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Sep 15th 2020
We love getting questions about mining, minerals and geology! We were asked about the historical #Londonderry #iron mines. Here's the story...

#nspoli #novascotia #cbpoli @ZannLenore @MunColchester #colchester #nshistory ImageImageImage
Iron mining and smelting began in #NovaScotia in 1825 when iron mines opened at Nictaux Falls, #AnnapolisCounty, and the Annapolis Iron Mining Company built a blast furnace at Clementsport between #AnnapolisRoyal and #Digby.
#nspoli #cbpoli #colchester Image
Iron has also been mined in numerous other locations in #NovaScotia, including East River, Bridgeville and Stellarton (#PictouCounty), Brookfield and Economy Mountain (#ColchesterCounty), Erinville and other places in #GuysboroughCounty...
#nspoli #cbpoli #colchester Image
Read 21 tweets
Sep 6th 2020
We love getting questions about mining, minerals and geology! We were asked about Nova Scotia’s version of the San Andreas Fault - the Cobequid-Chedabucto Fault System!
Nova Scotia has two halves geologically...
#nspoli #cbpoli #NovaScotia #CapeBreton ImageImage
#NovaScotia has 2 halves geologically: The northern half came from Europe and the southern half from Africa. The Cobequid-Chedabucto Fault System is where they collided 400 million years ago. This caused earthquakes, melted rocks+concentration of minerals like #gold+zinc.
#nspoli Image
People sometimes think of it as a single fault that cuts the province in half. In fact, it's a fault zone or system, not a single fault. There are several large parallel, or nearly parallel, faults that collectively make up the system.
#nspoli #cbpoli #NovaScotia #CapeBreton Image
Read 12 tweets
Jan 30th 2020
We love getting questions about #mining, #minerals and #geology! We were asked about the historical #Torbrook iron mines in #AnnapolisCounty. Here’s our answer:

#nspoli #NovaScotia #NS
@GlavineLeo @KeithIrvingNS
@JohnLohrMLA @mmillershubie @scottbrison @AVRCE_NS @StephenMcNeil Image
Also in 1825, the #Annapolis Iron Mining Co. built a blast furnace at #MooseRiver (#Clementsport) to smelt the magnetic ore recovered from three seams in #Clementsvale (the Miller, Potter and Milbury), as well as to accommodate production from the #Nictaux deposits.
#nspoli #NS Image
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Jan 23rd 2020
We love getting questions about #mining, #minerals and #geology! In response to our post yesterday about how #NovaScotia’s #gold deposits formed, we were asked about “barrel quartz.” Here’s our answer:

#nspoli #NS #CB #capebreton #Waverley @waverleyns @SteveStreatch @Bill_Horne ImageImage
Barrel quartz is a term used to describe the #gold deposit on #LaidlawHill in #Waverley in the 1800s. It isn’t a technical/geological term. The miners used it to describe what they saw: folded, gold-bearing quartz veins whose outcrops are corrugated and resemble barrels.
#nspoli Image
The quartz veins that host the #gold are hard and surrounded by soft shale. When the rocks were compressed by forces resulting from tectonic plate collision, the quartz vein buckled to form barrel shapes but the surrounding shale reacted like toothpaste and absorbed the pressure. Image
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