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Mar 21st 2023
Today, March 21 (or rather tonight) is the spring equinox 2023. I celebrate end of winter by starting this years count down of the 91 days until the summer solistice, documenting gardening and spring/pre summer progress.
This is what it looks like today …
#sarasspringcount23 ImageImageImageImage
90 days until the summer solstice!
It’s raining & I spend my time sewing a new sweater for my cat before tomorrow’s vet check up
My 1st garden addition arrived: 10 bare rooted sloe (thinking of you @eyebeams) soak in rainwater, waiting for decision on where…
#sarasspringcount23 ImageImage
Thursday March 23 & 89 days until the summer solstice
And it’s raining
+8°, so warm considering
Visit to the vet went well
Medicine prescription for itching/allergy &👍🏻 for overall condition
Here is the cat Alice waiting to see the skin specialist this morning
#sarasspringcount23 Image
Read 333 tweets
Jan 17th 2023
.@AgnesRunacher #SophieMourlon @IlaCasillo
J’ai été très heureuse de pouvoir énoncer les propositions de l’ACHED de vive voix auprès de vous à Metz.
Quelques précisions sur mon intervention de 120 secondes et nos échanges.
1/X Image
Dans le cahier d’acteur de l’ACHED contribué en février 2022, déjà notre proposition pour aider à la sobriété nationale

Le sujet du réseau électrique et de la distribution horaire européenne mentionné ici en novembre 2022… ImageImage
Je précise: la dernière étude publique 🇫🇷 #ADEME est sortie en 2010.

Elle incorporait une évaluation théorique des usages thermiques pour 2030.

Pour la partie éclairage c'était une mise à jour de l'étude de 2007.

Oui l'éclairage apparaissait gagnant, modestement, mais... ImageImage
Read 12 tweets
Sep 30th 2022
🗞 NEW study 🇪🇺

How do citizens engage with the EU?

Here’s the first empirical analysis of the use of existing EU participatory tools, plus a proposal on how to revamp them via randomly selected citizens advising the EU 🧵#cofoe… Image
1. After 70 years of integration, EU citizens largely marginalized in EU developments.

Yet they’re are entitled to “participate to the democratic life of the Union” since 2009, and to do so beyond elections…. Image
2. Contrary to conventional wisdom, the EU today provides a wide array of participatory opportunities to its citizens to engage with – and potentially influence – EU decision-making.

Yet they remain little known and little used. Image
Read 18 tweets
Jun 6th 2021
1. One yr ago we broadcast live to the UK to help #SaveTheArts & YOU donated 🤩
This year "all we are sayin' is buy advance tickets to gigs & shows.
It's @johnlennon #Imagine50 this year. Imagine life without our grassroots venues. Unthinkable!
2. #TheBeatles started out in grassroots venues & the most famous of them all, @cavernliverpool has kept us entertained during #lockdown While organisations like @musicvenuetrust @TheatresTrust
have worked tirelessly to save as many venues as possible.
3. Keeping #livemusic alive is more important now than ever. We're sure #JohnLennon would agree!
Venues have worked hard to reopen & make their spaces safe. We will do our bit by being there and performing!
All you have to do is buy advance tickets & enjoy the show!
Read 8 tweets
Aug 2nd 2020
To share what you wish you would have known years ago is to handover the chain of tokens, to the people, willing to unlock a better tomorrow. #giveback #NerdZen #TokensToZen #TheNerdsJourney
TokenToZen  #1:
Be Homo Ludens. Play is research. Innovation never stops playing. Put yourself in the players’ shoes. Our world needs true game changers. Be part of the action! #PlayYourDay #Gamification #SimonSinek #InfiniteGames #NerdZen #TokensToZen
TokenToZen #2:
If you ever got to choose what you will loose: Your Eyes or your Ears: How will you decide? A life without sight or a silent one? Choose wisely. Want a hint? Silence is consent? #DecisionMaking #MeaningfulConnections #NerdZen #TokensToZen
Read 52 tweets
Jun 10th 2019
It’s #Monday, I’m boozing it up at a 4 seat bar, the #barkeep is a long pourer, and I’m all fucking set if I get something stuck between my teeth.👇🙃 #RandomThoughts #drinking #OutAndAbout
Shooting the shit with a friend, she’s proud to be doing well with her plants - unusual for her.

The key was a #video explaining the benefits of pruning.

She needs REASONS. She got them.

Apparently, pruning in a particular manner stimulates growth hormones.
Of course, this led to me initiating a discussion about the #movie I just watched on Hulu, called “The German Doctor.”

The main character was Josef Mengele. #ThisHappened

People, this is why I’m known in my circles as “The Black Hole Of Conversation.” SMTH
Read 239 tweets

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