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26/50 The detected "SV40 promoter with 72bps indel" is a "nuclear localization signal" that means either the #plasmid or one of its expressed proteins can be transported into host cell nuclei,...
27/50 ...where the host DNA is found, creating an open question of whether host DNA interaction will occur and to what effect e.g. integration with human DNA.…
28/50 Potential effects of plasmid #contamination in vivo? Notable, five chemistry professors from German universities have been studying #Pfizer #BionTech's covid vaccine. They addressed some questions to the company. Where does the gray tone come from?…
Read 29 tweets
Prova absoluta e definitiva de q o TGA australiano (e quase certamente, #nz Medsafe, q terá recebido informações idênticas) mentiu p/ seu povo.
Um novo pedido australiano de liberdade de informação nos mostra exatamente o q o #TGA SABIA quando autorizou o #pfizer #covidvaccine
Eles SABIAM q Nanopartículas Lipídicas (q carregam o código mRNA p/ dentro das células, p/ transformar as células em uma unidade de fabricação de spike) se movem rapidamente p/ o Sangue (plasma), q então as carrega pelo corpo na circulação sanguínea. 2/
Distribuição máx no sangue dentro de 1 a 4 horas após a injeção. Altas concentrações de LNPs foram rapidamente encontradas no: fígado, glândula adrenal, baço E OVÁRIOS.
Read 11 tweets
The #mrna #covidvaccines contain no added "adjuvant" such as aluminium salts. Adjuvants enhance your body's immune response when an antigen is injected. In the #Pfizer the Lipid Nano Particles LNPs themselves act as an adjuvant.
The inflammatory milieu induced by the LNPs could be partially responsible for reported side effects of mRNA-LNP-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in humans and are possibly contributory to their reported high potency for eliciting antibody responses (e.g. working like an adjuvant)
The cationic lipid component of the lipid carriers is often inflammatory and cytotoxic (toxic to cells)
Read 11 tweets
1. I am going to start an endless thread calling for the uni fee increases to be undone.

It will start very respectful. I’m very hopeful @JasonClareMP et al will do the right thing, on this and many other issues.

But I will not let the issue slide away like last time.
2. My welcome to government let’s get it done greeting belongs in this endless thread:
3. And this one. That the LNP did this to our kids and young adults despite what they went through the past couple of years was intolerable.

But I know Labor know this and anticipate a fix is close.
Read 52 tweets
Fact check please. @ScottMorrisonMP said, ‘I went to Manus Island, where Labor put Children in offshore detention centres on Manus Island. I met them there, I met their Mothers, and I saw their distress. And I put in place a policy, that ended all that. And got them out.’ #auspol
Manus Island was a cruel detention centre for single men. So when (date) did you see the mothers and children there @ScottMorrisonMP? How many women and children who weren’t there, did you get out?#auspol
Just like ‘children overboard’ under Howard and Reith. It didn’t happen. Amazing what #LNP see when they decide it is politic to do so. Who will cover for @ScottMorrisonMP this time? #auspol
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Before journalists give time to #Murdoch #LNP #transmission hikes, ask who is driver of price hikes? @AngusTaylorMP has gazetted ‘if Industry Research and Development (Supporting Critical Transmission Infrastructure Program) Instrument 2021.’ It’s billions$$ cash splash #auspol
This scare campaign is #murdoch #LNP own goal. If they are serious then commit to #Disallow such expenditure now @renew_economy #auspol
This instrument can still be disallowed post election. So acid now on #Murdoch and #LNP #Lab to commit to disallow if they are serious about not driving up power bills by driving unnecessary transmission and forcing community to pay for their stupidity #auspol #Disallow
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Having watched @BarnabyJoyceLNP today I wanted to talk about farmers. We come in all shapes and sizes and our diversity of production is as diverse as we are. Some are blessed with fertile dark soils and good rain, which is changing with the #ClimateCrisis, (that the...
2/ #LNP ignores). We have nearly 50 years of records on the farm thanks to my late FIL and husband. They have written a diary every day, noted weather, the daily work, rainfall, crop yield, right down to a new fence or the purchase of livestock. They noted the calves that...
3/ were born, in the good years that meant lots of twin lambs, the dry years and drought. The team of shearers, rouseabouts and woolclassers that came in for weeks each year and then how many bales went off to the sales and the price they were bought for. They also noted the...
Read 20 tweets
In a town like Wilcannia instead of the govt paying a private mob 11k per yr for an indue card & 15k to a private employment service agency to keep an unemployed person in Wilcannia on a WFD activity. How about the govt train & employ these people as age & disability carers.
In Australia,life expectancy for men is 79yrs.Unless you are from Wilcannia in far western NSW, where life expectancy for men is 36.7 yrs & women 42.5 yrs.
Wilcannia personifies government funding priorities across Aust that have effectively criminalised the consequences of marginalisation &failed to address the causes of offending.
Read 17 tweets
1/12 Australia hasnt ratifd Interntnl Covnt on Civil & Political Rights OHCHR.Neither have #AUKUS partners.Article 20: Prohibits by law,any advocacy of national,racial,religious hatred that constitutes incitmnt to..hostility,violence(IE prohibitd to use propgnda to incite war)
2/12 Cld there be a more perfect Article? Isnt that a wonderful prohibition? Well,3 #AUKUS Nations haven’t ratified. #Murdoch & assoctd oligarchs want it that way. We’re owned by him & defence industries who profit enormously from WAR. That’s why we we’re partners! We’re ownd!
3/12 Together we were mobilisd into #Iraq & #Afghanistan. Now conservative think tanks,funded by #Murdoch & defence industry companies are banging the ‘drums of war’ vs #China! If it sounds like we’re spoiling for a fight, it’s because our Govt wants that!
Read 12 tweets
@simonahac @ScottMorrisonMP @Barnaby_Joyce We have a dysfunctional hung 2-party-preferred system in 🇦🇺 politics that isn’t working for people, & it sure isn’t working for the planet. My collapse of faith in our democracies isn’t an accident. It’s one of the central victories of the neoliberal project, delivered through..
@simonahac @ScottMorrisonMP @Barnaby_Joyce two generations of privatisation, outsourcing and deregulation, underfunding of gov services locked in by tax cuts, restricting FOI, targeting whistleblowers and raiding the media who report on them, delegitimising and gagging public interest advocacy, and criminalising protest.
@simonahac @ScottMorrisonMP @Barnaby_Joyce Politics in Australia today relies hugely on the fact that most people don’t know most of what’s going on so as to get away with stuff that couldn’t be done under real scrutiny we have seen a clear example of this with the National Coronvirus Cabinet.
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The #LNP Govt in Australia is restricting FOI, targeting whistleblowers and raiding the media who report on them, delegitimising and gagging public interest advocacy, and criminalising protest.
The populist “anti-politics” frame is constructed by the far right dictators like Trump & Morrison to further undermine faith in democracy and lead to autocratic answers.
The Democracy 2025 project of the Museum of Australian Democracy and the University of Canberra released a major piece of research finding that trust in democracy in Australia has plummeted from 86% in 2007 to 41% in 2018.
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Morrison is our statue of unempathic neoliberalism - erected by evangelical and corporate Australia to celebrate their victory over compassion, equality and secular humanism.
Neoliberalism in Australia has been implemented by both the major parties. The LNP-LAB Duopoly have used the strategy of Graduation over the last 40 years.
To make an unacceptable measure accepted, you only need to apply it gradually, to dropper, for consecutive years. This is how radically new socioeconomic conditions (neoliberism) were imposed during the decades of the 80 s and 90’s......
Read 12 tweets
As we all know Morrisn & the #LNP use the same tactics as Trump & attack the weak. I am just about every one of the GLBTIQ so I have had a bit of experience dealing with conservatives.
#TNL are a new progressive party campaigning against right-wing populists with some of us in very conservative electorates. I believe my electorate Parkes has the highest % of Catholic voters in the country. If I win it will be a bigger upset than Steven Bradbury.
I have to be careful not to alienate conservative voters. I am fairly experienced at this in every day life politics will be next level anti trans.
Read 8 tweets
We have lost another,
and another
and another life
to this pandemic.

We have yelled
warning after warning
& yet they go unheard

#HerNameIsKobi #EnoughIsEnough #DAVTW @davtw2 @drvyom @JaneCaro @DrWilliams @duskywhalerkate @tarang_chawla @Drhutch2011 @DMckateface @NatCookMP
While the government asks why
and feigns confusion,
we cry even louder
and mourn our dead and suffering.

@ScottMorrisonMP says
“The events that lead to this is hard to understand, and how people can take these such violent and appalling

While the government asks why
and feigns confusion,
we cry even louder
and mourn our dead and suffering.

#ListenToTheExperts #DomesticViolencePrevention #FamilyCourtReform

We can help you understand @ScottMorrisonMP if you would just listen!…
Read 15 tweets
Trainwreck interview between Labor's Tony Burke and #AfternoonBriefing's Patricia Karvelas, who was attempting to push a #FakeNews policy narrative announced by Christian Porter.

Burke wasn't having it. 👍

#journalism #ThisIsNotJournalism #auspol
lol. Patricia Karvelas is now trying to steamroll Labor's Stephen Jones with Christian Porter's #FakeNews about 'portable entitlements' on #AfternoonBriefing

Karvelas is on the Morrison spin team.

#journalism #ThisIsNotJournalism #TheNarrative #auspol
And now it's segment #3 trying to push the same Christian Porter #FakeNews narrative, this time with Australian Industry Group lobbyist Innes Wilcox.

#ScottyFromMarketing's narrative is getting the rolled-gold treatment.

#TheNarrative #journalism #ThisIsNotJournalism #auspol
Read 6 tweets
.@Senator_Patrick your voicemail at Parliament House now states your are being inundated with calls against the cashless debit card - and only invites messages from people on other issues. I left you a message anyway.

Don’t support the card! #auspol #RaiseTheRate #PovertyKills

If anyone else wants to call Senator @Senator_Patrick here is the number for Parliament House in Canberra. Just ask reception to be put through to his office. Ask him - his answering machine - NOT to support the card. #auspol #NoCDC
If Senator Patrick supports this he supports ineffective legislation that delivers only cruelty and sanctions - to people in #poverty.

These are not criminals, they are people deemed eligible for Social Security. #PovertyKills #ServicesnotSanctions #RaiseTheRate #auspol
Read 20 tweets
Thread. I'm going to talk about the interactive role between #Centrelink and Job Service Providers #JSP's. Centrelink runs under a different department from outsourced, privatised, JSPs. Centrelink wants us off #Jobseeker payments, so send us to JSPs.
When we talk to Centrelink on the phone, we may be talking to a government employee who knows what they are talking about, or an outsourced phone centre worker who is trained as far as box ticking. Either will tell us our situation as if it's fact, even if it isn't.
JSPs often only exist to be JSPs, including not for profit, where CEO's and Directors can still pay themselves huge incomes, or divert income to other enterprises. JSPs like Sarina Russo whose worth is $100m of public funds, profit administering the underemployed/unemployed.
Read 17 tweets

"We must move on from Neoliberalism in the post-COVID era. The 'Great Reset' offers an opportunity to re-evaluate sacred cows, defining the pre-pandemic era: the coming #Industry40 and the digitization of countless economic activities."…

"The #COVID19 crisis is going to accelerate a number of changes and transformations in human society. Notably, the pandemic is expected to significantly accelerate the Fourth Industrial Revolution."…
Read 26 tweets
Wow! Today's #DanAndrews Press Conference was quite a ride. It started out as normal, current COVID update etc.

Then out came the #MSM they pushed him, spoke over him, ignored answered questions, went with the classic ask the same question different ways until you get an answer
that suits, they were gouging for a hateful headline. They behaved like a pack of school yard bullies, or Twitter Bot Trolls. And STILL, he handled them beautifully. They couldn't break him.

He completely ignores and dismisses the #LNP MP's trolling him constantly. Exactly as
an elected Member of the Australian Parliament should behave.

Dan Andrews played along, let the media mob go until they wore themselves out and really started to sound like a bunch of media hacks and really embarrassed themselves.

When they first went for him, and it was really
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Two #ASGCT20 morning sessions focused on lung delivery. Cool work, but it seems to me that the big issues for clinical stage haven't really been addressed:
#AAV can target specific cell types in the lung, and multiple groups have rescued mouse models of genetic diseases. But both new and old lung-trophic capsids seem to hit T2 epithelial cells, which turn over and lose non-integrating transgenes.
Why does the virus end up in these cells? Are the T1 cells designed to reject microbes? What about fibroblasts and other cells, that do get transduced in some tissues?
Read 8 tweets
Ok, so now I'm awake and tweeting for the 3rd time today. This time it seems somewhat less apocalyptic and my path is clear (at least for the next 15 minutes or so). First though, I'd better feed the dogs, mow the grass and get a load of washing on. Doh, already distracted.
#australiavotes2019 has spoken. Approximately 51% of our country wants more of the last 6 years.

So, why don't us progressives, nay, outcasts, give it to them?
Step 1. Create a church and make it tax exempt. Membership is open to anyone that believes in a supernatural being that supports, encourages and enables the #LNP government to engage in behaviour that is corrupt and bad for the future and the environment.
Read 15 tweets
#QUESTION = Are ALL Politicians absolutely LYING to the Australian Public about the Issue of -; #MIGRATION ??

See the Below Thread & Judge for Yourself

#REMEMBER = To make an informed choice for Voting requires ALL information to be presented
#QUESTION = Has that Happened ??
#ALP = Increasing Australia’s annual humanitarian intake of refugees to 27,000 by 2025 to address the global humanitarian crisis
Providing $450 million in funding over three years to support #UNHCR both globally and in South East Asia and the Pacific;
#GREENS = Full implementation by Australia of 1994 UN International Conference on Population & Development Program Action
+ Increase overseas aid budget to #minimum of 0.7% of GNI
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@SarahRubyWrites @jokowi In theory, Indonesia is responsible.
(#IDG=Indo immigration dept)
However, Indonesia is the 3rd country, with #Manus & #Nauru, that Australia pays to use refugees as 'rocks to block the sea'.
Aus pays #IOM to run refugee community housing & 13 detention centres in #Indonesia.
@SarahRubyWrites @jokowi #UNHCR Indonesia received less & less funding, none this year, to process refugees in Indonesia for resettlement.
Australia took this 'humanitarian aid' & gave it to #IOM to detain refugees to force voluntary returns.
Now IOM had funding cut, new refugees sleeping in streets.
@SarahRubyWrites @jokowi So big backlog of asylum seekers awaiting UNHCR processing due to no funds.
No new admissions to #IOM or even detention in Indonesia since April 2018.
Refugees queue to get IN to detention, live in streets outside IDC's. No money, no accommodation, live on handouts.
Read 6 tweets

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