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Feb 2nd 2020
@DPJHodges Just read your piece.

Difficult to cut thru all YOUR hate, scorn & vitriol, but I discern the kernel of an idea — that people want to be respected & *feel* Remainers don't.

That's actually a fair point, but don't you think you'd convey it better if you didn't hate-coat it?
@DPJHodges Is it actually *true* Remainers don't respect Leavers, or is it just folk like you putting that narrative out there?

a) you prime your readers' reaction by starting with the word *bitter* & using a string of pejoratives (As BITTER REMOANERS RANT... FRUITCAKES & LOONIES)

@DPJHodges Was Campbell being "bitter" when he mocked a 50p coin? Or was he merely thinking, like millions of us, that the inscription felt rather at odds with "17 million F*** Offs" proponents of the #Brexit ideology pride themselves on giving to the EU?

Was that just you editorialising?
Read 17 tweets
Feb 13th 2019
I've tried to put in to words my feelings re Brexit and how it makes me feel as a foreigner. It has resulted in this 10-part brain dump of a story.

I'm aware there are many non-Brexit stories/issues out there but this is about me.
#comics #brexit #the3million #european #danish
Read 10 tweets
Apr 19th 2018
1/ Hard-right Brextremist liar @michaelgove has claimed that the UK has "the most liberal attitude to migration of an European country" on the radio today.

It's such an extraordinary lie.

Take refugees - per capita we take far fewer than loads of other European nations.
2/ Take bureaucracy. British immigration fees are amongst the highest in the world, let alone Europe.

Then the British government stands accused of rejecting applications on trivialities in order to rake in even more fees for the re-applications.…
3/ Take Theresa May's vile Faragist 'hostile environment' policy that created an environment so hostile that it ended up dehumanising denying work, social security & health, and even threatening imprisonment and deportation of British #Windrush citizens.…
Read 14 tweets

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