…classic Doug Ford.

Yet this is just the veneer.

Read 11 tweets
Jun 5th 2020
1/9 I'm informed via @canadapostcorp that my parcel of summer clothes is stuck in Burnaby #BCpoli since May & I can't expect delivery in #ONpoli until the end of August

When all @canadaposthelps competitors could deliver in 2 weeks, why is the #CDNpoli service taking 3 months?
2/9 You would think that whoever runs @canadapostcorp is deliberately trying to destroy @canadaposthelps so #CDNpoli mail can be privatized

Most corporations, even the govt's #ONpoli Cannabis Store, are now using private carriers so consumers can receive their purchases in 2020!
3/9 Though I appreciate the record volume & need for #COVID19 precautions, @canadapostcorp isn't keeping pace with UPS, Purolator & other #CDNpoli mail services that also have to practice social distancing

Moreover, @canadaposthelps halted home deliveries & competitors didn't
Read 9 tweets

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