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Most recents (3)

Aug 7th 2022
Time to reissue a video thread, with apologies to all who’ve seen these before. We had to leave out our Polievre biopic because Sony made us take it down for using “Highway to Hell” by AC/DC.

First off:
Oh Canada!
#shame #cdnpoli 1/5
Elected Conservatives supporting the #OttawaSiege #cdnpoli 2/5
The Honkening 2: Honkageddon. Featuring @CarymaRules.
#cdnpoli #OttawaSiege 3/5
Read 8 tweets
Aug 19th 2020
Pierre Poilievre is the most repugnant human in #Canada.

Watching the #DemocraticConvention gives me hope.

Time to put these Cons and Republicans into the dustbin of history.

ENOUGH with the hate, division and negativity!

The #CPC lays out it's plan to get #Canada's economy back on track after #Covid19!

...Oh, sorry. It's just #PigeonPierre ranting and raving about bullshit again.

#cdnpoli #PissOffPierre Image
#PigeonPierre is proud of his collection and is doing a Liddle' "show and tell" for all of us!

He wants the "5000 documents" to be #Canada's "But her emails!" - or, at least, Harper does.

#cdnpoli Image
Read 12 tweets
Aug 11th 2020
#PigeonPierre wants everything to be answered with just "yes or no" b/c he doesn't want the context to be included.

I can't wait for him to have his ass voted out of office.

#cdnpoli #WEBullshitScandal
So I just came in the door to hear Charlie Angus going on about hiring camp counselors.

Just shaking my head. What the hell is he even going on about? Just digging and desperate.

Still haven't heard any "scandal" - just accusations and innuendo.

#cdnpoli #WEBullshitScandal
The biggest message from former Ethics Commissioner, Mary Dawson, is that CONTEXT MATTERS.

That is why #PigeonPierre and the rest of #CPC MP's asking "YES OR NO!" questions.

#cdnpoli #WEBullshitScandal
Read 3 tweets

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