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#Shi & her 2022 #China Patent: BALB/c mouse adapted strain of #SARS related coronavirus WIV1-RsSHC014S and application thereof..
Inventors: Shi Zhengli, Lin Haofeng, Liu Meiqin, Jiang Rendi
Zhou Peng. #WIV1 #RsSHC014S Image
The invention relates to the technical field of coronavirus, in particular to a BALB/c mouse adapted strain of SARS-related coronavirus WIV1-RsSHC 014S. Image
The SARS-associated coronavirus #RsSHC014 can effectively replicate and propagate in a corresponding cell line and a transgenic mouse by using #hACE2 as a receptor, Image
Read 62 tweets
Very excited to see our work published in @Nature! We present 1 of the most comprehensive characterisations of 3D #shape across (almost) the whole #skeleton in a group of land #vertebrates. Paper:… Image
We studied the diversification of skeletal forms during the radiation that originated the staggering diversity of living #birds. Bird pics by @fieldpalaeo! Collage by moi Image
Our work harkens back to some of the most fundamental early works on macroevo. theory by George G. Simpson. Among the most influential palaeos of all times, & one of the main reasons palaeontology as a discipline made it into the high table of the Modern Evolutionary Synthesis. Image
Read 40 tweets
1. Thread on Marina Abramovic... #MarinaAbramovic Image
2. Marina Abramovic became megafamous for her Spirit Cooking... #SpiritCooking #MarinaAbramovic
3. She wrote on walls in pigs blood - Mix fresh breast milk with fresh sperm milk. Drink on earthquake nights #MarinaAbramovic #spiritcooking Image
Read 53 tweets
Venerdì 11 febbraio è una delle giornate olimpiche più attese e importanti per l'Italia.
Arriveremo in doppia cifra?
Ci giochiamo delle carte molto importanti: #Brignone, #Curtoni, #Ghiotto, #Wierer, #Fontana più altri/e outsider.
La mancata medaglia nel #SuperG femminile, insieme a Moioli out in semifinale, rappresenta la delusione più grande della spedizione azzurra. Ovviamente compensata da altri allori inaspettati.
Fin qui, a parte la medaglia di Brignone, molto male lo Sci Alpino azzurro.
Tra non molto si entra nel vivo della giornata "azzurra".
- Davide #Ghiotto scende sul ghiaccio nella penultima batteria insieme a van der Poel (10.000mt #SpeedSkating)

- Alle 10.00 parte la sprint del #Biathlon .
#Wierer con il 22, #Vittozzi con il 25.

Read 20 tweets
ACM #Multimedia 2021: Skeleton-Contrastive 3D Action Representation Learning w/ @fmthoker, @doughty_hazel: We learn invariances to multiple #skeleton representations and introduce various skeleton augmentations via noise contrastive estimation 1/n
Contribution I: leverage multiple input-representations of #3D-#skeleton sequences. Our inter-skeleton contrast learns from a pair of representations in a cross-contrastive fashion. Enriches the sparse input space and focuses on the high-level semantics of the skeleton data. 2/n
Contribution II: three skeleton-specific #augmentations for generating positive pairs which encourage the model to focus on the spatio- temporal #dynamics of skeleton-based @action sequences, ignoring confounding factors such as viewpoint and exact joint positions. 3/n
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During Ireland’s ferocious winter storms of 2015 a 215-year-old beech tree was uprooted by the powerful winds that ripped through the town of Collooney, County Sligo. Had it not we would have never known of the tragedy upon which the tree had grown.
Enmeshed in the tangled roots of a tree was a medieval skeleton. The upper part of the body was entangled in the roots, severed from the legs which remained in the ground.
Radiocarbon analysis determined the bones to be those of a young man between the ages of 17 and 20, who died sometime between A.D. 1030 and 1200. It was a violent death; several deep gouges were observed on his ribs and defensive wounds on his hands.
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As we all settle into the next while in self-isolation, I thought it would be a good time to make and share a comic. So i decided on this one; Robert Lewis Stevenson's "Treasure Island". Page 1 of ??? #Treasureisland #comics #CreativeBursts Image
Page 2 of my adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island #TreasureIsland #Comics #CreativeBursts Image
Page 3 of Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island for your kids and also for you! #treasureIsland #Comics #CreativeBursts Image
Read 275 tweets
💀Skeleton story time! 💀

Since I was tweeting earlier about how one should not buy/own/sell human remains, here's the story about the time I did call the police because of random human body parts, and what happened next...

#anthropology #bioarchaeology #osteology #skeleton
This box showed up in my lab classroom one day when I was teaching at UWF. No note. No explanation.
It was lab time, and my #osteology students were in there studying for their exam, with my TA (@Angervana) answering their questions. I asked @Angervana if she knew what it was. She did not.
Read 31 tweets
Here is my lovely website! #madewithbulma
My needs are simple while choosing #CSS framework:
No #JavaSript because I don't mind writing in #JS for the things I need.
I came across Skeleton ( when I was looking for CSS #Framework, which was not included JS.
I used to like #Skeleton by @dhg, it's true that it is dead simple #responsive #boilerplate. Skeleton is truly #mobile-first. Not only in terms of mobile web experience but also the code is written in CSS.
Read 5 tweets

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