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Jul 31st 2019
Today, I will try my hand at live tweeting insights from "A #Home of One's Own", a two-day #researchworkshop on socially & economically #marginalised women's experiences of and negotiations with #genderinequalities in #informalurbanhousing in India.
This workshop has been organised by #JadavpurUniversity (School of Women's Studies), #RabindraBharathiUniversity (Centre for Women's Studies) and #Parichiti, a women's organisation. All three are research partners on a #GCRF project funded by @GoldsmithsUoL.
Since Oct 2018, I have collaborated with Dr. Henrike Donner, who is leading it, to develop #researchcollaborations with #educational and #development organisations in India to implement a pilot study on #genderurbanhousing. This workshop marks the end of the first phase.
Read 34 tweets
May 30th 2019
[Do #Science #Panels work?]

One of my least favorite formats of communicating research w/in #Academia & yet it's everywhere & continues to be the default to pack as many big names as possible onto a stage.

Have you seen it go well? And seriously, why do we keep doing it?
One of the biggest culprits of when #Science #SciComm #Academic panels not working tends to be poor moderation.

My intro to dialogue facilitation/panel moderation came from a journalism prof who emphasized the importance of doing your homework on the panelists & the audience.
As a #science #academic panel moderator, you:

- keep the flow of conversation going
- balance voices & time, being mindful of power imbalances
- be a proxy for your audience

It really doesn't go well when moderators just take over the conversation instead of FACILITATING it.
Read 3 tweets

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