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Aug 26th 2021
And #LocalHistoryHour is off! Starting us off is @emmadown22 telling us about the fab sources at @UKNatArchives in series MAF 73

These aren't digitised and you can consult a volume of index sheets to help you with your search when viewing these in person
So why use maps? Great to help you find the farm if you don't know the name of the farm or parish, for example. They are also a useful comparison of how areas have changed over time
There are also forms that accompany the surveys and can also be consulted at @UkNatArchives. In the slide you can see the type of information that can be found within these
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May 13th 2021
Cool Find!!! Adam Wynne recently messaged me to ask if I had any information about the ghost sign on the south side of 111 River Street in Toronto. The building is currently under threat of demolition.
I wrote back that I had nothing on it, surprised because I didn't even know there was a ghost sign at the location. However, I agreed to dig further. All the lettering I could make out from the photos at the beginning was choppy, "Office... .... & Co."
I stared at this faded sign through several years of Google Street Views for far too long, messaged back and forth with Adam about the history of the surrounding area, dove into the usual some online research, and started tracing what lettering I could decypher...
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Dec 11th 2020
Let's go. #Russia1914. A voyage down the Volga. With one incongruous aside as preamble, which is as follows: I have been using a clam shell to stay the pages of my copy of the Handbook while I work at my perch at the kitchen table. Image
The Volga River. Centuries ago it was the Atel. Or Etel. Or Itel. (Those pesky ambiguous primary vowels.) Centuries before that it was the Rha. The Oaros.
It probably still is all those things. Names piling in its throat like silt at its mouth.
Read 63 tweets
Nov 30th 2020
We are starting our Christmas Countdown a little early this year with the A-Z of @drakonheritage #ChristmasIsComing #ChristmasCountdown
First up. A is for Archaeology. Our year has been full of many great objects from the field. Swords, brooches, lots of iron and so many coins... #ArchaeologicalConservation #Archaeology
B is for Broken. This Anglo-Saxon vessel was hit by a plough. By re-joining the fragments we can appreciate its form but I loved seeing the repairs made in the past. What a valued object this must have been to someone. What stories it could tell. #conservation #ChristmasCountdown Riveted repair inside the c...Vessel before conservation....Vessel after conservation. ...
Read 22 tweets
Apr 14th 2020
THREAD Inspired by @EEWomensMuseum #womenshistoryonmywalk I set about finding women's history in @LBofHavering Discovered we've no @EnglishHeritage #blueplaques but we're not without #LocalHistory So spent my #BankHoliday learning about some incredible #womenofhavering Meet them! Image
Musician @imogenheap has 2 @RecordingAcad ,1 @IvorsAcademy award & 1 @DramaDeskAwards Classically trained in piano, cello & clarinet, she began song writing at 13. She has an honorary doctorate from @BerkleeCollege & composed the #music for @CursedChildLDN #womenofhavering Image
#JillyCooper born in #Hornchurch is a journalist, #author & media superstar. The author of many #1 bestselling novels including Riders, Rivals & Polo. She was appointed #OBE in 2004 for services to #literature & now lives in Gloucestershire with her beloved pets. #womenofhavering Image
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