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May 5th 2023
1/ With exams looming nearer, I thought I'd do some threads on aspects of the #Literature texts. cc. #TeamEnglish. Here are some thoughts about HANDS 🤝 early on in #RomeoAndJuliet 🧵 Image
2/ Hands in the Prologue are synecdoche: they’re a stand-in for the dignified persons to whom they belong: Capulet, Montague and Escalus.
3/ With these names, we follow a similar logic: those are both the names of the houses and the men themselves, meaning that the staining of their hands with ‘civil blood’ 🩸 is the responsibility of their ‘houses’, not just them.
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Apr 10th 2023
The nurse in ‘Romeo and Juliet’. A thread 👇
Nurse is often seen as just a comic character, but there's much more to her than meets the eye. Her character represents both nurturing and comedy, and her close relationship with Juliet is central to the play. #nurse #RomeoAndJuliet
👩‍👧 The nurse has a unique bond with Juliet, essentially serving as a surrogate parent. This closeness is emphasized in Act 1, Scene 3, when Lady Capulet feels she can't have an intimate conversation with Juliet without the nurse present. #nurture #Shakespeare
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Feb 8th 2023
Hi everybody🎙️

Welcome to ADA Digest, a mega thread where every day I deliver news from the #Cardano ecosystem - and beyond.

In case you missed something I am bringing highlights of the day 🧵👇🏼
@InputOutputHK published amazing news -
#EVM sidechain proof of concept is now available. This might bring in new dev from #EVM world, but if not new amazing teams in our community will take over

Do you know about working groups of the #Cardano?

@InputOutputHK is calling everyone to join in. There are four categories and a place for you

Read 34 tweets
Jan 6th 2023
🔴 #RomeoAndJuliet

500 000 000 $ 😳

Les stars de "Roméo et Juliette" poursuivent Paramount Pictures pour exploitation sexuelle dans le film de 1968

Les stars de l'adaptation cinématographique de 1968 de Roméo et Juliette poursuivent Paramount Pictures pour la scène de nu 🔽 Image
du film.

Vendredi dernier, Olivia Hussey et Leonard Whiting ont intenté un procès devant la Cour supérieure de Santa Monica, en Californie, dans lequel ils accusent la société de production de harcèlement sexuel, de fraude, d'abus sexuel et d'infliction intentionnelle de 🔽
détresse émotionnelle, selon des documents juridiques obtenus par PEOPLE.

La poursuite découle d'une scène du film qui comprend des images nues des deux acteurs, qui ont été filmées lorsque Hussey et Whiting avaient 15 et 16 ans, selon la poursuite.

La plainte allègue que le 🔽
Read 8 tweets
Jan 1st 2021
Suggestions/material to support teachers/educators for Drama/English teaching online next week:
@unicorn_schools #GrimmTales theatrical readings until Feb 21st.
@The_Globe #RomeoAndJuliet access until 1/2 term
If you haven’t already:
• Sign up to @MethuenDrama’s FREE newsletter for samples of play texts:…
• Sign up to @open_drama_uk’s FREE mailing list for monthly supportive content: next mailout will land in inboxes on Monday AM
Events/competitions/challenges for your students to engage with:
@SkyBlueTheatre playwriting competition… (£16 per play)
This could be a good MA&T task for students or why not challenge students in their breakout rooms to write a script collectively?
Read 10 tweets
Nov 21st 2018
TINY bit biased we have the BEST costumes around. The woman behind it is also our #Panto Director, Lianne! When she isn’t @moattheatre (24/7 at this time of year) she’s an activist, married to #Panto writer Ger, makes all her own beautiful clothes & loves her 🐴 Beanie
#meetthemoaters This is Aidan! He’s the best #Theatre Technical Officer in all of Ireland so is in high demand from travelling shows but THEY CAN’T HAVE HIM! Also a member of @MoatClub AND in this year’s Panto, Aidan loves to travel; his next big trip is to #NewYork
The other half of our #Panto powerhouse, Lianne’s husband is Ger @osheagerard. He has been writing & starring in our @MoatClub pantos since long, long ago. Here he is with Dan Keogh in #RomeoandJuliet 12 years ago and in last year’s show, both directed by Lianne #meetthemoaters
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