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Jan 28th 2020
Range anxiety is a real concern for changing our mindset around #ElectricVehicles.

Just how close to the left of the needle can we go?

Tomorrow I’ve got a few offsite #CSIRO meetings between #Newcastle & #Sydney, so why not come on:
“A day in the life of an #EV

Starting, NOW!
Off on the first leg of the #EV trip, leaving work for the day: I have an 8am meeting so will get a head start.

Leaving the charging point behind & starting with a ~full charge + range of 429 km.

Bring on tomorrow’s #RangeAnxiety experiment!
@TheDriven_io @AEVA_National #CSIRO
First leg of #RangeAnxiety experiment 🧪went as expected:

16 km trip from Office to Home, 15 km reduction in range.

Now to take the dog 🐕 for a bush walk & await the next experimental leg.

#CSIRO #Renewables #Australia #ElectricVehicles #EV
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