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Nov 30th 2022
🧵 "#Criticality: A Balance Between #Robustness and #Adaptability"

Today's SFI Seminar by @cgershen @cgg_mx:
Regarding systems at the #EdgeOfChaos
Identifying #PhaseTransition dynamics
Citing @WagnerEvolution on #Robustness
Contrasting it with #Chaos (fragile, hard to predict, etc.)
And then #Criticality, somewhere in the middle... ImageImageImageImage
With #criticality, due to #PowerLaw(-like) distributions:

"Most of the changes will be small, but for some, you can have large changes."

See also #fractals

Key history point: Stuart Kauffman's #random #Boolean #networks (1969!)

Updated by @cgershen in 2004 ImageImageImageImage
Read 12 tweets
Nov 9th 2022
"Fabricating #Clay: #Machines, #Materials, & #Code"

🧵 Today's SFI Seminar by @leahbuechley (@UNM):
"We build the geometry directly by thinking about the PATH that our 3D printer takes. There's no intermediate slicing software [to render CAD as "2D" layers]."

- @leahbuechley, #3DPrinting clay with a 1.5 mm nozzle
"You can start to think about surface textures - like spikes that you can't do with a traditional slicer.'s a path that's a sine wave, but every other layer is rotated. creature is following THIS path, and the other is chasing it around."

#clay #3dprinting
Read 11 tweets
Jul 26th 2022
"Argument-Making in the Wild"

Today's SFI Seminar by Simon DeDeo (@LaboratoryMinds), streaming now. Follow our thread for pull quotes and slides:

First, let's divide human history into three eras, or regimes of #knowledge #production and #consumption:

• #premodern/#archaic
• #modern + #postmodern
• the #egregore (online content sharing)

• The premodern era is defined by caloric restriction.
• The modern era is characterized by a small number of sellers of #information vs. a large number of consumers (see also #HerbertSimon's remarks on the "poverty of #attention")

Read 16 tweets

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