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Jul 28th 2022
Wie kann man so krass abstĂĽrzen? Ken Jepsen ca. 2011Ken Jepsen ca. 2022
Ich glaub' den muss ich mir archivieren...…
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Sep 22nd 2020
With #DeutscheBank’s help, an oligarch’s buying spree trails ruin across the US heartland

Secret transactions, lost jobs, worker injuries, gutted buildings, unpaid bills: Ihor Kolomoisky’s untold American legacy.

#IhorKolomoisky siphoned billions of dollars from #PrivatBank, #Ukraine’s largest financial institution, which he co-owned, in an audacious LAUNDERING SCHEME, cleaning the money through a web of companies around the world, U.S. federal prosecutors allege.

Criminals and others seeking to hide illicit money in the U.S. often plow it into glittering high-rises in New York, or use it to buy billionaire playthings, like yachts and expensive jewelry. #Kolomoisky, who played a peripheral role in the #Trump impeachment drama...

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Feb 15th 2020

Barr Installs Outside Prosecutor to Review Case Against Flynn

Graham asks AG Barr to make witnesses available for probe into “Crossfire Hurricane” & “FISA”

Yes, it looks like Barr can’t stop pending prosecutions, so they are seeking to dirty up the Mueller inv’n.

Barr has sent outside prosecutors to review politically sensitive cases.

The outside prosecutors have begun grilling line prosecutors in the DC office about various cases — some public, some not — including inv steps, prosecutorial actions and why they took them.

đź“ŚThe review is highly unusual & could trigger more accusations of political interference by top DOJ officials into the work of career prosecutors.

Trump contradicts past denials, admits sending Giuliani to Ukraine
Read 72 tweets
Dec 18th 2019
Thread on @NBUkraine & @PrivatBankua: Largest 🇺🇦 bank, will face former owner, the oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky, in #Ukraine appeal court tomorrow to try and reverse controversial ruling that 2016 nationalization was illegal. Kolomoisky either wants bank returned, or compensation.
Let's recap what we know and why it matters: Bank was nationalized with a $5.5 billion gap in its books. It was a Ponzi-like pyramid scheme of related party lending... corporate loan portfolio was 100% NPLs, according to NBU, MinFin and auditors. IMF supported a state takeover.
“The bigger picture (in 2016) was even more concerning, with some 20% of banks… used only for money laundering…” says former NBU Governor, Valeria Gontareva. She closed 89 insolvent and shady banks. Total $15 billion in state recapitalizations bc of dodgy NPLs in this period.
Read 8 tweets
Oct 17th 2019

Pelosi owns Trump & signals Article 5 re Trump/Putin.

Dbl Jeopardy loophole closed

Trump ignored Syria exit

Syria = BD gift to Putin

Trump’s Syria Fiasco Is Part of Putin’s To-Do List

Giuliani under counterintel inv’n, like Ivanka & likely most of TeamTrump.

Syria stategy: avoid a violent rush to fill a power vacuum opened by a sudden U.S. exit.

Trump Abandoned almost 5 years of training & dev’t of an allied force, & gift-wrapping it for the RUs & Assad has been devastating to our morale," said the NSC official.

Trump assigned Barr & Mnuchin to appease Erdogan’s repeated pleas to avoid charges against Halkbank

Halkbank charged w/fraud, money laundering, & sanctions offenses related to the bank’s participation in a multibillion-dollar scheme to evade US sanctions on Iran
Read 89 tweets
Apr 18th 2019
Domenica sera, salvo sorprese (che in un paese cangiante come l' #Ucraina sono sempre possibili) Kiev saluterĂ  il suo sesto presidente eletto: il comico Volodymir #Zelenskj, che ha costruito il suo successo sulle campagne anti corruzione.
2 Chi è #Zelensky? Dietro la sua fortuna politica si staglia la figura del proprietario del "Canale 1+1" la piattaforma per cui l' attore ha girato "servitore del popolo", la serie TV che l'ha lanciato sulla scena politica: l' oligarca Igor #Kolomoisky
3 Chi segue le vicende ucraine conosce bene Kolomoisky: si tratta dell' ex proprietario della maggiore banca del paese #Privatbank, che nel 2014, con il #Maidan, si associò al golpe ottenendo l' investitura a governatore della strategica città #Dnepropetrovsk.
Read 16 tweets

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