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Apr 16th 2022
๐Ÿงต1230+ hrs since #Ukrainian Patriotic War of Independence was started by #Russia full scale attack & 2977? days since #RussiaInvadedUkraine.
Almost same as last time.. #Russia terrorizes us with more missile strikes but really that will never bring their #Moskva back...
Really, the more I read into topic the more I see that it's not something they'll be able to recover from. #Soviet fleet sucked but #Russians are even dumber than soviets so building a replacement for #Mosvka is out of scope.Not to mention their image is destroyed, now only nukes
But what really important is that stringy viscous depressing feeling awaiting the further bloodshed, senseless, without hope for victory for #putin - just to destroy, destroy, destroy. They're already using strategic bombers against #Mariupol (already besieged by their troops)
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