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Jan 6th 2023
Card. Francis Arinze’s homily

#OpusDei #OpusJudei
“When Saint Josemaría set up his first centre for university students in 1933 he called it D.Y.A. At one level the title referred to the subjects taught there: Law (Derecho) and Architecture. But they also referred to his motto: Dios y Audacia; God and Daring!”
Thread on the horrid 'art' and 'architecture' of Opus Dei.
Read 6 tweets
Dec 25th 2022
Opus Judei connected, E. Michael Jones discuss Anti-Semitism with kabbalist Rav Michael 'Jews are space aliens' Laitman. #RavLaitman #OpusDei
Laitman’s operation is based in Petah Tikvah a pre-‘Israel’ settlement founded by Orthodox Jews funded by David Rene James de Rothschild’s great uncle, Edmond James de Rothschild. That’s him in the holy land with his niece/wife
Recall you pointing out some years ago that E. Michael Jones was buddies with Rabbi Samuel F. Dresner, a student and disciple of Abraham Heschel. Jones wrote quoting Dresner, ‘USA is broken and will be fixed when Jews and gentile unite.’…
Read 6 tweets
Dec 23rd 2022
Lecture about the relations of the Catholic Church and Judaism in Buenos Aires the city of the pope Francis by Fr. Daniel Alejandro Cutri (26 February 2015)…
The lecture ‘Catholic-Jewish Relations in Buenos Aires - The City of Pope Francis’ by Fr. Daniel Cutri which accompanies the pdf of the slide presentation…

#Chabad #Riskin #Israel #Kreiman #OpusDei #Bergoglio
Fr. Daniel Cutri’s curriculum vitae in which he explains the role of Opus Judei’s Orthodox Rabbi Angel Kreiman, Chabad Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, Jorge Bergoglio, WJC, and CJCUC in teaching him that Catholicism comes from Talmudic Judaism.…
Read 8 tweets
Oct 19th 2022
701. Una impaciente y desordenada preocupación por subir profesionalmente, puede disfrazar el amor propio so capa “de servir a las almas”. Con falsía —no quito una letra—, nos forjamos la justificación de que no debemos desaprovechar ciertas coyunturas, ciertas… (1/4)
… circunstancias favorables...
Vuelve tus ojos a Jesús: El es “el Camino”. También durante sus años escondidos surgieron coyunturas y circunstancias “muy favorables”, para anticipar su vida pública. A los doce años, por ejemplo, cuando los doctores de la… (2/4)
… ley se admiraron de sus preguntas y de sus respuestas... Pero Jesucristo cumple la Voluntad de su Padre, y espera: ¡obedece!
—Sin perder esa santa ambición tuya de llevar el mundo entero a Dios, cuando se insinúen esas iniciativas —ansias quizá de deserción… (3/4)
Read 4 tweets
Sep 25th 2022
Who thinks they need to start asking SCOTUS nominees if they have sworn "oaths" or contracts with any other institutions at their hearings? Clarence Thomas is a member of #Opusdei, whose commitment requirements would supercede his judicial oaths.
There are millions of Americans who go to church regularly that are not members of religious secret societies.
And the shittiest part is that he's not the only one! This is a very small, obscure sect of the Catholic Church, which reports directly to the pope. Percentage wise, not that many Americans are in it, but a disproportionate number of them seem to be in our Exec and Judicial.
Read 10 tweets
Jul 2nd 2022
There is no way that someone who is a practicing member of this order would deflect to something else (like the Constitution) over these taught beliefs. A lifetime of complete dedication is required. Could a member be an impartial judge?…
This is some top secret stuff.…
Read 13 tweets
Jul 21st 2021
Laschets Skandale...
Ein sehr, sehr wütender Thread. 😡😡😡

1. Stabsstelle Umweltkriminalität aufgelöst.
Warum? sie beschäftigte sich u.a. mit dem Schweinemastbetrieb der Umweltministerin und illegalen Quecksilber-Geschäften des Europaministers.
Akten verschwunden.
2. Räumung des Hambacher Forsts
Angeblich wegen Brandgefahr.
In Wirklichkeit war das ein Vorwand, den #Reul mit RWE ausgekungelt hatte. Laschet bestreitet das bbei heute.
3. Beauftragte Corona-Studie
Ein Möbelhaus bezahlt die nicht repräsentative "Heinsberg-Studie" von Streeck. Kai Diekmanns "Storymachine" lanciert die Ergebnisse ungeprüft an die Presse. Laschet nutzt die Studie, um Öffnungen - als erstes für Möbelhäuser - durchzudrücken.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 25th 2021
Vieles wird verbrämt. Nur mal Wikipedia angucken. Es ist alles offensichtlich. Man muss nur wissen, was man da liest. #Laschet sagt, er sei „rheinisch-katholisch“. Das klingt nach Karneval, Offenheit, Toleranz. Pure Ablenkung.
"Laschet wuchs mit drei jüngeren Brüdern in einer römisch-katholisch geprägten Mittelschichtfamilie im Aachener Stadtteil Burtscheid auf."
Wer Aachen kennt, weiß, wie sehr der katholische Glaube dort das Leben bestimmt. Ich habe dort katholische Burschenschaftler kennengelernt und Opus Dei Mitglieder.*
Read 189 tweets
Sep 11th 2020
Today's Map:
Mr. PayPal
#Thiel #DeletePayPal Image
I have lots of Thiel Maps.

I thought Thiel sold Palantir to the Saudis,
but now I can't find my notes...
#Palantir Image

The new death star.
#PsychoWarfare Image
Read 6 tweets
Aug 20th 2020
{thread} Let’s talk about the human rot we know as Steve Bannon. He is the most dangerous American on earth. He’s a radicalized Catholic and member of Dominionistic breeding ground #OpusDei. Our founders feared Catholics like Bannon could infiltrate the US govt to bring it down. Image
They never found a way to reconcile a Catholic’s existence in US politics. Even in recent times, many felt JFK could not be president because he was Catholic, and that would mean he’s loyal to the Pope 1st and America 2nd. JFK put country over religion…
though, so that collision course never happened, unless you believe his assassination had something to do with his religion, which is possible I guess. In 2002, Republican @RickSantorum attended an Opus Dei event in Rome, during which he attacked JFK's…
Read 25 tweets
Aug 5th 2020
1/10 Thread/riflessione su #JuanCarlos, transizione spagnola, ruolo dell'#Europa. Dopo la carestia del primo decennio di dittatura, negli anni Cinquanta la #Spagna aveva un PIL pro capite della metà dell'Italia. Un po' di mano libera ai tecnocrati dell'#OpusDei, la portarono >>> Image
2/10 alla morte di #Franco a due terzi. Lì la #Spagna restituita alla #democrazia diventa per vent'anni il principale destinatario delle politiche di coesione delle ancora CEE (adesione piena nell'86). L'#Europa investì a piene mani nella costruzione di un quinto membro ricco >>>
3/10 e grande, laddove quarant'anni di dittatura avevano lasciato un ritardo abissale in particolare infrastrutturale. Ora, chi conosce il punto di vista spagnolo, sa che c'è una certa difficoltà a rappresentarsi come parente povero aiutato in maniera così ingente. Al contesto>>>
Read 10 tweets
Jun 26th 2020

1. Born in Barbastro, Spain, on January 9, 1902, St Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer y Albas was the second of six children of Jose and Dolores Escriva, and grew up in a devout

#StJosemariaEscriva #June26 #OpusDei #CatholicTwitter Image
2. Catholic family environment.

From 1918 onwards, feeling called, St Josemaria studied for the priesthood. His father died in 1924, and, being now head of the family, he moved his mother and siblings to Madrid with him. Here he ministered to the faithful, having been ordained
3. a priest.

In the late 1920s, he founded Opus Dei, an institution within the Catholic Church dedicated to helping people in all walks of life to follow Christ, to seek holiness in their daily life and grow in love for God and their fellow men and women.
Read 4 tweets
Apr 22nd 2020
Digital @eldiarioes d Ignacio Escolar @iescolar se ha convertido ultimamente en especie d tenderete d pliegos del cordel
Se apela al lector
-pa'dar impresión d q les importa lo más mínimo su opinión y ver si,por caridad,suelta algo,aunque sea vellón,al "juntálo"d @sanchezcastejon
Abunda disculpa servil y babosa-al Gobierno-d las muchas faltas cometidas,
se convierte en ciencia lo q es mera coinci-dencia apostillado,eso sí,por"frikis"de turno en batas de labo expertos en jerigonza e infografía
y concluye con regocijos y albricias por este Gobierno
Pues NO
En la mierda💩q ha✍️escrito el Sr Rosa confunde decir la verdad con la descalificación injusta
Puesto q Fernando Simón hizo petitum,debemos atenderle e injusto seria NO darle lo que se merece de la cosa pedida :
Read 49 tweets
Mar 17th 2020
🐙Genesis of the OSS

The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was a wartime intelligence agency of the United States during World War II, and a predecessor to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).…
The OSS was formed as an agency of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)[3] to coordinate espionage activities behind enemy lines for all branches of the US Armed Forces.

Other OSS functions included the use of propaganda, subversion, & post-war planning.…
The organization was developed with British assistance.

Until some months after Pearl Harbor, the bulk of OSS intelligence came from the UK.

British Security Co-ordination (BSC) trained the first OSS agents in Canada.…
Read 37 tweets
Jan 31st 2020
1. oggi #Repubblica e anche #FattoQuotidiano riportano una notizia sul #CampusBiomedico dell'#OpusDei in cui la scienza è piegata al fanatismo religioso. Nei #cablo rivelati da #WikiLeaks, l'#OpusDei viene citata tra organizzazioni estremistiche problematiche.
2. in altre parole,diplomazia USA cita #OpusDei tra organizzazioni famigerate x loro estremismo ideologico, insieme con #Fascismo, #BrigateRosse,#antisemitismo.NON sono equiparati, ovviamente, ma sono in quella classe del pensiero estremo. Ecco il #cablo:…
3. l'inclusione dell'#OpusDei tra organizzazione estremiste, rivelata dai #cablo, è ancora più interessante se si considera che è frutto delle considerazione dell'ambasciatore USA #RonaldSpogli nominato da #GeorgeWBush e NON dai Dem di #Obama
Read 7 tweets
May 23rd 2019

Pelosi Accuses Trump of a ‘Cover-Up’

Triggered Trump blows up the meeting & stomps out.

Then Trump has a meltdown in the 🌹 Garden & admits DonJr called him, Lorber & France before & after the June 2016 TT meeting with the Russians

T loses req to block subpoenas

Judge Rejects Trump’s Request to Block Subpoena of Deutsche Bank and Capital One

New York Senate Passes Bill to Aid House in Trump State Tax Fight

Democratic lawmakers (NY) approve measure curbing Trump's pardon power

More Michael Cohen Search Warrants Unsealed

Cohen Filings Show 950 Messages w/Viktor Vekselberg’s Cousin Andrew Intrater

The DOJ has informed the judge in Stone & Russian propaganda cases that it has agreed to share Mueller's less-redacted report with the all members of the House & Senate Intel Committees.
Read 75 tweets
Apr 23rd 2019
#ChelseaManning rimane in prigione:vogliono farla crollare affinché testimoni contro Julian #Assange sulla pubblicazione dei documenti segreti del governo USA che ha rivelato crimini di guerra, atrocità. Tutto questo NON accade in Russia: quando si sveglierà l'opinione pubblica?
1. voglio ricordarvi solo alcune delle rivelazioni sull'Italia possibili grazie ai file segreti che #ChelseaManning ha avuto il coraggio di far uscire e che Julian #Assange e #WikiLeaks hanno avuto il coraggio di pubblicare
2. il vero ruolo delll'Italia in #Afghanistan, i contatti di #CarloGiovanardi con la diplomazia USA sulla strage di #Ustica, la farsa della commissione d'inchiesta sulla morte di #NicolaCalipari e come #Berlusconi e #GianniLetta si sono accomodati alla farsa voluta dagli USA
Read 9 tweets

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