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Prof Grant Schofield, Public Health specialist #NZ

It's late in the day but he has just published a piece that will raise the ire of our woke socialist regime

"A Falling Out Of Love Letter To The University"...

#informedconsent #mandates #uncensored
I think I lost my love because we no longer deliver on the most important part of what we promised to do. We are no longer the “critic and conscience of society”.

you might not be aware that we are no longer a place for debate.
We are no longer centrists. We have drifted to the political left, way left. And that leftist view which has many merits, and many downfalls cannot be debated with impunity. We are strong on virtue signaling.
Read 12 tweets
#nz pharmacovigilence #covidvaccines

What hope is there?

No updates to public data since NOV 2022 and when we ask the date of the next report they can't even tell us!

You think that's shocking, how about this -
From Dr Guy Hatchard:

On December 17th, I received a letter from Astrid Koornneef, Director of the National Immunisation Programme, who was replying on Ashley Bloomfield’s behalf to my letter to him of 28 October 2021 raising concerns about vaccine safety.
Incredibly, the reply asserted that

“an accurate measurement of all adverse events [following vaccination] is NOT REQUIRED"
Read 5 tweets
This is the #pfizer Post Marketing Surveillance for the 1st 90 days of use

#nz Medsafe had all this data when they authorised the #covidvaccine for use in #nz…
Note page 16 Table 7:

In the first 90 days of use #pfizer received

1403 reports of CARDIAC INJURY

946 reports SERIOUS

Onset latency (time from injection to event) MEAN TIME WAS LESS THAN 24 HOURS
When establishing a CAUSAL nexus between a drug and an adverse event, Temporality (time from drug administration to event) is considered a key indicator

The average time from taking the #pfizer #covidvaccine to having a cardiac injury was LESS THAN 24 HOURS

Read 4 tweets
In #nz pregnant and women and breast feeding mothers were MANDATED to take a #covidvaccine if they were in mandated professions

At this time the #nz #medsafe was already in possession of the #pfizer Post Marketing Surveillance of the first 90 days of product use
All mothers were assured of the safety of the product by our MOH

The report covered a time frame when there was NO safety and efficacy data for pregnant women. They were not included in the #pfizer trials used to authorise the product for Emergency Use.
In the first 90 days of use Pfizer received 413 reports of women receiving the injection when they were pregnant or lactating e.g. "off label use" that should not have happened.
Read 7 tweets
Prova absoluta e definitiva de q o TGA australiano (e quase certamente, #nz Medsafe, q terá recebido informações idênticas) mentiu p/ seu povo.
Um novo pedido australiano de liberdade de informação nos mostra exatamente o q o #TGA SABIA quando autorizou o #pfizer #covidvaccine
Eles SABIAM q Nanopartículas Lipídicas (q carregam o código mRNA p/ dentro das células, p/ transformar as células em uma unidade de fabricação de spike) se movem rapidamente p/ o Sangue (plasma), q então as carrega pelo corpo na circulação sanguínea. 2/
Distribuição máx no sangue dentro de 1 a 4 horas após a injeção. Altas concentrações de LNPs foram rapidamente encontradas no: fígado, glândula adrenal, baço E OVÁRIOS.
Read 11 tweets
Bloomfield denied injection exemptions to countless people who were at known risk from the jab. Now he’s heading up a global decision making body that is attempting to take control of national public health responses to future pandemics. What could go wrong?
Turns out that Dr Ashley Bloomfield, New Zealand’s former director general of health is co-chair of the International Health Regulations Working Group.
Based on the review committee’s report, the working group was then tasked with proposing a package of targeted amendments for adoption by the World Health Assembly, the decision-making body of the WHO. It is this group that Bloomfield is co-chairing, and they have since met twice
Read 6 tweets
A new report has reviewed the media coverage of one of the most significant events in 2022 – the Parliament Protest which lasted almost four weeks - and finds that the media FAILED in its duty to present the Protest in a FAIR AND BALANCED MANNER
The report reviewed 599 news and op-ed pieces over a 22-day period and concludes:

“The coverage was curated to focus on the fringes and avoid the key questions at the centre of the protest.
The public were never invited to draw their own conclusions but were fed a pre-determined diet of anti-protest content. We believe the majority of politicians were equally remiss, and responsible for creating the environment for this approach to prosper.
Read 10 tweets
On year ago today the peaceful, aroha filled freedom village camped in front of Parliament, ended in a violent, blazing mess.

MSM would have you believe that it was the "residents" who violently attacked police. I know a different story.
yes there was violence from a small band of radicals who had not been seen at the village until that day. And YES there was police brutality galore that day

But who were the people who spent 3 weeks camping here through cyclones, psy-ops, merciless media misrepresentation?
I feel i can speak with authority to tell you their story. Thousands of the ordinary Kiwi's gathered here belonged to our Facebook community The Health Forum NZ. At almost 60,000 strong we were deplatformed just a short time after the police storming of the village
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This is the post marketing report from #pfizer covering the first 90 DAYS of public use of the #covidvaccine

The last 9 pages contain a list of Adverse Events of Special Interest. These are conditions they knew were possible Serious Adverse Events to look for.
I can guarantee most doctors would never have seen 90% of these conditions in their entire working life.

#nz #mrna #informedconsent…
Other points of Note:
Table 1 - 3 x as many Adverse Events reported in women vs men

1223 DEATHS reported in the first 90 days of use.

Table 3: Missing information - VACCINE EFFECTIVENESS (they didn't know!!)
Read 6 tweets
Have you noticed virtually all our tweets are tagged #informedconsent

It's what The Health Forum stands for, the absolute right of every #kiwi to make an INFORMED CONSENT voluntarily for taking a #CovidVaccine

We didn't get that choice with 40% of workers mandated Jab or Job
We wanted to know what really happened in #nz when it came to making a voluntary medical choice, and receiving full and honest Informed Consent. A few months ago we ran a survey for a few weeks, and now we are making it live again
Please help us to increase our sample size by taking 2 or 3 minutes to complete this simple survey.


If you are unvaccinated please do not start the survey…
Read 7 tweets
Canadian Adverse Event Reporting System @CAERSinfo is an independent organisation collecting #covidvaccine adverse event data in Canada.

They have recently studied their data to understand more about #adverse_effects in Canada.

#nz #informedconsent #mrna
Using a data pool of 1000 reports, in assessing the severity of #adverse_effects they found: more than 12% of reports were life threatening or fatal. 72.9% of reporters reported their initial injury became chronic and non resolved over time
Using 1000 reports these are the bodily systems effected: Cardiovascular and circulatory 27.24%, Neurological 22.6%, Musculoskeletal 13.41%. No body system was exempt from injury
Read 8 tweets
Dr Phillip Altman has more than 40 years experience as an Australian authority on clinical trials and drug regulation. He is a reverred authority on the subject

Here he expresses his deep concerns about the safety of #covidvaccines

#nz #informedconsent #mrna #adverseevents
He cautions that "covid vaccines" are not ordinary vaccines and instead fall under the definition of "gene therapy". As such they come with unique and unimaginable genetic risk. That of PERMANENT intergenerational adverse effects
Precisely why until now, mRNA "vaccines" have ONLY been used in rare situations with extremely sick people, mostly with terminal disease, where they are worth a try as the alternative is already death
Read 6 tweets
Sarasota Memorial Hospital, Florida has been running hospital board meetings open to the public.

This is Dr John Littell a Board Certified Dr.

He stood up to speak about his experience treating multiple patients with #ivermectin successfully
His presentation was abruptly terminated by the hospital, and he was escorted off the premises. In another video he describes receiving multiple secretive requests from covid infected Drs, to treat them with Ivermectin, which he did successfully
Read 4 tweets
#nz this is Dr @P_McCulloughMD one of the leading Cardiologists in USA

Here he talks about "hot lots" of #pfizer

These are batches of #covidvaccine that somehow appear to be many times more toxic than most other batches.

80% of deaths are coming from 30% of batches.
When post vaccine deaths are reported to a pharmacovigilence database, advocates of the covid vaccines tell us that there is no causal link between the injection that was administered and the subsequent death. The two events are just "randomly associated in time"
If indeed the #pfizer vaccines are benign drugs not CAUSING deaths, the reported deaths following vaccination should be randomly scattered almost equally throughout all the different lots. For example, 10 "coincidental" deaths occuring in each batch.
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In #nz we are a population of 5 million and just under 12 million doses of #epfizer #mrna #covidvaccines have been administered

755,000 have received 4 doses

2.7 million have had 3 doses

But uptake has dwindled
last week 486 took their first booster (dose 3), 1,258 took their second booster (dose 4). 50 children took a 1st dose and 75 took a 2nd dose.
covid vaccines have just been opened up for infants from 6 month of age, if immunocompromised. 6 such babies were injected last week.
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Dr Weinstein had just left a community board meeting at Sarasota Memorial Hospital in USA, considered one of the top 100 hospitals in America. She works in the hospital and these are her concerns
Throughout Covid Drs have been forbidden to prescribe cheap and effective already registered drugs such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine AND VITAMIN C
Instead they have been effectively mandated to prescribe many times more toxic and now deemed largely ineffective Remdesivir, a MASSIVE money spinner for the manufacturers, at thousands of dollars per dose.
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#NZ our MOH has an April Fools Day surprise for you

The new bivalent #covidvaccine will be rolled out as a booster to everyone (who wants it) age 30 plus REGARDLESS OF HOW MANY PREVIOUS VACCINE DOSES YOU HAVE HAD
That means the elderly who have just had dose 5 are encouraged into dose 6, as long as it's six months since their last dose. This time they get a special "two for one deal" - bivalent booster AND the flu jab at the same time
Minister of Health Verrall says "one of my priorities as Minister is to be better prepared this winter, this rollout is an important part of this"
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A new #nz OIA answers questions about #nz #covidvaccine status for All Cause Mortality in NZ for 2022

eg no matter what the cause of a death, what was the covid vaccine status of that person at the time of their death…

#informedconsent #mrna Image
let's explore the graphical representation of the data supplied through Stats NZ, and make some observations and ask some questions

This graph shows deaths per 100,000 by vaccination status e.g. in the unvaccinated how many people died of ANYTHING per 100,000 unvaxed
and so on through each of the different vaccine demographics. We are comparing the number of deaths per 100,000 for unvaccinated, fully vaccinated and boosted. The per 100,000 comparison removes the confounding variable of differing sizes of the demographics
Read 15 tweets
The first ever EU Periodic Safety Update Report covering 6 month period 19 Dec 2020-18 June 2021 reveals damning safety signals for the #Pfizer #covidvaccine. Released through Official Info Application
The objective of the report is to present a comprehensive and critical analysis of the risk-benefit balance of the product, taking into account new or emerging safety information in the context of cumulative information on risk and benefits.’

#adverseevents #informedconsent #nz
The report was submitted by Pfizer to the European Medicine Agency. The EMA then assesses the information found in the report to determine if any new risks are identified or if the risk-benefit balance has changed.
Read 10 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: After Ohio rail disaster, Buttigieg is silent on restoring the safety standards Trump repealed; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ A locomotive steaming away ...
This week (Feb 13-17), I'm in #Australia, touring my book #ChokepointCapitalism* with my co-author, @rgibli. We're doing a remote event for #NZ tomorrow (13/2). Next are #Melbourne (14/2), #Sydney (15/2) and #Canberra. More tickets released for Sydney! 2/ Image
After Ohio rail disaster, Buttigieg is silent on restoring the safety standards Trump repealed: Civil War-era brake systems were good enough for General Sherman...

3/ Image: Gage Skidmore (modif...
Read 17 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Poor people pay higher time tax; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/
This week (Feb 13-17), I'll be in #Australia, touring my book #ChokepointCapitalism* with my co-author, @rgibli. We're doing a remote event for #NZ on Feb 13. Next are #Melbourne, #Sydney and #Canberra Tickets just released for Sydney! 2/
Poor people pay higher time tax: The rich truly do get more hours in the day.

Read 23 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Copyright won't solve creators' Generative AI problem; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ A poster for the 1933 movie 'The Monkey's Paw.' The fainting
I'm in #Australia, touring my book #ChokepointCapitalism* with my co-author, @rgibli. We're doing a remote event for #NZ on Feb 13. Next are #Melbourne (Feb 14), #Sydney (Feb 15) and #Canberra (Feb 16/17). More tickets just released for Sydney! 2/
Copyright won't solve creators' Generative AI problem: The machine-learning monkey's paw.

3/  Image: Cryteria (modified)
Read 26 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: The Collective Intelligence Institute; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/
This week (Feb 8-17), I'll be in #Australia, touring my book #ChokepointCapitalism* with my co-author, @rgibli. We'll be in #Brisbane today (Feb 8 - in Australia!), and then a remote event for #NZ on Feb 13. Next: #Melbourne, #Sydney & #Canberra. 2/
The Collective Intelligence Institute: Asking more than 'what technology does' and demanding to know who it does it FOR and who it does it TO.

Read 23 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Bruce Schneier's "A Hacker's Mind"; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ The WW Norton cover for Bruce Schneier's 'A Hacker's Mind.'
Next week (Feb 8-17), I'll be in #Australia, touring my book #ChokepointCapitalism* with my co-author, @rgibli. We'll be in #Brisbane on Feb 8, and then we're doing a remote event for #NZ on Feb 9. Next are #Melbourne, #Sydney and #Canberra. 2/
Bruce Schneier's "A Hacker's Mind": Thinking about tactics AND power.

Read 20 tweets

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