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Sep 1st 2021

The Charity Commission rejected a complaint made by the frothing backbench Common Sense Group of Tory MPs and peers who had argued the blog was “ideological dogma” that put Barnardo’s in breach of its charitable purposes.…
In what has been described as a full-scale campaign to “silence criticism & discredit any dissenting voices”, Tory MPs from Conservative Common Sense Group attacked the Runnymede Trust after criticised of the Govt’s ridiculous ideological  Sewell report.…
"Following careful assessment of the concerns raised, the Charity Commission says that it was within the charity’s purposes to engage with & take a position on the CRED report & has found no breach of its guidance".…
Read 10 tweets
Mar 31st 2021
According to Sir William Macpherson, #institutionalracism "can be seen or detected in processes, attitudes & behaviour that amount to discrimination through prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness, & racist stereotyping which disadvantage minority ethnic people."
NOBODY should be surprised that the institutionally racist UK Govt - which fits perfectly the #MacphersonReport definition of #institutionalracism - would commission a #racismreport about institutional racism written by people with a long history of denying institutional racism.
The inquiry found that this institutional #racism extended beyond the Met Police:

"Our conclusions as to Police Services should not lead to complacency in other institutions & organisations. Collective failure is apparent in many of them, including the Criminal Justice system."
Read 7 tweets
Mar 31st 2021
“This is a report produced by a govt that would rather belittle the realities of institutional racism in this country than take steps to address it”

Truth bombs being dropped by @RunnymedeTrust’s
@kapoor_alba to @CliveMyrieBBC @bbc5live re #RacismReport
“The problem has been diagnosed, it has been given a name: it’s called institutional racism.”

More truth bombs on the #RacismReport, this time from

She tells @katierazz on #Newsnight “the denial of its existence is a complete whitewash”
This report into institutional racism - run by Tony Sewell who, 15 years ago, said he doesn't believe in #institutionalracism was designed to demoralise

Don’t be demoralised

These are their tactics

Tactics designed to get you to switch off the news & apply for an allotment. Image
Read 11 tweets
Mar 31st 2021
So I have just had a quick look at what the Commission On Race and Ethnic Disparities had to say about hiring because one of the major developments over the past 20 years has been the use of social audit studies to examine discrimination #RacismReport 1/
This is where matched CV.s are sent to employers with job vacancies but differ on one variable such as race/ethnicity by simply using different names eg Grace Okunnu vs Alice Smith. Some studies use photographs 2/
The report mentions Di Stasio and Heath 2019 and Wood et al 2009. That’s it! No mention of the other work by Anthony Heath, Mike Noon and others. No mention of the work that says discrimination for some groups has not declined since the 1960s! 3/
Read 7 tweets
Mar 31st 2021
Today the government led by a man who said Britain should still own Africa, and who caused a 375% spike in islamophobic hate crime by comparing Muslim women to bank robbers, is telling us that the UK is a model of racial equality.
Read 3 tweets

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