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Wie ein #Blackseetornado fegt er durch die Weltgeschichte der jüngeren Zeit. Er beseitigte "gefühlt" alle Folgen der Flutkatastrophe im Ahrtal, flog dann direkt als #UkrainePressOrg in die Ukraine um Abermillionen Menschen mit Frank, Kalle und seinem Team zu versorgen. So
heldenhaft, dass er zum Staatsfeind Nummer 1 Russlands und von 6 russischen Geheimdienstmitarbeitern in Kyiv gejagt wurde. So lange, bis er und Kalle von einer Rakete, einem Wattebällchen oder vielleicht einem Döner vernichtet wurde. Auferstanden von den Toten, war er es auch,
der als #PrivateHilfeOrg, unmittelbar nach dem Erdbeben in der Türkei am Köln Bonner Flughafen eine geheime Passagiermaschine ohne Transponder charterte und innerhalb weniger Stunden bereits mitten im Erdbebengebiet mit gefühlt 100 Teams unzählige Menschen
Read 8 tweets
Welcome to another weekend, but in #Ukraine just another day of uncertainty. Hoping for the best but forgiven for fearing the worst.

It's Day 332 of #Russia's illegal war on its' peaceful neighbour. Here's the daily thread with all the important news and analysis.
First thanks to Simon S, who last night tipped me for my work (see profile for link).
Cheers, drinking coffee, enjoying a cake now!

So Friday was errr... eventful? Yes, that's the word! Catch up by scrolling through here:

#Russia has now lost over 120,000 soldiers from its' regular army. Another huge daily number of sacrificial lambs on the altar of Tsar Putin: 860, one of the highest ever.

Also decent equipment numbers hit by #Ukraine according to their estimates.

Read 39 tweets
Vladimir Putin, el mismo que había ordenado cárcel para el ruso que se atreviera a hablar de una "guerra" en #Ucrania, ahora la llama públicamente como tal y dice estar abierto a terminarla.
¿Por qué?…
En política, las palabras son claves. Por eso, el mismo día que Rusia invade Ucrania por 2da ocasión (24 feb 2022), se decide que cualquiera, personas o medios, que llamen a eso "invasión" o "guerra" serán castigados.
Es una "operación militar especial", y punto.
2) La susodicha "operación" resulta un fiasco monumental:
- Rusia, gran superpotencia, es expulsada en unos meses de buena parte de los territorios ucranianos que ocupaba;
- los rusos sufren tal cantidad de bajas, que tienen que llamar a movilización (reclutas)...
Read 15 tweets
Friday 25 November, welcome to the war daily news thread with all the updates from #Ukraine.

It's Day 275 of #Russia's illegal invasion.

Not too much happened on Day 274, but you can catch up on what you missed here:

Britain's Ministry of Defence update outlines what most of my readers will know already.

The big question is will #Russia's mobilised and their relatives rebel - especially families after their loved one's pointless deaths.

On Wednesday the European Parliament officially declared #RussiaIsATerroristState.

But yesterday evening they also passed a resolution against #Belarus with Lukashenka "sharing responsibility for war crimes with #Russia", calling for justice at the Hague.…
Read 20 tweets
Thursday 17 November, Day 267 of the war as #Ukraine fights for survival and #Russia continues its string of war crimes

This is the start of the daily thread. It takes a lot of work and buying me a coffee (see profile) would really cheer me up on this wet day

All the news here:
It's been fairly quiet overnight again, #Russia seemingly using up its dwindling stocks of missiles after the mass attack earlier this week.

If you need to catch up on yesterday's news, here's the thread for Wednesday:

A reminder of this happening in the Netherlands today

#MH17 #RussiaIsATerroristState

Read 59 tweets
Day 258 of #Russia's war in #Ukraine is underway - here's the daily thread with all the news you need!

Thanks to everyone who helped contribute yesterday including Ali, Alexander and Carolynne.
DMs open for your tip-offs.

Here's the link for y'day's news
Today's UK intel update reports on #Russia's defensive work in Occupied areas.

Even though I expect a retreat this week to behind the river Dnipro in #Kherson, liberating all of the region's territory will be very difficult because The Kremlin needs the land route to #Crimea.
It's not unusual for schools in #Russia (and #Ukraine actually) to have some elements of military awareness, including visits by soldiers pre-war, showing guns etc.

Now #Russia looks like making a new subject of military training compulsory for kids.…
Read 22 tweets
Friday's daily thread covering #Russia's war on #Ukraine starts here

In the #UK, 4 November is/was "Mischief Night" (is that still a thing?); sadly every day's a nightmare for Ukrainians

It's Day 254
Coming up: pleas for help from people in Mariupol and a new #Bucha documentary
Firstly, thanks to Tony for buying me a coffee (and a bacon sandwich too!)
If you think I deserve a coffee, see my bio.

If you missed anything yesterday, here's the link:

It's 3am in #Mariupol where temps will dip to +2
While many other areas of #Ukraine don't have power, many residents in occupied Mariupol don't even have windows. Civilians still forced to live in ruined tower blocks, hang banners "Children freezing" & "Where are the windows"
Read 29 tweets
L'attacco al ponte di #Kerch, al di là delle modalità con cui è stato effettuato, alla percentuale di danni e alla immediata agibilità (volume di traffico ferroviario e viario) è un colpo durissimo a Mosca sotto il profilo militare e, soprattutto, politico. Perchè? ⬇️#crimea
Militarmente gli ucraini danneggiano un'arteria logistica di grande importanza per il supporto al fronte sud (#Kherson) e dimostrano di poter continuare a compire le infrastrutture critiche russe.
Viceversa, i russi dimostrano di non avere sistemi di difesa e protezione adeguati di tali infrastrutture e di tale logistica. Le guerre con si vincono con le armi, ma con la sostenibilità logistica, economica e politica. Tutte e tre, in #Russia, appaiono vulnerabili.
Read 13 tweets
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 227 - #URGENTE - Iniciamos #hilo sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania.

🟥 El puente de #Kerch ha caído. Se desconocen las causas, pero esto da pie a Rusia a escalar y es un salto notable en el conflicto.

🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 227 - Lo del tren ardiendo es una incógnita. Podría ser una coincidencia o un fuego derivado de la explosión que ha derribado un tramo completo del puente. La plataforma intacta podría apuntar a ataque a los pilares.

🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 227 - De uno de los puentes han caído al menos dos tramos, lo que lo deja totalmente inservible. #Kerch.

🟥 #Tass apunta a un camión bomba...

🟥 Puede ser Ucrania o falsa bandera rusa para justificar escalada.…
Read 71 tweets
🇷🇺 "La #Russie est une puissance déclinante avec des armes nucléaires."

Depuis le début de la guerre en Ukraine, Phillips P. O'Brien (@TheAtlantic) s'est imposé comme l'un des experts militaires les plus pertinents. Interview.

"Si la #Russie n'envoie pas plus de troupes en #Ukraine, ils peuvent réellement connaître un effondrement. [...] L'armée russe est dans une position très périlleuse.

Je serais en tout cas très surpris si, d'ici à Noël, les Ukrainiens ne faisaient pas une autre avancée majeure."
🇷🇺 "Un char aujourd'hui a encore de la valeur, mais comme système de guerre secondaire.

La #Russie a perdu à coup sûr bien plus de 1000 chars. Elle a perdu plus de tanks qu'en ont la #France, le Royaume-Uni, l'Allemagne ou la Belgique réunis. Ces pertes sont énormes."
Read 18 tweets
We've reached Day 210 of #Russia's 3 day plan to topple #Kyiv.
#Ukraine fights on.

If you want to scroll through yesterday's news, it's here:


The important thing to say is that President Putin is making his delayed (recorded) speech now about the future of the illegal war
Putin announced only a partial mobilisation, which is what I suspected.

So anyone who's on the reserve will be called up due to #Russia's shortage of cannon fodder.
Read 63 tweets
1/ !! A new leaked document from Russian administration: RUS Min of Finance tells by AUG 28th, 361.4B RUB has been paid to families of #RuKIAsoldiers, 7.4M per man!. This does not include those MIA, killed separatists and WIA !!
document seems valid to me.!
2/ THEY ARE TALKING OF 48'759 dead soldiers !!!
much much much more than everything we have anticipated so far !
but be careful, i can't right now, certified this document. i can tell it sounds "ok" and i see no reason for a fake here... but it happens.
if information confirmed
3/ this would explain all the problems we are witnessing for the last month now and also would confirm why Kremlin and FSB are not only taking prisoners out of jail to fill up Wagner POS ranks but also, crazy people in asylum or bum in the streets.
Also this is big money...
Read 8 tweets
Die #Ostsee (#balticsea) und die Auswirkung des #Nato #Beitritt von #Schweden und #Finnland.
Um die Bedeutung, vor allem der Marine zu verstehen geht es im 2.Teil der Serie um die Grundlagen der Aufgaben der #Marine.
Die Marine ist wesentlich mehr als ein paar graue Schiffe, 1/x
sondern ein Wirkverbund aus Land-, See- und Lufteinheiten!

Neben Sensoren und Effektoren ist Führung elementar.
Sensoren dienen der Aufklärung und Zielerfassung/-zuweisung.
Effektoren sind die Waffen (Geschütze, Raketen etc)
Führung ist das, 2/x Bild von Image
Was alles verbindet und koordiniert. Es gibt sogar Schiffe die nur zur Führung von großen Verbänden da sind. Diese werden teilweise sogar noch von weiteren Schiffen unterstützt welche eine Warfare Area (Kampfbereich) wie z.B. Flugabwehr leiten.3/x…
Read 21 tweets
🇺🇦 "Aujourd'hui, l'ancienne Armée rouge s'appuie sur des soldats mal formés, mal entraînés, mal disciplinés et... mal commandés."

Interview très intéressante du @general_ben, ancien commandant général de l'@USArmy en Europe.

Mini #thread 👇…
"L'armée russe a atteint son point culminant. Sa logistique est totalement défaillante. [...] La #Russie n'a pas la capacité de remplacer ce qui est détruit." @general_ben
"Fait significatif : l'armée de l'air russe a commencé à cannibaliser les appareils civils de la compagnie #Aeroflot afin d'assurer la maintenance de ses avions de guerre..." @general_ben
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🇫🇷 "Contre la marine chinoise, nous gagnerons si nous nous battons ensemble, en coalition."

Retour sur l'audition de l’@amiralVandier, chef d’état-major de la @MarineNationale devant l'@AN_Defense.

THREAD 👇 Image
"Les feux de l’actualité donnent à l’horizon militaire une coloration très continentale, ce qui est bien normal. Le drame que vivent les Ukrainiens depuis le 24 février inquiète. Il rappelle les heures sombres vécues par nos concitoyens lors des dernières guerres mondiales."
"C’est la génération de nos parents qui a dessiné et construit le Charles de Gaulle. C’est à la nôtre qu’il revient de construire les outils militaires qui défendront la génération de nos enfants et petits-enfants dans les quarante prochaines années." @amiralVandier Image
Read 72 tweets
1/ So.. only from yesterday serveral small ammo/weapons dumps and important places occupied by Russians have been recorded destroyed. at least 5-7 (plus all the ones we do not have visuals/confirmations...)
3 Ru bases directly have been " #Himarsed " meaning w precision.
2/ and a good reminder from July only...
so it'll give you a "forecast" for the rest of the "party".
Enjoy it Orcs!
(so cheer up when Ru troll come at you with : Ukr has only 5k missiles... well, with the ongoing production line, this can go for months...!)
Read 35 tweets
1/ 30 Juin 2022 - mid day - Gen Staff report - no Global changes on the front line
Ru are stuck, literally, in some areas, because of an insufficient ratio attackers/defenders and still push in somes places in the direction of #Lysichansk & #Bakhmut but w/ no result.
#UkraineMap ImageImage
2/ Ukrainian soldiers stopped the offensive and inflicted significant losses on the occupiers in the areas of #Klynove and #Novoluhanske settlements, as well as repulsed the assault in the direction of the #Vuhlehirskaya TPP. In both cases the enemy withdrew. ImageImage
3/ Gaidai reports.
Important things to notice & so true. no effing Russians inside the city (so F*ck FSB reports some people are taking for true)
and also..., i'm still waiting for Russian to show 1k prisoners here or in #Severodonetsk area or the 2k in Zolote pocket.. etc etc. ImageImage
Read 30 tweets
#milTwitter #SlavaUkraïni
Eine Russin telefoniert mit ihrem Mann der Soldat ist.

„Schatz, was ist mit dieser Spezialoperation in der #Ukraine bei der du bist & von der #Putin ständig im TV spricht?“

„Eigentlich ist das ein Krieg gegen die #NATO.“

„Und wie läuft es?“

„Wir haben ca. 30.000 Gefallene, 1200 Kampfpanzer, 5000 sonstige Fahrzeuge, 200 Jets, 13 Schiffe, darunter das Flaggschiff #Moskva, verloren. Außerdem sind 1 Admiral, 11 Generäle, 23 Obristen & unzählige Oberstleutnante tot, sowie Dutzende hohe Offiziere in Gefangenschaft.“

„Das ist ja ein Desaster!!! Und die NATO Verluste??“

„Die NATO ist bisher noch nicht aufgetaucht.“



Read 3 tweets
Passionnant article du @washingtonpost qui dévoile les règles de partage du renseignement US avec l'#Ukraine pour ne pas inciter des représailles russes : pas d'info sur les grands chefs russes ou pour aider des opérations menées en #Russie. Suffisant?…
2. On peut se demander si les sources du Washington Post dans l'administration #Biden ne parlent pas à dessein à la presse de ces règles limitatives du renseignement avec l'#Ukraine, après le "coup de gueule" présidentiel à ses chefs du renseignement consécutif à l'affaire Moskva
3. Après que la presse US avait affirmé 1 aide US pour l'élimination du navire russe Moskva, l'administration #Biden fut obligé de démentir avec peine et le président demanda à Avril Haines coordinatrice du renseignement national de faire cesser des fuites
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🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania (día 72) - Una jornada más, comienza aquí nuestro #hilo 🧵 diario sobre la #GuerraRusiaUcrania.

🟥 Ayúdanos compartiendo 🙏

🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania (día 72) - #IMPORTANTE - Sigue sin haber nada consistente que haga pensar en el hundimiento de la fragata rusa "Almirante #Makarov" (Proyecto 11356).

🟥 Ayer funcionarios de #EEUU reconocieron haber proporcionado datos cruciales para hundir el #Moskva.
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania (día 72) - En #Severodonetsk, las autoridades regionales afirman que las tropas rusas habrían avanzado desde #Rubizhne (#Mezhove) hasta combatir en las calles de #Vojevodivka (#Voedovka). No está todavía confirmado que sea más que una avanzadilla.
Read 47 tweets
Everyone else is writing about #Moskva today! We've been working on this one for about a week looking at the most likely scenario for the engagement on April 13 and a former Navy captain has an excellent explanation for the most likely scenario.
First off, the intelligence the U.S. provided Ukraine is probably nothing more than the general position of the ship, which had been operating in the same waters since the start of the war.
Similar info you could get from commercial SATCOM.
The P-8A that was in the vicinity hours before the hit could have relayed the general whereabouts to the ship to Ukrainians via voice but they don't have the data links to send targeting information to a Neptune battery.
Ships move a lot in a few hours.
Read 11 tweets
Let me start by saying I have no firsthand knowledge of this. Simply spitballing based on what we know from adjacent information.

The US is very clearly reading #Putin's mail and listening to his phone calls.
We are as certain as we can be that the US provided targeting information for ##Ukraine's attack on the #Moskva. Now 20 high ranking Russian officers? In one place? Along with the theater commander Putin dispatched to get him a victory before May9?
I'm betting the US provided Ukraine w the time & place. Maybe even the weapon.
Looking forward, unless there is an immense improvement in Russia's information security, the US will work with Ukrainians to decapitate every single force the Russians put in the field.
Read 6 tweets
The Surge of “Little Green Men,” and Metal is Poised to Strike – Part 5 - The world is closer to witnessing the use of some type of #NuclearWeapons due to war in the Ukraine than during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 - by @TraderStef #TacticalNukes #WW3… Image
#LittleGreenMen #Russia #Ukraine #NATO #War - #TacticalNukes - a bunch of high-ranking Russian military suits were taken out by a Ukrainian hit in #Izium
Read 120 tweets
1) Excellent #UkraineWar #thread🧵 by @DAlperovitch on Russia's de facto maritime blockade of Ukraine's southern coast & some of the difficulties involved in lifting it.
2) For more on Russia's de facto maritime blockade of Ukraine's southern coast & the naval situation from the start of the war, significant elements of which still hold, do check out this #thread🧵 from March
3) And more recently this @defaeroreport #Podcast🎧🗣️ with @CavasShips & @CSSProvision, talking #Moskva, blockade & trade protection in the #BlackSea, & Russia's apparent inability to otherwise exploit their #maritime superiority in the #UkraineWar…
Read 6 tweets

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