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Continuing #LeBronWatch. The @Lakers have now played 7 games. How has #LeBronJames' performance changed our initial forecasts -…
Answers in thread
The possibility of LeBron getting to Kareem's mark by game 49 has gone up. Currently, the most likely range is game 48 to 52, with 80% of the results falling in that range. We are 94% sure that LeBron gets there by game 52.
There are very small chances that LeBron's quest extends into games 55, 56, or 57. Similarly, a small set of simulations (<2 percent) point to games 44 and 45.
Read 7 tweets
So I saw a bit of disagreement last week over the idea of whether #biology is #programmable in any meaningful sense. As someone who works with biology in an industrial context, I wanted to unpack the idea just a little more. 🧵
For some, the claim that 'biology is programmable' is childishly obvious. Others say it's a bad metaphor or that if we don’t have total #predictability that it doesn’t count as programming. I tend to think both are right.
In #biomaterials, and the synthetic biology field in general, we are hacking systems we don’t understand. We are “programming" them (through environmental or genetic changes), but struggle in the predictability domain because we don’t fully grok this alien #technology (aka life).
Read 12 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 02/19/2022…
How is the “Purcell principle” threatening voting rights in America? | The Economist…
#PurcellPrinciple, #VotingRights, #USA
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 01/16/2022…
What complexity science says about what makes a winning team | Aeon Essays…

#ComplexityScience, #WinningTeams, #AeonEssay
Our behaviour in bulk is more predictable than we like to imagine | Aeon Essays…

#HumanBehavior, #BehaviorPatterns, #predictability
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 09/26/2020…
The misunderstood limits of folk science: an illusion of explanatory depth…

#folk #science #stories
Provably exact artificial intelligence for nuclear and particle physics…

#physics #particle
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