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Jan 12th 2022
TODAY: Palestinian Bedouins try to stop Israeli bulldozers being used in a tree-planting program carried out by the Jewish National Fund (JNF) on the land of the #Naqab desert, also known as #Negev.
Since its creation in 1901, the JNF has been acquiring lands serving the settler-colonial project in the region of Palestine. Photos by Activestills.
To this day, Israel bans Palestinian refugees of the Naqab, most of whom are currently in Gaza's refugee camps, from returning to their ethnically cleansed towns in favor of Israeli settlers. Photos by @OrenZiv_ / Activestills
Read 3 tweets
May 16th 2021
Examples of appropriation of #Arabic toponyms
List will name #Palestinian villages, place names depopulated before or in 1948, followed by #Israeli settlements with toponyms derived from names of destroyed #Palestinian villages:

Depopulated July 1948 (Bean in #Arabic)
#Lavi (Kibbutz); founded 1948 (Lion in #Hebrew)

#Al-Kabri ( Western #Galilee) depopulated on May 21st 1948
#Kabri (Kibbutz); founded 1949

#Alma (#Sadad district)
Depopulated on October 30th, 1948
#Alma (#moshav ) founded in 1949

Depopulated on May 2,
-, 1948

#Amqa (#Acre are)
Depopulated october, 1948
#Amka (Moshav) founded 1949

#Sajara (Lower #Galilee);
Depopulated: July, 1948
#Tree in #Arabic
#AynZaytun (Western #Galilee)
Spring #Olives in #Arabic
#Ilaniya (Tree in #Hebrew)+ #EinZeitim (kibbutz) Spring olive
Read 21 tweets
Aug 3rd 2020
"Even with #COVID19 hitting poor communities hard, the #Israeli authorities have not let up on harassment of the #Bedouin #Palestinians."
by @mikopeled… #Naqab #Israel #FreePalestine #annexation #apartheid
"For the last 7 decades its #indigenous people, the #Palestinian #Bedouin who have historically lived here for thousands of years, have been living without #rights and subjected to a vicious campaign of dispossession and racial #segregation."
by @mikopeled…
#Palestinian #Bedouin children stand on the rubble of two classrooms destroyed by the Israeli army in the village of Abu Nuwar, #WestBank. Israel demolished the school saying the #EU-funded structure was built without proper permits.
Photo by Mahmoud Illean | AP

#FreePalestine Image
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