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Jul 31st 2021
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Créditos: Petr Horalek / Institute of Physics in Opava
Texto original e edição: Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)
APOD Brasil: @fnavarete
#NEOWISE #Cometa #Astronomia Image
Se você pudesse ver as estrelas da Ursa Maior em julho do ano passado, você também poderia encontrar o Cometa NEOWISE em seu céu noturno. Depois do pôr do sol, os habitantes do norte podiam procurar o cometa a olho nu abaixo da “tigela” celestial e acima do horizonte noroeste.
O cometa parecia uma estrela difusa com uma cauda, embora provavelmente não tão longa como nesta memorável vista do céu registrada na República Tcheca em 23 de julho de 2020, perto da aproximação mais próxima do cometa ao planeta Terra.
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Aug 25th 2020
Concurso imaxes #NEOWISE? Hoxe sorteo de premios entre os votantes na web. Ás 21:00 horas transmitiremos en directo por twitter. O mecanismo será o seguinte:
- cada voto emitido ten un número único #ID, do 5281 ao 6185
- emitíronse 905 votos (persoas que votaron varias imaxes)
- eliminamos 56 votos por non cumprir regras (usuarios sen correo ou mensaxe de correo devolto por servidor cando fixemos comprobación)
- usaremos a web transmitindo en directo (duración estimada 1 min)
- escolleremos 20 números, 5 primeiros: premiados
- 15 seguintes, reservas:
--se algún dos primeiros corresponde a mesmo usuario
-- se é un número de voto non válido
-- se o premiado non confirma o premio cando enviemos correo electrónico
- temos listaxe que relaciona votos e usuarios.
A listaxe está nas mans de @efervesciencia
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Aug 10th 2020
#PerseidMeteorShower: How to Spot the Year’s Brightest Meteor Shower in Indian Night Sky…

(📸: NASA/Bill Ingalls) Image
After the month-long show of comet #NEOWISE, skywatchers are all set to experience yet another spectacular celestial phenomenon—Perseid Meteor Shower—this month.

Regarded to be the year’s brightest meteor showers, it will peak on Tuesday, August 12, but will be visible throughout from August 11 to 13.

Read 14 tweets
Jul 22nd 2020
Resultaat van wat flink doorbewerken. #NEOWISE, stack van 121 opnamen (34 x 2000 ISO en 87 x 6400 ISO), 1 seconde per opname, Canon EOS 80D + Samyang 2.0/135 mm, vast statief.
20 Juli 2020, vanuit Cronesteyn bij #Leiden.
Blauwe rechte gaststaart en geel-rode gebogen stofstaart Image
En nu vind ik het wel even genoeg met die komeet.
De achtergrond is nog wat vlekkerig: lastig een goede "artificial flat" te krijgen om de stadslicht-gradient kwijt te raken. Maar beter dan dit wordt het niet denk ik.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 21st 2020
1/ Thread: Summer of 2020

Summer of Corona gone Bad
Summer of Antiracism gone Woke
Summer of US-China relations gone MAD
Summer of Arctic & Amazon on Smoke
Summer of Asia gone Soak
Summer of People gone Broke

Read 9 tweets
Jul 20th 2020
Tem cometa observável no céu? Tem!
E essa é a #AstroThreadBR pra quem quer saber tudo sobre como observá-lo do Brasil!
Vamos conhecer o cometa C/2020 F3 (#NEOWISE)
[créditos da imagem: @nasa / Bill Dunford]
Mas de onde saiu esse nome? Parece complicado, mas a regra é simples. O nome inclui período, data de descobrimento e nome do descobridor. No caso, o cometa é de longo período, foi o terceiro descoberto na sexta quinzena de 2020 e seu descobridor é o telescópio NEOWISE.
E de que ele feito? Essencialmente, gelo e poeira. Mas você não vai querer esse gelo na sua bebida. Há amônia, dióxido de carbono e outros componentes tóxicos em sua composição. Mas são esses componentes que conferem as belas cores observadas na cauda iônica e na cabeleira (coma)
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Jul 20th 2020
Today we celebrate ‘One small step for Man, One giant leap for Mankind’ - the Apollo 11 Moon Landing. This day in 1969 Neil Armstrong & Buzz Aldrin made history as they stepped down onto the Lunar Surface. 🌕 Image
Also, on this day last year Soyuz MS-13 launched to the @Space_Station with Expedition 60 crew members @astro_luca, @AstroDrewMorgan and Alexander Skvortskov on board! Image
At the time of this launch I was in a few hours out of Cologne, as it was during my internship with the European Space Agency.

I managed to get this photo of the @Space_Station and #Soyuz passing overhead that evening! 🛰
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Jul 18th 2020
We tried to see #NEOWISE. Fail. I think.
OMG. I just downloaded my pics and it looks like I did get the tail end of #neowise.
Ok. I'm a little too excited but who doesn't get excited about a little tail action, amirite? I'm hopefully going to try again at Joshua Tree tomorrow and see if I can get one last look. #NEOWISE ImageImageImageImage
Read 12 tweets
Jul 18th 2020
Let's talk Monsoon!! 🤓⛈️

Been hearing weather people talking about rain/storm chances and the prospect of monsoon 2020 to make an appearance next week? Follow along with this thread and we will break down why that's the case... 👀

First, let's look at our #GOESW satellite...'s a little hard to pick out things that zoomed out. Let's zoom into the Southwest US and add some other features. 🛰️ 👀

Nevada is pretty quiet, but Arizona and New Mexico look pretty stormy. What about that big blob of storms in Mexico? These are key! Here's why...
Let's refresh on what the monsoon is and what you need to have a good set up...

The "monsoon" is not a storm, a series of storms, or even moisture in the air. It's a shift in the winds aloft that *enables* moisture to filter in to the arid desert climates of the southwest.
Read 13 tweets
Jul 10th 2020
21:33UT and I’ve just sighted Comet #NEOWISE (C/2020 F3) using 10x50 binoculars. Bright & fuzzy head with part of tail already visible – even in the bright twilight over Exmoor.
Comet and bright part of its tail easily visible to the naked eye now.
This is what the camera is seeing right now.
Read 5 tweets
Jul 9th 2020
@AndersAlv @palace @1177vardguiden @vibblaby @lenahallengren @hanne_kjoller @sinustakykard @Werlabs @PeterLetmark Nej, inte mer än att de lyssnat på dem två gånger på närakuten och sagt att de låter bra. De låter bra när jag har normal astma oxå. ”Ja, jag ha samma problem” sa första läkaren jag träffade där, när jag berättade. Funderade imorse på om man kanske kan få ordentligt bedömning nu
@AndersAlv @palace @1177vardguiden @vibblaby @lenahallengren @hanne_kjoller @sinustakykard @Werlabs @PeterLetmark Min normala läkare har jag bara träffat på video efter mars, han sa att det kunde ta ett halvår att reparera dem & det går definitivt åt rätt håll fortfarande 👍
@AndersAlv @palace @1177vardguiden @vibblaby @lenahallengren @hanne_kjoller @sinustakykard @Werlabs @PeterLetmark Dag 113: Jobbigt att andas när jag skulle sova igår, tog två extra Symbicort, lugnade sig. Sov bra sen, länge. Fick upp en del gult från lungorna på morgonen. Mått bättre idag. Hoppas det håller i sig igen. Men bakslagen är jobbiga, att ha problem att andas är tufft.
Read 239 tweets
Jul 9th 2020
Beautiful pics of comet #NEOWISE are everywhere this week, taken from the northern hemisphere. Why is this so, and can we see it from Africa? A thread on #CometNeowise

For a timelapse from the @Space_Station see
First, for some basic info on its visibility and many pretty pictures, see… on Comet #NEOWISE
The comet #Neowise survived its closest approach to the Sun on July 3 and is now a naked eye object in the morning sky, easily visible through binoculars, and makes for some spectacular photographs.…
Read 14 tweets
Jul 7th 2020
I got incredibly lucky: with a rare morning with no fog in San Francisco, I was able to photograph Comet #NEOWISE from the Golden Gate Bridge

It peaks today at Magnitude +1 brightness and will be visible to the naked eye for the next week.

#cometc2020f3 #cometNEOWISE #abc7now ImageImageImageImage
You don’t need a DSLR or telescope to see Comet #NEOWISE.

Although I used a DSLR, you can see it with the naked eye, and capture a photo with your iPhone (see below - a 3 second exposure!)

Go check it out this week! Low to the north-east horizon from 4-5AM before sunrise. ImageImage
More work-in-progress shots of #CometNEOWISE

This is unedited, just comet aligned and ABE in PixInsight.

Canon 6D, 135mm f2, 34 minutes of exposure (30s subs). Shot on July 18 from Lake Sonoma, California

Lots of detail in the blue ion tail and yellow dust tail. Image
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Jul 6th 2020
Something from the @Space_Station we've never seen before - #noctilucentclouds *and* comet #NEOWISE above them:…
Even more attempts to catch comet #NEOWISE over #noctilucentclouds from the @Space_Station can be found in the album - for great *ground-based* views of NEOWISE *behind* NLCs see e.g.… and…
And *still* more images from the @Space_Station of comet #NEOWISE rising over #noctilucentclouds at the limb of the Earth:
Read 3 tweets
Jul 6th 2020
En las próximas madrugadas y hasta mediados del mes tenemos la oportunidad de ver a simple vista el cometa C/2020 F3, también llamado cometa #NEOWISE (📷Michael Jaeger) Image
A comienzo de este año, el telescopio espacial NEOWISE descubrió su último cometa, un objeto lejano y discreto. En ese momento estaba a 312 millones de kilómetros del Sol. (📷@AstroBehnken) Image
Brillaba con una magnitud muy débil, aproximadamente 25.000 veces más débil que la estrella más débil que podemos ver a simple vista y solo era visible con grandes telescopios.
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