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Oct 4th 2020
OPINION BY SIMON KOLAWOLE: Craving a new #Nigeria | TheCable

#NigeriaAt60 Image
.@simonkolawole: Unfortunately, we cannot build a “new” Nigeria with “old” Nigerians — particularly those who have made up their minds to see nothing but gloom and doom for the country.
.@simonkolawole: To them, Nigeria is finished and beyond redemption. To build a “new” Nigeria, therefore, we need “new” Nigerians — those whose passion is fuelled by a desire for the development of the country, those who look around and see massive opportunities for greatness...
Read 7 tweets
Oct 2nd 2020
1/ Amina was born to the ruler of Turunku, around 1533 in Zazzau (now known as Zaria, a province in Northern Nigeria).

When her father died, her brother took the throne but Amina chose to spend her time honing her military skills with the warriors of the Zazzau army.
2/ Upon the death of her brother, Amina had grown into a fierce warrior & earned the respect of the Zazzau army, so she was able to take the throne.

It has been said that she refused marriage & would take a lover after every battle,...
3/ ...spend a night with him & then have him killed the next morning.

There are different accounts as to how and where she died. One account was ..... read the rest of the story here 👉🏾

#OandoIsNigeria #60Together #NigeriaAt60
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Oct 1st 2020
Congratulations to Nigerians everywhere, including the estimated hundreds of thousands here in the United States, on the 60th independence anniversary of their amazing country. #NigeriaAt60
As an African-American who traces his roots to the Ibos of eastern Nigeria, I take particular pride in this milestone. Shout out to my friends in Lagos and Abuja and beyond, including Pastor @PaulAdefarasin and @PastorEAAdeboye.
On this special day, I encourage you to honor the memory of independence leaders like Nnamdi Azikiwe, Obafemi Awolowo and Tafawa Balewa by working to maximize the potential of this great country. #NigeriaAt60
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Oct 1st 2020
Oh God of creation, direct our noble cause
Guide our leader’s right
Help our youth the truth to know
In love & honesty to grow
And living just & true
Great lofty heights attain
To build a nation where peace & justice shall reign.

This second stanza of the national anthem is
always my first prayer when it's independence day.

My prayer in recent times has been "Help our youth the truth to know. "
A country highly dominated & blessed with creative youths, it's saddening that youths who should be propellers of a positive society are the 21st-century
tool used to perpetuate violence in the same society.

"Knowing the right thing is important, doing the right thing is more important."

I know one of the first lines of defence when these issues come up, is "Nigeria is not a sane clime, our leaders are this & that, the economy
Read 10 tweets
Oct 1st 2020
The wait is over!!

At Oando, we believe it is pertinent to first understand where we come from to be united in the journey to our destination. Hinged on this idea, we present you
A portal to commemorate Nigeria’s 60th year of independence from British colonial rule and to celebrate her rich cultural heritage. It is designed to be interactive and educative, exploring the country’s history by highlighting heroes, major milestones and cultures. Image
It is a call to action for Nigerians at home and in diaspora to channel our resources towards a more progressive future.

#OandoIsNigeria #60Together #NigeriaAt60
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Oct 1st 2020
Major Events in Nigeria Since 1960.
1st October1960 Nigerians gained independence from Britain under Prime Minister Tafawa Balewa and President Nnamdi Azikiwe.
19631 OctNigeria severed its remaining ties to Britain, marking the First Republic.
#NigeriaAt60 #October1st
1964 1 DecNational parliamentary election. Another Tiv uprising heavily suppressed by police.

1965-Elections held in Western Region and Autumn Refinery completed at Port Harcourt; owned 60% by Federal Government, 40% by Shell-BP.
196615 Jan A military coup deposed the government of the First Republic. Balewa, Premier of Northern Nigeria Ahmadu Bello, and Finance Minister Festus Okotie-Eboh, were assassinated.

1966 16 Jan The Fed Military Government was formed, by General Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi.
Read 40 tweets
Oct 1st 2020
Nigerians, understand these concepts

- minimum wage
- cost of living index
- purchasing power parity

Don't just assume that increase in wages will make you comfortable. Cost of living and purchasing power parity are stronger factors.

#NigeriaAt60 #NigeriaIndependence
You can earn 400k monthly in Lagos and you will be dead broke every month with no savings when compared to someone who earns N200,000 monthly in Ilorin or Oshogbo. What 200k will get you in terms of housing, food, transportation 400k won't be enough in Lagos.
That concept is called 'cost of living' and it is responsible for urban poverty and slum dwellers.
Purchasing Power Parity analyses compares different countries' currencies and the basket of goods you can get with them.
What will you get with $100 in a grocery store in NewYork
Read 4 tweets
Oct 1st 2020
There was a time, when we had no say on how our country should be run,
We had our opinions silenced.
Until one day, we stood up and decided to fight for our nation’s existence.

Today marks the day we gained our independence,
Our freedom to stand out and be unique
60yrs of independence,
60yrs strong,

May we never forget the labour of our heroes past
And may Nigeria continue to grow towards greater heights.

Happy Independence Day !

@threadreaderapp unroll
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Oct 1st 2020
🇳🇬 Nigeria 🇳🇬 @MBuhari
60 years of independence. But should be a day of mourning. Because #Nigeria is like a war bride.
A war bride because her leaders and government have plundered her the entire 60 years, and achieved nothing but regression.
The leaders of #Nigeria have raped, maltreated and continue to denigrate her even today, like the war bride she became.
Her shame is faked in pretensious pride though behind, she longs for better companions.
Her children are born with no love because her oppressors cares not about the outcomes of their malicious acts, nor do they look in at the war bride except when they wish to abuse her.
Her pleadings fall on deaf ears, and her cries nothing but noise to her captors. #NigeriaAt60
Read 21 tweets
Oct 1st 2020
Nigeria is a geographical space on 9.0820° N, 8.6753° E. The people within the space define the country. The Jews defined Israel.
Nigeria is what it is today because of the people. The politicians, the civil servants, the military, the private sector.
The paramilitary and the informal sector. The people of Nigeria failed to create a country that can be envied by others. If Nigeria is evacuated today, the Jews or Chinese will come in and turn it around. Nigeria is a reflection of the people, nothing else!
The politicians who steal, civil servants who steal and take bribe, contractors who abscond with money, private sector that delivers poor service, the informal sector plagued with cheats. The citizens who break laws.
If Nigeria is useless at 60, then we are all useless.
Read 8 tweets
Oct 1st 2020
6 Decades of Technology in Nigeria

In celebration of #NigeriaAt60 we scroll through pass the 6 decades of Nigeria's advancement in technology.

#IndependenceDay #October1st #happyindependenceday
Ogbunigwe (1960-69)

The Biafra war remains by far the worst moment in Nigeria since Independence. But the Biafran scientists showed great adeptness in technology during the war by creating and designing numerous devices...
...Chief amongst them was the Ogbunigwe, a weapon system that incorporated long range surface and air missiles.

It's such a sad shame this level of technological advancement ended with the war.

#NigeriaAt60 #NigeriaIndependence #happyindependenceday #October1st
Read 13 tweets
Oct 1st 2020
Chief Remi Fani-Kayode (1921-1995) was the man who successfully moved the motion for Independence on August 2, 1958.

Anthony Enahoro moved the motion in 1953 which proposed Nigeria's independence in 1956 but was rejected by Parliament and it therefore failed.

It also resulted in a walk-out by the northern parliamentarians who were of the view that Nigeria was not yet ready for independence.

The tensions and acrimony that came from all these resulted in the infamous Kano riots of 1953.
In 1957, Samuel Ladoke Akintola moved a second motion for independence in 1959 and it was passed by the Federal House but the British authorities refused to assent to it and, consequently, it failed.
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Oct 1st 2020
Here is a truth most people don't like to hear.

No matter how much you whinge about leaving the country, only a few eventually leaves ergo, the onus is on us to change ourselves (do a Jihad on our souls) regarding how we have contributed to the mess bedevilling our country.
A lot of people who need to clean the Augean stables in their various abodes bloviate about how unfair our leaders are; makes you wonder whether our leaders are Martians.

Whether we like it or not, most of us will never leave Nigeria until our deaths.
Rather than curse every time, do your bit while saying a prayer for our leaders (yes, a lot of people are sceptical about the power of prayers but it doesn't hurt to say them).

As Muslims, we all know the Prophet's mandate on how to foster a healthy society.
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Sep 30th 2020
Nigeria @ 60.
Which of the sides are you seeing...The Good or the Bad.
They gave us freedom thinking we'll not be able to stand and live in peace unity and harmony.
They wouldn't have imagined to see the country Nigeria#60
We came a long way to see a better Nigeria
... we have come this far 'cos we still identify ourselves has Nigerians.
Rising above all odds, limitations and difficulties, in all these adversaries @60 we still have a country #Nigeria.
Congratulations to Us cos this is Nigeria.
Hopeful or Hopeless this is our country.
This is not the Nigeria we want apparently,But we're proud to celebrate our togetherness and nationality @ 60. Let's celebrate those Wonderful and amazing souls we're blessed with just because of a country NIGERIA
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Sep 27th 2020
As Nigerians, we have before us, a better Nigeria that can only be attained by our collective allegiance, hope, and readiness to harness the numerous human and material resources with which the Creator has blessed us. ImageImageImageImage
I expressed this stance earlier today, when I joined other Christian faithful for the Special Church Service at the Cathedral Church of St. Peters, Ake marking the 60th National Day Celebration. ImageImageImageImage
While we celebrate our bright future this Diamond Jubilee, we must reflect on our past as a united Nation that has stayed strong in the face of her economic and security challenges, especially as we emerge from the COVID-19 scourge. ImageImageImageImage
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Sep 23rd 2020
‼️ICYMI: In partnership with @republicjournal, we are accepting essays exploring the current state of Nigeria, patriotism & how Nigerian citizens can channel resources towards a more progressive future, ahead of #NigeriaAt60

2/❓What do you need to do?

Send an analytical and engaging essay of 800 to 1000 words that provides a progressive roadmap across the following lenses:

👉🏾 Culture & Society e.g. promoting our thriving cultural landscapes as sources of identity, representation & national pride.
3/ 👉🏾 Gender e.g. the key steps Nigeria must take to establish more gender-inclusive, progressive communities; the historical contributions of female leaders to the public sphere.

👉🏾 History e.g. the historical significance of Nigerian independence 60 years on.
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Sep 17th 2020
Oh my eyes! You have seen a whole lot;

Oh my nose! You have perceived great smells and lovely aromas;

Oh my hands! You have tilled the ground;

Oh my legs! You have treaded many beautiful places.

Now is the time to relax & enjoy the beauty of humanity packaged in one delivery
Enjoy d peppered chicken, dance to d beat of its drumsticks & have tasty bites of d meaty chicken breast.

Open wide the door of your abode, split d curtains apart & have a feel of the view of your neighborhood, listen to the sound of the fulfillment of having your own house.
Sit & relax to enjoy a family time with your favourite programs though there's blackness in the neighborhood. Enjoy the radiance of the power of the sun in your home.

The community residents are pointing their fingers at your home; they love the colours, #solarenergy
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Sep 16th 2020
Dear Nigerians, "the system" is not the problem.
Systems are created by PEOPLE. The very people who enjoy or suffer from a system create that system by their actions and inactions.

One of the central theories in Sociology is the Behaviorist Paradigm which posits that...
...the social realities of a people are mere creations of the PREVALENT MINDSET held by the MAJORITY OF CITIZENS over time. A key scholar of this theory, Max Weber, in "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capialism" outlined how the theology of the likes ofJohn Calvin...
3/ North&West Europe UNCONSCIOUSLY gave birth to modern capitalism. The doctrine of "predestination" taught not only eternal salvation but also that one's station in life was predetermined. People were taught to take pride in their work and status as worship to God...
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Sep 7th 2020
Marco Mendicino Canada's Minister of Immigration stated in his first major policy speech upon assumption of office in 2019 that Image
Canada's major immigration goal is to welcome one million immigrants over the next 3 years, despite the upheavals caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada has stuck to that master plan recording high levels of immigration in 2020.
Mendicino stated that this plan is necessary due to Canada’s demographic realities. As an ageing country with a low birth rate, Canadians are living longer and not having enough children to maintain the size of its population.
Read 9 tweets

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