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Feb 22nd 2023
TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION- for those who can see ๐Ÿ‘€ It's about redirecting energy. A reversal, or inversion. A shift of male and female energy inverted upside down. People's lives are 100 percent shaped around what they see, hear and read on tv, music, and internet from
famous people who are entertainers of the mind. Famous and beautiful luxury is what traps the soul of the people by feeding beautiful attire to lull humans into the inversion of these lifestyles. When you redirect your mental power away from the public system and pay attention
to each of them, you will really start to see the script of this entire show is about inverting the energy of everything. Dark energy is about physical power. The image of physicality, and this is why humans who have reptile in their blood come together with them in the energy
Read 6 tweets
Jan 19th 2023
Greek Orthodox navel-gazer and Duginite, Matthew Heimbach sows chaos-sex magick wherever he goes. He's Eastern Orthodox so he can put two wives away. #AltRight #RussianClown #NavelGazer #Chaos #Dugin #Zionist #SexMagick #magick ImageImageImageImage
Matthew Heimbach with fellow clown, Jordan Jereb, in Florida
Jordan Jereb is the #ADL informant who falsely stated that his white supremacist group had given paramilitary training to the Jewish #Parkland shooter, Nikolas Cruz. #Dugin #Chaos
Read 20 tweets
Dec 24th 2022
Russian Bible Wars: Modern Scriptural Translation and Cultural Authority by Stephen K. Batalden Image
(p. 11) The vast publishing network set up by the Russian Bible Society (RBS) with the help of the Foreign & British Bible Society (FBBS) and the role the RBS played in spreading literacy. Image
(p. 13) The myriad of languages the RBS published in and the extensive reach of the RBS across the entire Russian Empire. Freemasonry was key to this as was the Russian Orthodox Church which supported the spread of the movement. ImageImage
Read 11 tweets
Jul 28th 2020
A curious case of ceremonial and devotional practice with Archangel Raphael in the restrictive beginning of social isolation due to the pandamy caused by COVID-19. Here is the thread:

#raphaelarchangel #magick #astrology #healing #jyotish
A few months ago, when the generalized pandemic picture was officially announced by the WHO and all countries were on the verge of isolation due to social distance, I launched a series of electives - meritorious and virtuous, for the benefit of all beings - aimed +
at healing and protection for some friends and clients who practice magical and theurgical practices. All electives prioritized the transit of the stars Mercury, Moon and Sun and aimed to establish a healing connection for the sick who were in need of assistance and to assist +
Read 40 tweets
Apr 2nd 2020
The Rothschild Surrealist Ball of 1972 featured imagery that was meant to look โ€œSatanicโ€(psyop) but to a more discerning eye, actually is mocking all religion. It features many sick examples of the infamous banking family mocking the rest of humankind #truth #SaturnDeathCult
more, do you see the Saturnian symbolism?
Why are the #Illuminati so obsessed with symbolism? Especially regarding horned gods, black cubes and the planet Saturn? #truth #SaturnDeathCults #NWO #awake #woke
Read 40 tweets
Jun 5th 2019
One of the biggest mistakes #mystics make, in regards to referencing ancient occult methods, is that they use systems that are not re-interpreted for the time. They resurrect old forms of #magik that were essentially created for another era.

#Occult #Magick Image
This places them in an inherently weaker position, a position that requires the ignorance of the public. If ppl woke up that were uneducated on the occult but spiritually more developed (which is not difficult at this point) they would see their plans quickly unravelling.
In order for this dark and limited magik to work, people need to be in a state of perpetual trauma, distraction and heightened emotion. We must become aware of this dynamic if we want to see any real change. It all begins with the occult spiritual level, it is the root.

#Occult Image
Read 7 tweets
Jun 30th 2018
*Clears Throat*

How You Are Performing #Magick Everyday and Donโ€™t Even Realize It.


#Manifestation 101.

For any of you more practical folks reading who may be skeptical due to my use of the word โ€œMagickโ€.

This will not be a โ€œwooeyโ€ thread.

It will better your life.

And it will CERTAINLY give you an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE if acted upon (looking at you @ipb_media).

Keep reading.
First things first, let me clarify that Iโ€™m using the word Magick as defined by Aleister Crowley.

#Magick - The Science and Art of causing change to occur in conformity with one's will.
Read 27 tweets

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