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Nov 24th 2021
“We need you to help our workforce shift immediately to digital ways of working."

"Also can you solve the recruitment crisis?"

"And we need a comprehensive overhaul of our approach to mental health. ASAP.”

Sound familiar?
The challenging in learning and development are enormous, but you are not alone.

Join event chair Jay Moore and learning experts from the world’s biggest companies at Learning Futures New York 2022.… A close up of a man looking at the camera. Jay Moore. iVenti
Jay is the Global Learning and Culture Leader for GE Crotonville, having previously held roles with a number of GE businesses which include Healthcare, Corporate, Plastics, Silicones and NBC Universal in the fields of Marketing, Sales, Six Sigma and Global Supply Chain.
Read 7 tweets
Nov 23rd 2021
Why is hosting an iVentiv event so rewarding?

iVentiv has been fortunate to be hosted by a range of organisations around the world, including @Sony, @Nordea, @HultEFCorporate, @McDonalds, @DowJones, @Novartis, @Shell_UKLtd, @thalesgroup, @VodafoneGroup and @generalelectric. A man speaks to a circle of...
You provide the venue and we bring the experts and the conversations.

Hosting an iVentiv Executive Knowledge Exchange is a great way to showcase your organisation’s work to an audience of senior executives and to draw on their knowledge and expertise.
In 2022, iVentiv will be helping you to learn, connect and develop in New York, London, Copenhagen, Chicago, Amsterdam, California, Paris, Texas, Zurich, Basel, Dubai, and many other locations around the world.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 3rd 2020
A thread on #MissionKarmayogi
A giant leap by @narendramodi in creating an integrated government online platform to enable Specialisation within #CivilServices and over a period of time enable Generalists with some areas of Specialisation/s.

It will create a vast pool of service providers- many of whom can be retired government officials who attained specialist knowledge. The government can tap into this massive resource on need.
An exercise of this scale can help create world's #BiggestLMS with features unmatched in any other system. To put things into perspective Central govt employs 50 lakh & state govts another 2.5 employees.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 24th 2019
Good to see a Brand Correlating "Product Ecosystem Saturation" with "Customer Maturity & transforming Expectation" to recognize the need for change in Pre-Crisis Phase.…
Similarly it is very Important
to correlate "Customer Ecosystem Feedback Saturation" with "Employee L&D" by Service Companies, to allocate well calculated yearly Budget for Change Management, Interpersonal collaboration, Workplace Architecture, best done by Corporate HR to keep the company Agile.
Read 3 tweets

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