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Dec 30th 2021
1/ Q: Case numbers are jumping QUICK! What should I be doing?

A: Share your gifts without sharing COVID. Helpful gestures come in many shapes.…

#Omicron #ThoseNerdyGirls
2/ One HUGE help: Cancel non-essential plans.

Unfortunately, this includes New Year’s Eve plans. The perfect storm of a new variant & holiday get-togethers is hitting communities & health care w/ FORCE! Testing is in short supply.
3/ Health care is under extreme pressure with surging cases. If you can avoid even one additional contact, you are helping. This is a temporary and urgent request (from a health care provider).

#MedTwitter #HCWs @IMPACT4HC
Read 10 tweets
Apr 16th 2021
1/ Q: Do we know more about whether the vaccines reduce transmission?

A: YES! Evidence continues to mount that the vaccines DO in fact reduce transmission.

2/ ➡️ While the Nerdy Girls are still dreaming of transmission being tested in the clinical trials (call us☎️), the data pouring in from around the world strongly suggests that the vaccines are very good (but not perfect) at reducing ALL infections & by extension transmission.
3/ Recall the clinical trials (largely) tested only participants who developed symptoms. One possibility is that vaccines reduce the severity of COVID-19 to the point of no symptoms, but still allow the virus to replicate in the nose and throat & potentially be spread to others.
Read 20 tweets
Jul 20th 2020
📣 Today we can report #somegoodnews for sustainability of our health system. THREAD.… Image
We are on a mission to make health care better, safer, and more affordable by transforming the health care delivery system in North Carolina.

Step 1: Change the way we pay for health care.
One of our goals is that, by 2023, every @BlueCrossNC member will have a Blue Premier provider that is accountable for their total cost of care and quality. Accountable care = better care, better experience, more efficient care.
Read 13 tweets
May 1st 2020
#SomeGoodNews For Lisa my daughter seen here with service dog Cleo some good news has often come with the bad. Diagnosed last year with primary progressive MS compromising her immune system bad news is she had to cancel a trip to Disney World for husband’s birthday before it ... Image
... was closed because of coronavirus. But newer good news is she recently learned she could work her full time job as a sign language interpreter between hearing & deaf at home instead of at her call center potentially exposed to coronavirus. Likewise via Zoom as an ordained ...
... minister she can hold services for the two churches she serves on weekends. Older bad news was she went suddenly deaf at age 30. But good news is when she was student teaching to be a music teacher she took a bus trip with a H.S. from WV to FL & two deaf students who ...
Read 13 tweets
Apr 7th 2020
Thread alert (1/7): Since April 1st, I have decided to walk my dog Charlie in a different costume every day.

Two questions have come my way:

1. Why do you have so many costumes?
2. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? Normally followed by WEIRDO.

The WHY is the important part. Image
Why? Because it makes people smile or laugh. Why? Because it's ridiculous. Why? Because in this weird crazy quarantine world, we all could use a smile or a laugh or a distraction from all of this.

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Why? Because I am not a nurse, a doctor, or someone working in a hospital putting the health of myself or my family at risk to save yours. Why? Because I am not someone working at the grocery or drug store so that you or your family have the food/medicine they need.

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Read 16 tweets

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