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Nov 4th 2022
1. today @fattoquotidiano reveals that key docs about a sensitive investigation on #Mafia in Italy have mysteriously disappeared.
Let's compare this case with the destruction of key docs on the #Assange case which my #FOIA lawyers @estelledehon,@suigenerisjen and I unearthed
2. the key documents concerning a very sensitive investigation on #Mafia in Italy disappeared into thin air:some mysterious character did it. Who? A mafia operative? A secret service agent in bed with Italian mafia?
3. whereas in the #Assange case,the key documents were destroyed on purpose by the very same British public authority which today is in charge of extradition to the US and in the past it was in charge of extradition to Sweden: the #CrownProsecutionService
Read 9 tweets
Jun 9th 2022
1. it's 11 PM in Rome,I've to stay up the all night:at 2 AM Rome-time (10 AM #Canberra,#Australia),I've to appear before the #AustralianAdministrativeAppealsTribunal to defend the right of the press to access the full documents on #Assange,represented by @BolamPeter & @BarnsGreg Image
2. My #FOIA hearing is supposed to start at 2 AM Rome-time=10 AM in #Canberra and finish at 5 AM Rome-time= 1 PM in Canberra.I've been fighting my #FOIA case and litigation since 2015 in #UK,#US,#Sweden,#Australia,and thanks to my #FOIA lawyers I've obtained crucial documents
3. I have 8 #FOIA lawyers:
1) @estelledehon 2) @suigenerisjen (UK)
3) @BolamPeter 4) @BarnsGreg (Australia)
5) #LaurenRussell 6) #AliaSmith (USA)
7) #PercyBratt 8) #SusanneFeinsilber (Sweden)
Read 7 tweets
Jun 9th 2022
1.sono quasi le 23 in Italia,devo tirare avanti tutta notte: alle 2 domani mattina mi devo collegare in videoconferenza con #Canberra x udienza Tribunale su mio #FOIA su Julian #Assange.Sono rappresentata da avvocati australiani @BolamPeter e @BarnsGreg. Questo 1 dei documenti:
2. udienza durerĂ  da stanotte alle 2 fino alle 5 di mattina, ora italiana, ovvero dalle 10 alle 13 ora di Canberra, Australia. Sono 7 anni che combatto con #FOIA per aver documentazione del caso Julian #Assange e #WikiLeaks. Con enorme sforzo, ho ottenuto informazioni cruciali
3. ormai sono arrivata ad avere 8 avvocati #FOIA in 4 nazioni:
1)@estelledehon 2) @suigenerisjen (UK)
3)@peterbolam 4) @BarnsGreg (Australia)
5) #LaurenRussell 6) #AliaSmith (USA)
7) #PercyBratt 8) #SusanneFeinsilber (Svezia)
Read 7 tweets

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