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Jan 29th 2021
#IdBoardReview 60 F cirrhosis, aortic regurgitation, previous hx cdiff on probiotics presents w/ new onset heart failure. Blood culture Gram+bacilli with vancomycin resistance. Diagnosis? #medEd #idmedEd #IDtwitter ImageImage
Probiotic associated #Lactobacillus rhamnosus #endocarditis
#Lactobacillus, GI & GU flora commensal, can cause invasive infections such as meningitis, endometritis, peritonitis, pneumonia, bacteraemia and endocarditis. It has been implicated as a causative agent in 0.05-0.4% of all #endocarditis
Read 9 tweets
Jul 10th 2020
📣New paper today in @cellhostmicrobe!

1/ #Breastmilk feeding practices associated w/ co-occurrence of #microbiota in mothers’ milk & infant gut

TEAMwork w/ @TurveyLab @FinlayLab @CHILDStudy + trainees Kelsey Fehr @ShirinMoossavi @rozzy_tb @sbihi_hind…
2/ In the @CHILDStudy, infant gut #microbiome composition was associated with #breastfeeding exclusivity and duration, but not feeding mode (pumping vs. nursing at the breast)
3/ Bacteria in breastmilk vs. infant gut were very different (of course!)
Read 15 tweets
Apr 2nd 2020
Lets talk about #Immunity as #Coronavirus is here to stay for a while.Building immunity is a long-term process.Cant be achieved overnight.
Dietary Measures you need to take -
1)Eat Wholesome with emphasis on Protein in Every Meal. Both protein quality & quantity matters
2) Vitamin C rich foods like amla,guava,oranges,lime juice or raw greens to be had daily.Note- Heat destroys Vit C.

3) Vitamin A rich foods like eggs, milk & milk products.Or Beta carotene ( precursor of Vit A ) in colorful fruits , veg are important
#Immunity #CoronaPandemic
(iv)Minerals like Zinc,Selenium in the diet are crucial. Sources include nuts,seeds,pulses,whole grains,eggs,meat ,fish,etc.
(v)Fibre -Include good quantity of vegetables,whole fruits,whole grains & pulses in the diet. Gut health should be taken care of.
Read 5 tweets
Nov 20th 2018
V. thought provoking seminar today @TRI_info by Prof John Huss entitled ‘Ecological medicine & medical ecology’. Discussed were ecological strategies for #coral remediation and the #microbiome. But more interesting was unpacking the #philosophy of biological research!.... (1/12)
The field of microbiome #research is still very young, and it’s hard to get a handle on what is established and where exactly the field will progress (2/12)
However, there seem to be two different concepts thrown around when people talk about the microbiome:
a) Micro-biome: a biome of microbes, an ecological conception.
b) Microbi-ome: the microbial genome, a molecular conception.
Read 13 tweets

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