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Aug 24th 2021
Asalam alaikam wa rahmatullah wa barakatah Sister bibi janey (@janeygak);
Firstly: I am over the moon to see your response. I have never expected a response: May Allah reward you plenty;
Secondly: I argued for complete freedom of Exchange for all currencies (both Fiat, Crypto)!
Thirdly: choosing one or more as a Legal Tender creates a legal obligation for sellers and service providers to accept the relevant tendered currency. This may help making the life of consumers easier, at least for a transitional periods
Actually life went well thousands of past years without any "Legal Tender". People were using Gold, Silver, ... etc., disregarding which authority minted them. All that matters is purity and correct weight (Yes: counterfeiting was also practices in ancient time😇😇😇).
Read 20 tweets
Aug 23rd 2021
مقال جيد، بلا شك. ولكن السؤال الأهم: كيف ينشر هذا النقد القاتل في الجزيرة (صوت طواغيت قطر)؟!
هل يسعى النظام القطري للتخلص من (بغل التحميل)، الذي ظهر كساحه؟!
العلم عند الله: سنتابع الأحداث، وسنرى.
وفي أول أيام الربيع العربي طالب طلبة الأزهر (وهم مسلمون تقليديون)، وطالبنا نحن من الإخوان أن يتوبوا إلى الله، ويعتذروا إلى الأمة عن بيعتهم للمجرم/حسني مبارك، التي نشروها في صفحة كاملة في أحد كبرى الصحف: ولكنهم استكبروا وأخذتهم العزة بالإثم.
أبواب التوبة مفتوحة: فهل من تائب؟!
{أَلَمْ يَأْنِ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا أَنْ تَخْشَعَ قُلُوبُهُمْ لِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ وَمَا نَزَلَ مِنَ الْحَقِّ وَلَا يَكُونُوا كَالَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْكِتَابَ مِنْ قَبْلُ فَطَالَ عَلَيْهِمُ الْأَمَدُ فَقَسَتْ قُلُوبُهُمْ وَكَثِيرٌ مِنْهُمْ فَاسِقُونَ (16)
Read 10 tweets
Aug 22nd 2021
العميل الخائن، ينجب عميل خائن مثل : أحمد مسعود. والعنيد الأعوج قد ينجب أعوج مثله، وربما ينجب حمار مثل : حذيفة عزام، غفر الله لوالده. فبدلاً من يصحح أخطاء والده ويرجع إلى الحق، أخذه العناد وربما (النفاق)، يعترف أن الحب يعمي، لكن يقول العمى لا يصل إلى حمل …
وكان المفروض على د. حذيفة بن عبد الله عزام أن يحرك كل القنوات (بما في ذلك الجن الأزرق) لنصح أحمد مسعور من مغبة تولي الكفار الحربيين، بدلا من وصف أبيه العميل الخائن بالشهيد: فليحذر د. حذيفة بن عبد الله عزام أن يحبط عمله، وهو لا يشعر 👇👇👇
Read 16 tweets
Dec 3rd 2020
My colleague @samwestrop was slimed by the Islamist charity @HelpingHandUSA in a wildly misleading secret memo to select members of Congress, to discredit Sam's work showing HHRD's affiliation w/terrorists like #LashkarETaiba.

I tell the real story here:…
This follows a wildly unfair British lawsuit by Mohamed Harrath of @Islamchannel, where Sam was targeted for, correctly, stating Harrath had been convicted of terrorism in Tunisia, prior to the Arab spring. Sam linked directly to a @guardiannews article.…
The point is, lawfare by radicals, from Europe to North Africa to South Asia, is very real, and aimed at silencing its critics.

People need to be aware of this fact and act accordingly. Don't believe their lies. Fight them every step of the way.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 9th 2020
#Jamaat-e-islami is a threat to the US & our allies #India & #Bangladesh.

For years, we at @meforum have been at the forefront of exposing #JEI's networks & misdeeds. We need your help to keep it up.

We have had many successes. See the below thread: /1
Way back in 2017, @samwestrop/@Islamist_Watch exposed #JEI franchise groups @ICNA, @HelpingHandUSA that were sponsoring events in #Pakistan w/#LashkarETaiba & openly funding @AlkhidmatOrg, which "aids militancy & helps to support the #HizbulMujahideen."… /2
When #Jamaat-e-Islami's #Bangladesh branch aggressively lobbied Washington DC to whitewash itself in the halls of Congress, the Administration, & think tanks, we made sure people knew who they were talking to & what they stood for.… /3
Read 14 tweets
May 19th 2020
Last year, @IlhanMN attacked reporter @AartiTikoo re: #Kashmir, using the narrative favored by shady org @standwkashmir. Aarti's ensuing investigation showed Omar's Islamist friends (@ICNA @HelpingHandUSA @IslamicRelief @InterActionOrg) have a lot to hide.…
Also to read more about @InterActionOrg & their network of #JamaatEIslami & #MB terror connected charities, see here:…
For more on #JamaatEIslami’s top western franchise, @icna and their self-declared “Sister organization,” @HelpingHandUSA see here:…
Read 6 tweets

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